• GUMMI一个好玩游戏现在可以非洲男孩女孩一样一起这个游戏了。

    GUMMI is a fun game and now you can play GUMMI, too, just like the boys and girls in Africa.


  • 女孩一样男孩们经历青春期的年龄也是一样的,最早的从11开始,大多数是从14岁开始进入青春期。

    Like girls, boys go through puberty at different ages. Some start puberty as early as age 11 and others at age 14.


  • 亚利桑那大学心理学家Noel Card同事2008年进行的项元分析显示在整个童年青春期男孩女孩一样会用到关系侵犯。

    A 2008 meta-analysis by psychologist Noel Card of the University of Arizona and his colleagues suggests that it is equally common in girls and boys across both childhood and adolescence.


  • 声音女孩一样温柔悦耳

    Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl's.


  • 大多数双胞胎一样两个女孩看起来大多数双胞胎不同是,贝蒂艾比共享同一个身体某些部位

    Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.


  • 年50岁的她在尼日利亚伊洛林的一所学校上学,学校里其他200名女孩一样穿着同样的粉红色裙子。

    Now fifty, she attends a school in Ilorin Nigeria, wearing the same pink dress as two hundred other girls at the school.


  • 安娜是个非常漂亮的女孩,有着她母亲一样的黑眼睛黑头发。

    Diana was a very pretty girl, with her mother's black eyes and hair.


  • 通过放慢快门女孩完全一样速度来移动相机,使的形象保持清晰明朗,其他一切都成为一片模糊

    By slowing down the shutter and moving the camera at exactly the same speed as the girl's face, she stays sharp, while everything else is a blur.


  • 男孩女孩出生那天起一样了,并且开始偏好不同玩具

    When boys and girls are born, they are already different, and they favour different toys from the beginning.


  • 最新的《绯闻女孩还是2007年开播一样充满戏剧化的剧情惊人的时刻

    The latest Gossip Girl episode was as full of drama and OMG moments as back when the show started in 2007.


  • 儿子但是震后很多人一样收养一个女孩

    Zhao has a son but, like many after the quake, he would like to adopt a girl.


  • 看到我女朋友紧握的手时,眼睛的颜色恢复蓝色接着她又像往常一样了笑树林,只是这次她自己右手了指,那儿出现了另外一个女孩的身影,她们向彼此走去,互相拥抱,手拉着手回头看了看我们,微笑并消失了。

    Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods.


  • 强调说如果不是医生这么警觉女孩孩子出生会遇到很多危险:“母亲一样,这名孩子可能接下来年沦为一名受害者。”

    He emphasised the risks to the girl's baby after it had been born if the doctors had not been so alert: "Like the mother, the baby could have ended up a victim for years to come."


  • 想知道其他男孩女孩一样感觉什么样

    But I have wondered what it would be like to walk and run like other boys and girls.


  • 人类历史上我们首次完全相同方式来抚养教育男孩女孩告诉他们他们是一样的,告诉他们男性女性一样能干

    For the first time in human history we are raising and educating boys and girls in identical ways, teaching them that they are the same and that each is as capable as the other.


  • 凯特在游艇上统一服装海军蓝夹克外加短袖衬衫不过其他女孩一样自己准备黑色或者蓝色的短裙

    Kate's official uniform was a navy blue jacket and polo shirt, but, like all the girls, she had to provide her own black or navy shorts.


  • 他们大学开学第二遇见保罗时候是个瘦骨如柴、喜好独处的,厌恶女孩他不喜欢饮酒体育一样

    When Pam discovered Paul, in their second week of college, he was a gaunt loner who was almost as disdainful of girls as he was of alcohol and sports.


  • 身材来说重要自己身材保持得很好,我知道要保持他们需要多大的付出自律所以如果一个女孩身材特别好,我就知道在生活上一定是一样人。

    A great body is important to me. I take care of my body and know the dedication and discipline it takes, so I can already tell the same thing about a girl if she has a nice body.


  • 在刚出生男孩儿女孩甲状腺一样的,到达青春期后,一切便起了变化

    Girls and boys start out with similarly sized thyroid cartilage, but this changes when they hit puberty.


  • 女孩男孩一样需要自己父亲

    Girls need their fathers as much as boys do.


  • 他们这位小女孩一样瓦砾堆之中无法自救如果官兵及时抢救他们这些人民生命岌岌可危受到死神压迫

    They and the little girl, in the rubble of the reactor can not help themselves, if not timely rescue of their officers and men, these people's lives will be at risk, by the death of oppression.


  • 据传卡夫卡女孩编写信件上花的时间心思其他作品上花的一样

    It is reported that he put as much time and care into creating these letters for the little girl as he did in other writings.


  • 看上去附带照片上的女孩一样

    He didn't look like he did in the photo that came with the open letter.


  • 那时,女孩很小就开始学习做饭缝纫编织清洗照顾孩子经常母亲一样照看她们的弟妹。

    Daughters were taught early to cook, sew, knit, launder and care for younger children, often serving as little mothers to their siblings.


  • 那时,女孩很小就开始学习做饭缝纫编织清洗照顾孩子经常母亲一样照看她们的弟妹。

    Daughters were taught early to cook, sew, knit, launder and care for younger children, often serving as little mothers to their siblings.


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