• 基于艺术展示需要,储存区域必须完全

    Water in the storage areas is absolutely excluded because of the presence of artworks.


  • 香港会展中心7号展厅内珍珠连排摆放,看似清仓拍卖而不奢华展示

    In Hall Seven of Hong Kong's Convention and Exhibition Center, table after table is stacked with strings of pearls, looking more like a rummage sale than a display of luxury and elegance.


  • 当代艺术空间不仅艺术品展示载体,应该包含居民多种公共活动日常生活的丰富的场所。

    A contemporary art space should not only served as a gallery, but also need to be a space that embodied multi-functional activity, and serve for more people.


  • 所以坚持举办奢华艺术展示员工解释道:“香奈儿生意”,说明展示会的意图远远不止一个。

    So her insistence on pushing ahead with the extravagant art exhibit, which one staff member describes as “just a big commercial for Chanel”, is a statement of intent in more ways than one.


  • 非常特别仍然偶尔牛皮纸制作它们独一无二的展示

    Very special books are still occasionally produced on vellum, but they are one-of-a-kind show pieces.


  • 一些化妆公司那里展示他们的

    A selection of cosmetic companies will be there to demonstrate their new products.


  • 为期15周的 Medway 成人教育课程之后,该博物馆自豪地展示了有关该地区特殊历史和传统的艺术

    Following a 15-week Medway Adult Education course, the Museum is proud to present artworks about the area's special history and traditions.


  • 弗吉尼亚州贾尔斯学校委员会已经将《展示学校移除

    In Giles County, Virginia, the school board has removed displays of the Ten Commandments from its schools.


  • 原本有些值得自豪展示这种想法使释怀

    I, too, could have something worthy of proud display, and the notion set me free.


  • 他们不再同模特电影明星一道展示自己金制卫浴手机时髦跑车

    Goodbye gold commodes, diamond-encrusted phones and sleek sports cars on show amid crowds of models and movies stars.


  • 他步行街上时,仿佛在“寻找自己心灵[爱的]中心”,意识原本一些值得自豪展示这种想法使心灵得到释放”。

    Walking the streets as thoughseeking out my own centre”, he realises thatI, too, could have something worthy of proud display, and the notion set me free.”


  • 15年前VivianHutcheson放弃一个好莱坞特效工作室展示的艺术——华丽粘土面具机会

    Fifteen years ago Vivian Hutcheson turned down a chance to show her artwork-ornate clay masks-to a Hollywood special effects studio.


  • 最近我们展示花瓶雕刻的完美结合——由TaniadaCruz独创假发花瓶。

    Recently we've shown you interesting combination of vase and sculpture - Original WIG vase by Tania da Cruz.


  • 作为EBAY站点上零售商和在线卖家,在该网站上出售52种来自香奈儿的手提包,腰带项链,戒指和鞋子.和那些货物一起展示一些独特的东西:来自香奈儿公司律师道歉函.奢侈公司指责HighFashionX出售假货,但是事实上的货物是货真价实的真.

    It also displays something even more exclusive: an apology from Chanel's lawyers. The luxury-goods firm had accused HighFashionX of selling fakes, but its wares were in fact all genuine.


  • 之前中国印度买家必须展示出对于本地区以外艺术兴趣——他们之前的日本买家一样。

    But before this happens Chinese and Indian buyers - like the Japanese before them - will have to demonstrate an interest in art from beyond their own regions.


  • 完成了一切同事展示最新蝴蝶收集

    After we finished this, my colleague showed me his latest butterfly collection.


  • 那些艺术家们石膏怀孕躯体上、在上面作画创作出艺术让你在家进里展示

    There are artists who will make a plaster cast of your pregnant torso paint it and create a work of art to display in your home.


  • 那些艺术家们石膏怀孕躯体上、在上面作画创作出艺术在家进里展示

    There are artists who will make a plaster cast of your pregnant torso, paint it, and create a work of art to display in your home.


  • 安德里亚是个展示也是功能项目

    Andrea is a showpiece as well as functional item.


  • 梳齐头发刷亮你的牙齿,每天洗或者淋浴一次,使用化妆修饰自己,扔掉那些毛衣展示你的形象,告诉大家在意你的外表。

    Brush or comb your hair, brush your teeth, take a bath or shower every day, put on some makeup, get rid of those old nasty sweats and put on an outfit that shows that you care about your appearance.


  • VIP一个传统艺术博览会没有卖点展示无法轻易移动的大型户外雕塑其他艺术

    VIP has one selling point that traditional art fairs cannot offer: it can show huge outdoor sculptures and other art that cannot be moved easily.


  • 即使是艺术兴趣不会注意公共场所展示现代艺术

    Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places.


  • 大多数拍卖行艺术销售过程公开化,出售中的展示公众面前

    The bulk of an auction house's art sales are public; the work goes on the block before an audience.


  • 2展示美术更改管理流程特殊步骤所有者以及生成关键文档

    Figure 2 shows the process flow for artwork change management, the owners of particular steps, and the critical documents that are produced.


  • 纪念商店整体设计保持一致原则,只是占用很少面积,主要用可移动家具展示

    The shop, which has to do with little floor space, receives new, flexible moveable furnishings for the presentation of products - aligned to the overall design principle.


  • 最大的空间用于展示尔姆格伦加里塞特所创造艺术

    The main space is used for fabricating artworks created by Mr. Elmgreen and Mr. Dragset.


  • 最大的空间用于展示尔姆格伦加里塞特所创造艺术

    The main space is used for fabricating artworks created by Mr. Elmgreen and Mr. Dragset.


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