• 蛋白质设计蛋白质结构预测紧密相关的。

    Structure prediction and protein design are closely related.


  • 摘要基因组蛋白质结构功能方面积累了海量数据

    Abstract : Massive data is accumulated in the aspects of genome, structure and function of protein.


  • 机器前所未有规模速度分析基因序列蛋白质结构

    The new machine also will be able to analyze gene sequence and protein structures in unprecedented scale and speed.


  • 脱水蛋白结构特征决定了其保护细胞生物膜蛋白质结构完整性稳定性方面具有重要作用。

    The structure of dehydrin maintains the stability and integrality of cell membranes and proteins. In this paper, we used wheat Zhengyin NO. 1. as the materials.


  • 相似性搜索解决重要生物学问题例如数据库扫描进化研究基因预测蛋白质结构预测的一种强大的方法

    Similarity searches are a powerful method for solving important biological problems such as database scanning, evolutionary studies, gene prediction, and protein structure prediction.


  • 2003年,预测到了DNA蛋白质测序分析成本下降蛋白质结构测定步伐加快(r . Carlson Biosecur . Bioterror . 1, 203 - 214; 2003)。

    In 2003, he projected the falling costs of sequencing and synthesis of DNA and proteins, and the accelerating pace of research into areas such as protein structure determination .


  • 人体重要许多蛋白质能够交联邻近蛋白质特别是那些赋予组织器官结构蛋白质

    More important for the body, many are also able to cross-link adjacent proteins, particularly ones that give structure to tissues and organs.


  • 也许听起来没有那么刺激有趣但是了解这些复杂蛋白质结构可以找到HIV癌症、老年痴呆症疟疾这样严重人类疾病治愈方法

    It may not sound terribly exciting, but learning the structures of these complex proteins can help researchers find cures for major human diseases such as HIV, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Malaria.


  • 蛋白质形状结构决定职能岗位

    A protein's shape (or structure) determines what it does, where it goes, and the molecules with which it interacts.


  • 我们现在一个代号为CASP9的游戏小组进行比赛主要比赛项目评估蛋白质预测方法未公布的蛋白质结构上实施的可行性。

    We are also currently competing with a Foldit team in CASP9, the main competition for evaluating protein structure prediction methods on unreleased protein structures.


  • 正常链接是可以热度酸度变化所破坏导致蛋白质失去结构

    The normal kind of bonds - disulphide bonds - can be broken by changes in heat and acidity, causing proteins to lose their 3d structure.


  • 即使我们抓住蛋白质折叠规律,下一步就是通过分析数百万蛋白质其它分子之间相互作用,预测细胞结构

    Even if we could solve protein-folding, the next stage would be to predict the structure of cells on the basis of the interactions of millions of proteins and other molecules.


  • 蛋白质X射线结构目录蛋白质结构类型自然状态下的折叠提供了有用信息有时这被称为结构基因组学

    X-ray structures of catalogs of proteins have also provided useful information on the types of protein structures, folds and domains found in nature; this is sometimes termed structural genomics.


  • 好的蛋白结构分辨率对于对于很多应用都非常重要的,包括限于虚拟筛选药物靶点对接程序蛋白质设计

    Better resolution is important for a number of applications, including but not limited to virtual screening of drug targets with docking procedures and protein design.


  • 这场生化芭蕾总指挥蛋白质、纳米大小的结构模块动力设备,它们控制一步反应速度时机

    The conductors of this biochemical ballet are the proteins, nano-size building blocks and machines that control the speed and timing of every reaction.


  • 奶酪蛋白质脂肪混合物加热蛋白质构成的网状结构破坏,本来固定在网状结构中的脂肪就会溢出。

    Cheese, as a combination of protein and fat, is a kind of emulsion, and heat disrupts the net of proteins that keep the fat trapped in the curd.


  • 蛋白质成分饮食结构包括多种富含蛋白质食物瘦肉家禽低脂乳制品

    A diet with a high protein content contains many protein-rich foods such as lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products.


  • 游戏还有入门练习可以把你做出来的蛋白质结构高分结构进行比较,这对于新手来说很有帮助。

    Introductory exercises and in-game aides like "peekaboo," which compares top-scoring solutions with yours, help novices get up to speed.


  • 另外结构中的某些主体结构氨基酸蛋白质只是近似细节缺失的。

    In addition, the positions of some of the proteins within the structure are approximate and detail is lacking on the amino-acid side chains hanging off the main structure.


  • 蛋白质生命组成物质机器,只有正确折叠形成三维结构才会具有活性

    Proteins, the building material and the machines of life, can only become active when they fold and take on a three-dimensional structure.


  • 研究蛋白质相应配体分子复合物的结构及配体与蛋白质相互作用阐明蛋白质结构功能、作用机制药物设计具有重要的指导意义

    The complex structure of protein and its ligand is important for clarifying the function and action mechanisms of protein and useful for drug design.


  • X射线穿过晶体:我们使用一个数学模型根据通过它们时产生的衍射测量观察蛋白质结构

    Sending X-rays through the crystal: Depending on how they diffract , a mathematical model is used to determine and observe the protein's structure.


  • 分子遗传学形成仰赖dna,RNA蛋白质结构功能研究成果

    Molecular genetics came to depend upon studies of the structure and function of DNA, RNA and protein.


  • 角蛋白毛发指甲羊毛羽毛皮肤里纤维性结构蛋白质

    Keratin: Fibrous structural protein of hair, nails, hooves, wool, feathers, and skin.


  • 简要介绍模拟退火算法遗传算法,人工神经网络图论算法在蛋白质结构预测中的应用

    The paper briefly introduces some modern optimum algorithms of simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, neural networks and graphic algorithms in and applied in prediction of protein structure.


  • 简要介绍模拟退火算法遗传算法,人工神经网络图论算法在蛋白质结构预测中的应用

    The paper briefly introduces some modern optimum algorithms of simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, neural networks and graphic algorithms in and applied in prediction of protein structure.


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