• 许多妇女去看望波莉姨妈撒切尔夫人,设法安慰她们

    Many women visited Aunt Polly and Mrs. Thatcher and tried to comfort them.


  • 里根撒切尔私有行业重归荣耀主张也发挥作用

    The ideas of Reagan and Thatcher, bringing the private sector back to a place of honor, played a role.


  • 凯恩妈妈爸爸撒切尔卧室走进厨房后,他们坐在桌子旁

    When Kane's mother, father and Thatcher walk from the living room into the kitchen, they sit down at a table.


  • 许多妇女去看莉姨妈撒切尔夫人,安慰她俩,结果大家一齐哭个不停要比安慰人的话顶用。

    Many women visited Aunt Polly and Mrs. Thatcher and tried to comfort them. They cried with them, too, and that was still better than words.


  • 尽管麦当娜撒切尔夫人两个人之间的共同点很少但是她们现代妇女学习的强者典型因为她们都认为自己的职业理所当然的。

    They have little in common but Madonna and Margaret Thatcher are powerful role models for modern women, who are the first generation to take their careers for granted.


  • 撒切尔法官派人洞里传来希望鼓励信息他们没有带来喜悦。

    Judge Thatcher sent messages of hope and encouragement from the cave, but they conveyed no real cheer.


  • 撒切尔到达的时候,唐宁街挤满了祝贺者摄影师

    Downing Street was packed with well-wishers and photographers when Thatcher arrived.


  • 玛格丽特·撒切尔罗纳德·里根政策赢得冷战胜利,让可怕苏联到了历史尽头

    It was Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan whose policies won the Cold War and brought about the end of that monstrous blight on history, the Soviet Union.


  • 当前金融危机溯源里根·撒切尔时代核心思想提倡拥有住房、放宽金融监管强烈信奉市场

    The current financial crisis can be traced to three of the central ideas of the Reagan - Thatcher era: the promotion of home ownership, financial deregulation and a fervent faith in the market.


  • 支持保守主义者例如罗纳德·里根玛格丽特·撒切尔

    It has backed conservatives such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.


  • 撒切尔斯卡吉尔真是绝配,”

    "Thatcher and Scargill deserved each other, nobody else did," he says.


  • 也许钟爱粉红色裙装不是打高尔夫时所穿的长裤。然而谈及任何可能伤害到夫君的事情,就一点而言,她无疑(丹尼斯)撒切尔是一类的。

    She may favour pink skirt-suits over golfing trousers, but in her reluctance to say anything that might conceivably hurt her spouse she is unmistakably a (Denis) Thatcherite.


  • 不像温斯顿·丘吉尔玛格丽特·撒切尔通过斗争获得成功,敌我分明

    He has none of the quality, common to Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, that inclines politicians to seek greatness through combat, through bravery against foes and loyalty to friends.


  • 撒切尔夫人阿雅多拉似乎没有什么共同点,与教皇相比更是如此,然而几个看似迥异之间却有着一些微妙的联系

    Thatcher seems to have nothing in common with the ayatollah and Deng, and even less with the Pope. Yet there was something that connected these seemingly disparate people.


  • 格·丽特·撒切尔温斯顿·丘吉尔接近标准,但是他们喜欢通过午觉来补偿他们夜里消耗时间

    Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill come close to qualifying - but both were fond of taking afternoon naps to top up the few hours of rest they got at night.


  • 撒切尔夫人到达工厂工人安德丽亚·瑞斯·波罗格自己舞台屏幕上塑造的坚强女性形象,获得了观众的认可。

    From Margaret Thatcher to a Dagenham factory worker, Andrea Riseborough has earned a name for herself portraying headstrong women on stage and screen.


  • 布朗首相同盟至少可以安慰自己撒切尔夫人下台时,首相财政大臣难逃劫数。

    Mr Brown's companion could at least have found consolation in the fact that it took the departure of big beasts, namely the deputy prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer, to doom her.


  • 撒切尔夫人碧雅翠丝·波特(更多关于Beatrix Potter,参阅这里)所著《金吉尔皮科尔斯的故事》看作唯一值得商业书籍

    MARGARET THATCHER regarded Beatrix Potter's "Ginger and Pickles" as the only business book worth reading.


  • 令人惊讶的是撒切尔夫人一位亲密朋友撒切尔夫人早已料到这些侮辱街头庆祝活动

    Surprisingly, a close friend of Lady Thatcher said she would have considered the insults and the street parties being organised to mark her death as a 'remarkable tribute'.


  • 天晚上坟场费恩、贝琪撒切尔看到三个男人

    One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men.


  • 撒切尔喜欢显示权威套装蓬松衬衣珍珠项链以穿衣风格出名尤其是豹纹

    Thatcher favored power suits and puffy blouses, often accompanied by a pearl necklace. May is also known for her style, especially her leopard-print shoes.


  • 撒切尔夫人:继续奋斗不辜负英国人民信任期望实现我的信仰。

    MARGARET THATCHER: and I'll strive unceasingly to try to fulfill the trust and confidence that the British people have placed in me and the things in which I believe.


  • 汤姆路过撒切尔法官家时,看了贝基,法官几个朋友汤姆打开话匣子,个人半开玩笑地汤姆还愿愿意游。

    The Judge and some friends set Tom to talking, and some one asked him ironically if he wouldn't like to go to the cave again. Tom said he thought he wouldn't mind it.


  • 汤姆路过撒切尔法官家时,看了贝基,法官几个朋友汤姆打开话匣子,个人半开玩笑地汤姆还愿愿意游。

    The Judge and some friends set Tom to talking, and some one asked him ironically if he wouldn't like to go to the cave again. Tom said he thought he wouldn't mind it.


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