• 售出商品质量不符保证退款

    Goods are sold with money-back guarantee.


  • 商场对所有售出商品提供服务质量承担担保责任。

    We guarantee that the quality of the products we sold and the service we offered in our center.


  • 本店售出商品无论大小多少,一律给予美观牢固的包装

    Commodities sold by our store are in elegant and sturdy package, regardless of size and quantity involved.


  • 利润计算很简朴,指用总收进售出商品效力成本

    Gross profit is a it calculation of income minus the cost of the goods of services sold.


  • 多数情况下我们按FO B售出商品买进商品却按CIF价。

    In most cases we sell our goods on FOB while we buy on CIF basis.


  • 卖方承诺规定的条件规定的时间售出商品时,他就会发出

    Firm offers are make when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price and within a stated time.


  • 销售折让,是企业售出商品质量合格原因而售价上给予的减让

    The term "sales discounts and allowance" refers to the amount of reduction in the sales price as a result of the unqualified quality of the goods to be sold by an enterprise, or for other reasons.


  • 商场售出商品价格高于其他市场同一品牌同类商品价格,即消费者返还差价双倍

    We'll pay back twice to customers about the higher price. If the price of the same products in the same brand is higher than any other market.


  • 旅游团走去,黄金海岸售出商品及其价格清单传真发给姊妹店,悉尼马上提高羊皮价格,降低澳大利亚坚果价格。

    As the group heads south, the Gold Coast shop faxes a list of the products bought and the prices paid. In the Sydney shop, up goes the price of the sheepskins, down comes the price of macadamias.


  • 可从你售出每件商品获得10%的佣金

    You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.


  • 目前合作伙伴关系涉及处理生产阶段废料不涉及未售出商品

    At the moment, the partnership only addresses waste at the production stage and not unsold goods.


  • 据报道,一位投资者柏利公司的数据发表评论时感到很愤怒,因为这些售出商品销毁之前甚至没有提供投资者

    One investor commenting on the Burberry figures was reportedly outraged that the unsold goods were not even offered to investors before they were destroyed.


  • 如果确实一个专家而且你创造人们知悉真正价值,那么以合理费用售出这些商品就是容易的工作了,那样的话享受开心吧!

    If you're truly an expert, and you've created genuine value that people are aware of, delivering the goods for a reasonable fee will be the easiest task, so have fun!


  • 第二操作记录库存水平变化,此变化是由于商品售出新进货物引起的称为库存动向

    The second operation records a change in inventory levels, either because an item had been sold or new stock has arrived: this is called a stock movement.


  • 段示例代码将把 bigdog.products中的所有项目价格减少为 90%,实际业务环境这样做可以移动售出商品

    This example code reduces the prices of all old items in the bigdog.products table by 90 percent, which you might do in a real business environment to move merchandise that isn't selling.


  • 卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品

    Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods.


  • 是否应该受到浪费指责因为没有购买可接受保存时间最短商品从而增加它们无法被售出可能性

    Can I be accused of being wasteful by not purchasing items with the shortest acceptable shelf life, since I am increasing the likelihood that they remain unsold?


  • 某些情况下,沃尔玛库存管理工作交给供应商并且直到商品售出时刻沃尔玛才取得商品的所有权。

    In some cases it leaves stock management in the hands of its suppliers and does not take ownership of the products until the moment they are sold.


  • 如果销售商品收入数额便是销售货价格,而售出所在的时期进行确认。

    If you sell something, your revenue is the price at which you sold the item and it is recognized in the period in which the item was sold.


  • 一旦商品售出,他便计划“口袋钱包一个口袋揣护照前门走出”,然后看看下一次航班会载去往何地

    He said that once the sale has gone through, he plans to "walk out of his front door with his wallet in one pocket and his passport in the other," and see where the next plane takes him.


  • 出售商品即使溢价再低,售出去要好。

    Every item sold, even at the tiniest mark-up, is better than no sale at all.


  • 每月售出商品

    They sell two to three items per month.


  • 易趣公司2010年售出价值将近20亿美元商品通过智能手机tab-lets平台,是2009年整年销售额2倍

    The company sold almost $2 billion worth of goods via smartphones and tab-lets in 2010, more than double the total sales from 2009.


  • Waitrose表示,将明天开始执行的价格匹配计划,集团自有品牌强劲增长之后启动的,集团的自有品牌商品在09年3月开始上架销售,如今已经占集团销售额17%。

    The supermarket said the move, which starts tomorrow, follows strong growth in its own-branded goods, which were launched in March 2009 and now make up 17% of sales.


  • 商品售出,一律不可退货规定,使一些商店失去不少信誉

    The rule not allowing refund on goods sold has greatly injured the reputation of some stores.


  • 明年目标则开始一千万所房子建造(去年全国商品房的大致售出量)。

    Next year’s target is for work to begin on another 10m units (roughly the number of commercial housing units sold nationwide last year).


  • 特例特价商品售出质量问题不能退换

    You can't return specific merchandise without any quality problem.


  • 他们将来他们认为可能会有损失时候售出这批商品

    They would sell whenever they thought there was a prospect of future loss.


  • 他们将来他们认为可能会有损失时候售出这批商品

    They would sell whenever they thought there was a prospect of future loss.


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