• 我们相信新浪作为品牌广告最大平台受益持续增长市场

    We believe SINA, as the largest platform for brand advertising, will continue to benefit from the growing market.


  • 品牌将会自建购买加入消费者媒体平台

    Large brands will build, buy or join forces to create consumer media platforms.


  • 画面上排列着栗色轿车,分属于不同品牌出自同一个设计制造平台,所以外形看起来如出一辙

    It featured four maroon sedans, each from a different GM brand but built on the same engineering platform. All looked identical.


  • 所以,最大挑战提高车队成绩提高车队上镜率,赞助商明白这个平台可以提升他们的品牌知名度。

    So the challenge is to increase the team's performance to raise the team's exposure, so the sponsors realise the marketing value of this platform.


  • 多承租者承载平台表示服务应该允许订阅者用户提供采用唯一品牌专用身份验证入口

    The presentation services of a multi-tenant hosting platform should allow for the subscribers to provide their users with a dedicated entry point for authentication accompanied with a unique branding.


  • 微软可以引领其他品牌确保他们的智能手机支持各个平台软件的使用。

    Microsoft can take the lead by making sure their smartphones support applications from any platform.


  • 其他创业公司打造网络社区平台准备好创业时,可以在此开始搭建自己品牌网络。

    Build a network among other startup entrepreneurs and launch your own branded network when you're ready.


  • 过去一年里一些品牌四方游戏里使出浑身解数,比如地理定位平台尝试奖励活跃者社区有影响力用户制作客户标识

    The past year also saw some brands go full throttle on Foursquare's game-like geo-location platform, attempting to reward mayors and creating custom badges for the network's power users.


  • 雅虎他们平台允许开发者利用雅虎的Widget引擎开发电视widget,以用户推广他们的“品牌服务内容”。

    Says Yahoo, their platform allows developers to extend their "brand, services, and content" to new users by creating TV widgets using Yahoo's Widget Engine.


  • Ning -社会网络平台,允许使用自己的品牌包括会员资料事件列表甚至Facebook集成

    Ning -social networking platform and hosting that includes custom branding, member profiles, event listings, and even FacebookFacebook integration.


  • 有人可能会怀疑苹果气恼其实更多的在于,亚马逊借助苹果的品牌推动竞争对手Android智能手机平板电脑平台销售

    One may suspect that Apple is actually mostly peeved that Amazon is trying to leverage off Apple's own successful brand to push sales of a rival smartphone and tablet PC platform -- Android.


  • 媒体产业顾问Peter Kreisky认为,理想条件下,书报亭杂志成为一个品牌在iPad以及网页等平台实现盈利的手段。

    Ideally, says Peter Kreisky, a media consultant, the magazine on the news-stand would become a gateway to a brand that exists profitably on many different platforms, from the iPad to the web.


  • 多数猜测认为,苹果公司推出基于iSO平台的自主品牌触屏电视

    It has been widely-speculated Apple will launch its own brand of touchscreen televisions running its iOS platform.


  • ExpediaMedia团队可以让DMO通过多种渠道宣传自身品牌包括Expedia全球70多个分站,以及其它线下平台等,”Expedia表示。

    “The Expedia Media team offers destinations the ability to promote their brands across multiple channels, including Expedia’s more than 70 global sites, offline platforms and more, ” Expedia says.


  • 所有平台下发行的债券使用“多巨灾(Multicat)”品牌使用相同法律机制文件,而世行扮演组织者角色。

    All bonds issued under the platform will carry the MultiCat brand name and use a common legal structure and documentation, with the World Bank acting as arranger.


  • 6月推出新的社交服务网络不久许多公司包括Slate在内的几家在线杂志试图平台创建品牌简介”。

    Shortly after Google launched its new social network in June, many companiesincluding several online magazines, Slate among them—attempted to createbrand profileson the service.


  • 至于MySpace其中角色他们独特的优。因为平台拥有者掌握所有用户资料,他们任何人知道网络是“对于某种品牌安全”的用户

    As for MySpace's role in all this, they are in the unique position to know better than anyone (as the owner of the platform with all the user data) who the "brand-safe" users are within its network.


  • AdMob公司手机平台发布商出售文字旗帜广告;同时AdMob还追踪记录各品牌手机移动设备全球各地使用情况。

    AdMob sells text and banner ads to publishers on mobile platforms; as such, it tracks and measures which phones and mobile devices are used in which global regions.


  • AdMob公司手机平台发布商出售文字旗帜广告;同时AdMob还追踪记录各品牌手机移动设备全球各地的使用情况。

    AdMob sells text and banner ads to publishers on mobile platforms; as such, it tracks and measures which phones and mobile devices areused in which global regions.


  • 还有,无论品牌大小,公司都十分乐意支付这些费用,因为都了解消费者社会性媒体平台上对自己品牌的评价——如果可能的话,公司还想这些品牌讨论产生影响

    What's more, brands large and small willingly pay these rates, keen to understand what their customers are saying about them on social media sites — and perhaps influence those conversations.


  • 这个信息中心平台可以挂circleup的品牌名字,可以作为一个无牌子的服务添加到现有会员网站中来。

    The message center platform can either be branded as CircleUp or sold as a white label service that can be added to existing membership websites.


  • SocialFlow是一家媒体平台利用数据分析手段帮助各品牌了解发布Twitter消息最佳方式时段达到最好宣传效果。

    SocialFlow, a media platform that uses data analytics to show brands the best ways and times to Tweet to achieve maximum exposure, raised $7 million during its Series A round of funding.


  • 公司不是没有选择产品出众品牌能力强的公司,即使不依靠平台可以凭借自身成功

    And firms have some alternatives: those with outstanding products and a strong brand can try to forgo others' platforms, hoping that they succeed on their own.


  • Facebook平台上,品牌现实生活人与人沟通方式跟消费者的互动。

    Facebook helps marketers interact with people in the same way that people interact in real life.


  • 树立品牌、建立营销渠道的有效商业平台

    It's the most effective business platform for you to build a brand and trading road.


  • 长江三角洲人们通过这个平台可以购买和瞥见意大利品牌商品

    People living in the Yangtze River Delta can obtain a glimpse of various Italian brands through this window.


  • 长江三角洲人们通过这个平台可以购买和瞥见意大利品牌商品

    People living in the Yangtze River Delta can obtain a glimpse of various Italian brands through this window.


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