• 和平使这个国家历史翻开新的页。

    Peace marked a new dawn in the country's history.


  • 轰炸消息使和平希望全部破灭

    News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace.


  • 通过说服自己确实促进和平进一步使自己行为合理化

    He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.


  • 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.


  • 这场战斗使上周做出和平承诺失去意义

    The fighting made a nonsense of peace pledges made last week.


  • 新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响

    The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.


  • 正是教室里,每个关心尊重使孩子朝着成为和平缔造者迈进了一步

    It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empowers children to take a step forward toward becoming peacemakers.


  • 正是教室里,彼此关心尊重使孩子朝着成为和平缔造者的方向迈出了一步

    It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empower children to take a step forward toward becoming peacemakers.


  • 因为是个敏感的话题所以没有采用权威的看法。我们一起来想如何使生活这个必要部分和平发生

    Since it's a touchy subject, and I'm by no means an authority, let's brainstorm how to make this necessary part of life happen more peacefully.


  • 布朗巴马身上看到国际社会共同携手,使陷入停顿的中东和平进程重新启动机会

    In Barack Obama, Gordon Brown sees a new opportunity for the international community to join together and get the stalled Middle East peace process rolling again.


  • 和平交谈变得难以捉摸但是这些遭遇使专家们拼凑出了一份有关此人悲剧过去简介

    Peaceful contact proved elusive, but those encounters helped the agents stitch together a profile of a man with a calamitous past.


  • 哥伦比亚挑战包括确保和平使战员融入社会以及处理极端贫困巨大差异问题。

    For Colombia, the challenges include securing the peace, integrating former soldiers into society, and addressing extreme poverty and deep inequities.


  • 和平消息使一个人都高兴

    Cheer Everyone was cheered by the news that peace had come.


  • 但是其它41个(其中包括官方指定和平象征威斯康星州)猎人使鸠成为美国受欢迎猎鸟

    But hunters in 41 other states - including Wisconsin, where the bird is the officially designated symbol of peace - have made the mourning dove the most popular game bird in the United states.


  • 和平进程使北爱尔兰状况大为改善不是灵药

    The peace process has improved things greatly in Northern Ireland but it has not proved a panacea.


  • 时间,忙于试图使北爱和平进程重新步入正轨

    At the same time I was also occupied with trying to get the Northern Ireland peace process back on track.


  • 认为教会怎样尊重上帝创造使世界更仁善和平

    What do you think churches should be doing to honor God’s creation, and to make this a kinder and more peaceful world?


  • 和平协约初具雏形,勇气使之付诸实现?

    The contours of a peace deal are clear. But who has the courage to draw them?


  • 罗马通过使穷人更贫穷,来稳固和平

    The Romans maintained peace to a great extent by keeping the poor poor.


  • 还要恢复我们道义立场使美国再次成为向往自由渴望和平、渴望美好未来人们最后以及最好的圆梦之地。

    And I will restore our moral standing, so that America is once again that last, best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom, who long for lives of peace and who yearn for a better future.


  • 双方和平谈判使大约一百万冲突流离失所人们受到鼓舞离开难民营回去重建村庄

    Peace talks between the two sides have encouraged some of the 1m-odd people displaced by the conflict to leave their refugee camps and return to rebuild their villages.


  • 那年12月份签署代顿和平协议使作为外交官霍尔布鲁克声名鹊起。

    The Dayton peace accords, signed that December, sealed Mr Holbrooke's fame as a diplomat.


  • 你曾经发现一种激励孩子阅读,养花,使世界和平的方法吗?

    To make flowers grow? To create world peace?


  • 明显诚意完成和平进程并且认为选举中的大获全胜使责无旁贷地把这件事做好。

    It was clear that he wanted to complete the peace process and believed that his big election victory gave him a mandate to do so.


  • 埃及1979年签署戴维营协议使以色列相对弱小阿拉伯邻国难以开战使约旦以色列达成和平使巴勒斯坦人也尝试着循路而

    The treaty Egypt signed at Camp David in 1979 made it harder for Israel's smaller Arab neighbours to go to war, encouraging Jordan to conclude its own peace deal and Palestinians to try to do so.


  • 一受欢迎进展是否使巴人更接近以色列达成和平

    But does this welcome development bring them any closer to making peace with Israel?


  • 一受欢迎进展是否使巴人更接近以色列达成和平

    But does this welcome development bring them any closer to making peace with Israel?


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