• 工作保持警觉清醒关键的“运动

    The key to staying alert and awake on the job is to keep your chi moving.


  • 认为Swifter故事中,我们拥有产生突破性想法关键要素挫败感顿悟时刻纯粹努力工作

    In the story of the Swifter, he argues, we have the key elements in producing breakthrough ideas: frustration, moments of insight and sheer hard work.


  • 关键目标能够创造更高水平就业弱势群体提供基本社会保护措施置于复苏工作中心位置

    Its key objective is to place at the center of recovery efforts measures that would generate higher levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable.


  • 那些拥有准确可靠最新信息解决日常问题,解决他们工作社交家庭生活中的关键问题人,将可以生存成功

    Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their bus iness,social and family life, will survive and succeed.


  • 关注经典好莱坞工作系统出现两个关键影响因素声音出现纵向一体化商业理念

    It also focuses on the two key elements which influenced the emergence of the classic Hollywood studio system: the advent of sound and the business ideal of vertical integration.


  • 观察分析阶段对于帮助简化工作非常关键

    This observation and analysis stage is critical to helping make your job easier.


  • 通过这些课程,可以建立关键问题解决沟通能力,并且可以马上应用工作上。

    Along the way you might build key problem-solving and communication skills that you could put to work right away.


  • 关键找到一个方法工作保持有趣富有挑战性

    The key is to find a way to keep work interesting and challenging.


  • 这些障碍包括奖励分析结果发表不是奖励数据共享职业体系以及继续低估关键数据管理工作资金支持职业地位。

    These include professional structures that reward publication of analysis but not of data, and funding streams and career paths that continue to undervalue critical data management work.


  • 对于支持别名无法在其中工作某些命令组合,对命令参数支持非常关键

    The support for command-line arguments is key to supporting certain commands and combinations where an alias would be unable to work.


  • 总之成功关键理解工作不同文化下能力

    In all cases, the key to success is an ability to understand and work within different cultures.


  • 研究跟进寻找理想工作关键。相对于不怎么事先行动的人来说这就是优势

    Research and follow-up are key for dream-job seekers, but you've got an advantage over less proactive job seekers.


  • 关键在于做出正确决策,保证符合当前情景工作环境

    The key lies in taking a wise decision on what suits the current situation and the working environment.


  • 特别是RUP方法元素定义关键概念主要角色”、“工作产品任务”。

    Specifically, RUP defines the method elements as key concepts, and the main ones being "role," "work product," and "task."


  • Jazz平台技术预览WebUI包括几个关键的 Jazz组件包括工作、构建版本报告

    The web UI of the 0.6 release of the Jazz Platform covers a few key Jazz components, including work items, iteration plans, and reports.


  • 受欢迎关键问题工作家庭普通词语可能带来一些无关的搜索结果

    These are two of the most popular keywords, but the problem is that both "work" and "home" are common words that can bring up extraneous results.


  • 做出这类决策必须确定业务环境中发生常见工作负载关键流程收集最佳实践

    To make such decisions, you must identify the common workloads and key processes that take place in your business environment, and collect best practices.


  • 如果是在普通工作搜索引擎工作可能就要加入专业领域相关关键缩小搜索范围。

    If searching on a general jobs search engine, you'll likely need to add a keyword related you your field of expertise to narrow your search.


  • 雇佣技巧指出,专业性格取决是否能够找到工作关键,在面试中的出色表现获得工作关键因素

    Since hiring pros report professionalism and personality are key aspects of whether you get the job, acing an interview is a key ingredient to getting hired.


  • 做好本地搜索项艰难工作因为关键广告成本不断上升所以商家需要另辟蹊径

    Local search is hard work, but as keyword and advertisement costs continue to rise, marketers need to increase the conversion of their efforts.


  • 通常,那种水平收入需要固定正式职业工资保险,即稳定工作——中产阶级的另关键特点

    Usually, an income of that size requires regular, formal employment, with a salary and some benefits, that is, a steady job-another key middle-class characteristic.


  • 把重点放在前端其他关键的业务方面不仅仅是DBA工作

    It wanted to focus on the front end and other business-critical aspects rather than on DBA work.


  • 早期有效全球化工作全球化新兴以及业务需求成功关键所在

    Early and efficient globalization involvement is the key to success in globally emerging, on demand businesses.


  • 工作经验更好设备有效商业实践其他很多因素成功关键的。

    On-the-job experience, better equipment, more effective business practices, and many other factors will also be critical for success.


  • 卫生大会执行委员会结果关键主题我们获准许多领域内开展实施工作

    The key theme of the Health Assembly and Executive Board outcomes is that we have the green light for implementation in many areas.


  • 关键在于重点关注提升沟通激励因素这样才能带来工作效率的提高。

    The key is to work on the factors which foster communication and motivation thus leading to productivity.


  • 集群选择需要基于预期查询工作负载以便集群能够支持常见关键查询

    The choice of clustering columns needs to be based on the expected query workload so the clustering supports the most common and most critical queries.


  • 处理大量工件项目时,减少工作空间构建时间发布时间可能会关注一个关键领域

    Reducing workspace build time and publish time are one of the key areas that you can look at when you are dealing with a large number of artifacts and projects.


  • 处理大量工件项目时,减少工作空间构建时间发布时间可能会关注一个关键领域

    Reducing workspace build time and publish time are one of the key areas that you can look at when you are dealing with a large number of artifacts and projects.


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