• 努力失败后,他请求美国帮助实现哥伦比亚计划取得胜利。

    When he failed, he had asked the United States to help him defeat them with Plan Colombia.


  • 但是哥之间协议正式授权予美军训练机预警机,使其能在哥伦比亚计划范围内的反毒行动使用设施

    But the agreement will also formalise facilities for the American trainers and surveillance planes that help Colombian forces in anti-drug actions under plan Colombia.


  • 哥伦比亚今年表示计划其他南美国家一起南极洲建立基地

    Colombia said this year that it planned to join other South American nations with bases in Antarctica.


  • 2000年12个南美国家出台了一项地区性整合计划其中有33个项目地点位于哥伦比亚这个美洲战略十字路口

    In 2000 the 12 South American countries launched a regional integration plan that included 33 projects in Colombia, a strategic crossroads in the Americas.


  • 有鉴于我们决定哥伦比亚计划着重照顾流离失所的儿童

    For this reason we decided that our programmes in Colombia should specifically focus on serving displaced children.


  • 哥伦比亚洪都拉斯墨西哥、尼加拉瓜等国有条件现金转移支付计划预防医疗服务使用率提高8 ~ 33个百分点。

    CCT programs have increased the use of preventive health care services in Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua by between 8 and 33 percentage points.


  • 孟加拉国资源稀缺的情况下,制定了有效沿海洪涝撤离计划哥伦比亚波哥大发现了一种增加建筑物抗震方法

    Bangladesh has created effective evacuation programs for coastal flooding with scant resources, and Bogota, Colombia, has found the means to greatly bolster buildings against earthquakes.


  • 这项计划使哥伦比亚车道道路长度变为原来两倍,继续升级波哥大机场重修铁路以及扩充船舶运输

    It would double the length of Colombia’s dual-carriageway roads, continue upgrading Bogotá’s airport, revive railways and expand shipping by boat.


  • 世界上最后一雄性纯种哥伦比亚盆地侏儒最近不幸死亡这致使美国实施个旨在试图拯救这种濒危物种免于灭绝的圈养繁殖计划的过程中,仅有只纯种的雌性侏儒兔尚存。

    The last male purebred Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has died, leaving just two females in a captive breeding program created to try to save the endangered species from extinction.


  • EvaristoIbama计划调查巴西渔民卷入组织犯罪行为的可能性,这些犯罪可能哥伦比亚有关。

    Evaristo said Ibama planned to investigate the possibility that Brazilian fishermen were involved in an organized criminal operation with ties to Colombia.


  • 本周四,世行启动全球伙伴计划——财富核算绿色会计计划,在6 -8个国家一方式开展试点印度哥伦比亚首先进行试点

    On Thursday, the World Bank will launch a global partnership to pilot this approach-known as wealth accounting or green accounting-in six to 10 countries, starting with India and Colombia.


  • 现在哥伦比亚盆地侏儒命运如何完全依靠于科学家们实施杂交繁育计划。 为了能最大程度地挽救物种,科学家让哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔与和自己关系紧密爱达荷侏儒兔进行杂交,让其血统延续下来。

    The fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related Idaho pygmy rabbit.


  • 2001年,生物学家道格拉斯县的一处偏远地区捕捉到了16这种侏儒,并从那时开始哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔圈养繁殖计划

    "Any time we lose a species it diminishes us all." Biologists captured 16 rabbits in a remote area of Douglas County in 2001 to start the captive breeding program.


  • 美国哥伦比亚大学主办地球现状高峰会探讨贫困气候变化之间联系并且呼吁有关各方针对两个问题采取新的全球性行动计划

    A summit on "the State of the Planet" hosted by Columbia University examined the link between poverty and climate change, and called for a new, global plan of action to deal with the two issues.


  • 自从2003年2月1哥伦比亚”号航天飞机返回地球途中解体爆炸以来,宇宙飞行进程出现延缓,而俄罗斯太空计划成为将宇航员送入空间站唯一方式

    Russia's space program has been the only way of getting astronauts to the station since the Columbia disintegrated as it returned to Earth on Feb. 1, 2003, sparking a suspension of shuttle flights.


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区当地推行了一项计划,起到了表率作用。不过虽然出发点很好,但是耗资高收效甚微

    Washington, DC, offers an example of a local programme with good intentions, high costs and limited efficacy.


  • 3阿波罗计划早期实验火灾14挑战者号哥伦比亚航天飞机失事牺牲

    Three perished in a fire during early testing for the Apollo programme and 14 died in the wreckage of the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia.


  • 计划成了航天飞机工程,最终1981年4月12结出硕果。哥伦比亚号航天飞机开始了首飞之旅,天后安全返回

    This plan became the space shuttle program and it came tofruition on April 12, 1981, when Columbialaunched on the first space shuttle mission, and returned safely two dayslater.


  • 这项计划使哥伦比亚车道道路长度变为原来两倍,继续升级波哥大机场重修铁路以及扩充船舶运输

    It would double the length of Colombia's dual-carriageway roads, continue upgrading Bogotá's airport, revive railways and expand shipping by boat.


  • 波兰哥伦比亚从此计划获得贷款

    Poland and Colombia are also seeking loans from the program.


  • 哥伦比亚”号航天飞机解体掀起一轮持续已久的有关美国航天计划是否明智争论

    The destruction of the space shuttle Columbia has precipitated another round in the long-standing debate over the wisdom of the US space program.


  • 警方官员迹象显示哥伦比亚反叛分子正在制订袭击计划但是他们补充说,他们已经采取了安全防范措施。

    Police officials there say there are signs Colombian rebels are planning attacks, but add security precautions are already in place.


  • 哥伦比亚国际雨布。有计划促进当地工匠劳动他们编织传统毛织品雨布,举行相关游行欢乐庆典

    Nobsa, Colombia: International poncho Day Designed to promote the work of local artisans who weave traditional wool ponchos, the parade and festival are a relatively new celebration.


  • 2001年,生物学家道格拉斯县偏远地区捕捉到了16这种侏儒,并从那时开始哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的圈养繁殖计划

    Any time we lose a species it diminishes us all. "Biologists captured 16 rabbits in a remote area of Douglas County in 2001 to start the captive breeding program."


  • 2001年,生物学家道格拉斯县偏远地区捕捉到了16这种侏儒,并从那时开始哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的圈养繁殖计划

    Any time we lose a species it diminishes us all. "Biologists captured 16 rabbits in a remote area of Douglas County in 2001 to start the captive breeding program."


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