• 解梦微笑咬东西时人会露出牙齿因而它们象征着自信自我肯定

    MEANING: you show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, so they reflect how self-assured and assertive you feel.


  • 可以肯定随着各家公司直接比较各自设备市场,从而实现自我定位HTML5有望发挥关键性作用

    What's certain is that HTML5 will likely play a pivotal role as companies position themselves vis-a-vis each others' devices and marketplaces.


  • 不过可以肯定是,网络狂欢甜食过度并无差别:补救之法就是传统自我节制。

    Yet surely online bingeing is no different from eating too many sweets: its remedy is a matter of old-fashioned self-restraint.


  • 有一肯定你了解了自己自我中获得愉悦

    And one day - when you feel ready, when you can say that you have known yourself, taken delight and found Love in yourself.


  • 取而代之的是,微笑通过沉默抱歉同意看法”来表达你的自我肯定爱心

    Instead, smile and express your self-approval and love by saying nothing or saying, "I am sorry but I disagree with your opinion."


  • 肯定用羡慕眼光看待亨德尔对世间万物自我命运的掌控,满怀抱负通过热情洋溢英雄主义而努力目标

    that mastery over things and self to which [Beethoven] himself was aspiring, and which he was to achieve by an effort of impassioned heroism ...


  • 可以肯定的是,他们不是为了自我发现自我改造而踏上旅程即使这些都可能会发生

    To be sure, they did not take the journey primarily for self-discovery or self-transformation, even if all this could happen.


  • 通过可以肯定可视化自我催眠许多其他方法使梦想成真

    There is affirmation, visualization, self-hypnosis, and many other ways to make a dream come true.


  • 对于自身尊严肯定对于自我价值反省不仅体现了一种封建精神而且表达思维主体对于精神自由的重大期许。

    It affirms human dignity and reflects on the self value, which ont only embodies an antifeudal heart, but also gives expression to the pursuit of spiritual freedom.


  • 作为一种复杂认知任务情感活动作文过程肯定受到自我效能机制的影响。

    As a complicated perceivable task and sensibility activity, writing process must be affected by self-efficacy mechanism.


  • 存在一种巨大肯定不是否定,它自我平衡,包含所有关系部分时间里面

    Being is the vast affirmative, excluding negation, self-balanced, and swallowing up all relations, parts and times within itself.


  • 人们自我价值肯定重新发掘,对现有生存环境的不未来期望的一种反映与宣泄。

    This is people's affirmation and exploration of self value and their reflection of unwilling to endure the current living environment and their prospect for the future.


  • 相反令人注目地中国设法这次灾难转变一个自我肯定事件甚至是对恢复能力信心庆祝

    Remarkably instead, China has managed to turn this tragedy into an event of self-affirmation, and even celebration of its reborn competence and confidence.


  • 事实上,它给予个人最大的益处:当我倾听心声随心生活时,拥有快乐勇气激情,拥有无条件自我接纳肯定。 。

    As a matter of fact, the greatest benefit to me personally has been the joy, courage, passion, unconditional love and self acceptance I have come to know by listening and living from my Heart.


  • 寄托作者美好理想与自由生命精神向往追求,是对以作家自身为代表普天之下所有落拓文人自我价值的确认肯定

    It embodies the author's longing and pursue for his ideal, as well as the affirmation of the self- value of the author.


  • 结论患者言论反映了2型糖尿病自我血糖监测有效性作用临床上尚未肯定

    Conclusions Clinical uncertainty about the efficacy and role of blood glucose self monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes is mirrored in patients' own accounts.


  • 姐妹关系有时称作妇女联合体包括女性团体思想经历女性为中心自我肯定身份认同等。

    Sisterhood, sometimes called sorority, includes the idea and experience of female bonding, and the self-affirmation and identity discovered in a women-centered vision and definition of womanhood.


  • 积极自我对话——自信肯定、积极友好的方式对话——获得精力动力最好方式。

    Positive self-talk - talking to your self in a confident, reassuring, positive, and friendly way - is the best way to gain energy and motivation.


  • 人们自我价值肯定重新发掘,现有生存环境的不对未来期望的一种反映与宣泄。

    This is people's affirmation and exploration of self value and their reflection of unwilling to endure the current living environment an...


  • 经过自我肯定个体更加客观、公正地处理威胁自我认同群体认同的信息促进个体的成长。

    The participants who affirmed were more openness and objective to the threaten self-identity or group-identity information, promoting personal well-being.


  • 某种意义上,非常肯定说,我们每个赐予一个看不见盒子,里面装满孩子家庭朋友以及上帝无条件的

    In a very real sense, each of us as human beings have been given an invisible golden box filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family, friends and God.


  • 找寻能对我们智力观察力自我价值予以肯定环境工作人群远离那些无益的环境有害的人群。

    we seek out situations, jobs, and people that affirm our intelligence, perceptions, and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful, harmful, or demeaning to us.


  • 我们自我接纳肯定程度,令我们能够允许自己成长,允许自己为了我们改变去担当一定的风险

    To the degree that we can accept and value ourselves, we can allow ourselves to grow and take the risks for the changes we want to make.


  • 小说《他们眼睛上帝可以两个层面来解读——女性自我实现征程一种文化自我肯定的征程。

    Their Eyes Were Watching God can be read on two levelsa woman's journey towards self-fulfillment and a culture's journey towards self-affirmation.


  • 自我实现关于人类潜能本性及其发挥条件规律理论,是一种肯定人的积极向上、进取有为精神人格学说。

    Self actualization is the full play of potentiality, it did not emphasize the individualistic moral value or the pronouns of self, but the spirit of individual dev


  • 自我实现关于人类潜能本性及其发挥条件规律理论,是一种肯定人的积极向上、进取有为精神人格学说。

    Self actualization is the full play of potentiality, it did not emphasize the individualistic moral value or the pronouns of self, but the spirit of individual dev


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