• 这个时候应该了解对话内容剧情

    By this time, you should have a good understanding of the dialogue and storyline.


  • 纪实剧情短片时长不得超过30分钟

    Maximum duration for a documentary or drama shorts may not exceed 30 minutes;


  • 虽然本关充满人物剧情变化行动路线相同的。

    Although the clearance is full of characters and plot changes, but the action line is the same.


  • 但是知道希腊章节不过是引导我们进入未来20年间循环往复的章节剧情转折引子罢了。

    But I know that the Greek chapter has only introduced us to the characters and plot twists that we'll see over and over in the next 20 years.


  • 《广告狂人如此受欢迎有前提,那就是人物和剧情可以发挥类似安全阀的作用。

    One of the premises of 'Mad Men' is that the behavior on the show is something of a safety valve.


  • 旋律节奏适时的协助,甚至引导著演员表现剧情的推展,又不至于喧宾夺主

    The rhythm and the melody not only complement the film but also lead the performances of the actors and the development of the story, without being overly used.


  • 曾不停地想象着同讨论各个角色剧情种种情形,”他,“我们从来没有进行过类似的谈话。

    I imagined we’d have all sorts of conversations about the characters, about the plot, ” he said. “But we never did.


  • 这种开放性所有作品特征就如一块块拼图片断难以捉摸的方式指示着领土剧情

    This openness is characteristic of all of my works, which like the pieces of a puzzle indicate terrains and scenarios in a fragmentary, elusive manner.


  • 曾不停地想象着同讨论各个角色剧情种种情形,”他,“我们从来没有进行过类似的谈话。”

    "I imagined we'd have all sorts of conversations about the characters, about the plot," he said. "But we never did."


  • 探》选集方式意味着将会不同演出阵容剧情,就FX剧集《美国恐怖故事》一样。

    True Detective's anthology format means the next season will feature a different cast of characters and a new story, like FX's American Horror story.


  • 我们电视时候,不需要思考,我们只需要着,沉溺于电视屏幕节目中的声音还有那些角色和剧情

    When we're watching it, we don't have to think, we just sit back passively while absorbing the bright lights and sounds, characters and plot lines.


  • 歌剧社会性题材人物形象剧情的真实简单旋律剧情紧密结合歌唱主体线条起伏跌宕优美动人旋律而著称

    His opera by social theme, character image and plot real simple, the melody and the plot close union, sings the main body line and the fluctuation unconstrained exquisite moving melody are famous.


  • 其他的IMDBABC的栏目里发帖子,在那里我遇见了许多好人他们帮助提供一些新发现剧情回顾片断。

    I still post over at IMDB, but this season I've been Posting over ABC Boards and I've met some really good people over there who help out with the site and contribute findings and screen caps etc.


  • 如果爱情文艺片剧情片的话电视电影院没什么差别,而且母亲泪流可能几个礼拜就会有线电视上播放了。

    With romances and dramas, it doesn’t really matter if you see them in the theater or on TV andMy Mother Cries a Riverwill probably be on cable TV within a few weeks anyway.


  • 必须古墓丽影:崛起》中享受的部分就是塑造了游戏剧情有着重大作用的角色正如其他对劳拉同样非常重要盟友朋友的角色一样。

    I'd have to say that what I enjoyed most about my work on Rise was portraying such a vital character to the game and story. As well as someone who is an important ally and friend to Lara.


  • 找到一个钦慕作家(我的康拉德),然后仿造他们剧情人物讲述自己的故事人们学习绘画仿制大师作品一样。

    Find an author you admire (mine was Conrad) and copy their plots and characters in order to tell your own story, just as people learn to draw and paint by copying the masters.


  • 好莱坞黄金时代,当时闻名电影常常巨星施展才华平台,剧情泪片使男女主演使尽浑身解数表现丰富情感。

    In Hollywood's golden age, the celebrated films of the day were often giant star vehicles, dramas and tearjerkers that let the leading men and women emote until the rafters fell down.


  • 这些插片广告极大地破坏剧情连贯性趣味性

    These fragmented ads spoil the fun and disturb the plot flow.


  • 就像出戏控制其中角色场景此时你可能根本知道剧情如何。

    With control, you try to rearrange the characters and setting in a play, but you don't even know the story yet.


  • 剧情熊猫潘迪生来具有智慧勇气注定拯救身处险境族群。

    In the story, Pandy is born with the gifts of wisdom and courage and is destined to save the endangered pandas.


  • 老套剧情可能会使一些观众感到乏味,但小史密斯成龙之间产生化学反应却为该片带来一些新鲜气息

    While the cliched plot may bore some audience members, the chemistry between Smith and Chan gives the film some fresh air.


  • 马克•维里拉优点之一使用了米高梅档案中的剧情讨论会撒尔伯格实际工作时剪影。

    Among the many virtues of Mark Vieira's biography is the use he makes of the story conferences preserved in the MGM archives and the glimpses they offer of the Thalberg touch in action.


  • 上映于1997年的美国剧情不羁夜》保罗托马斯安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)编剧导演

    Boogie Nights is a 1997 American drama film written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.


  • 你们胜过棒球! ”——《绝命毒师》主演布莱恩·克兰斯顿接受剧情最佳男主角奖妻子罗宾女儿泰勒说。

    "I love you more than baseball," Bryan Cranston, speaking to his wife, Robin, and daughter, Taylor, while accepting the award for lead actor in a drama, "Breaking Bad."


  • 没有人期待特立尼达多巴哥这样剧情

    Nobody expects such drama in Trinidad.


  • 剧中音乐(以及剧情都是Stone,ParkerLopez撰写)已然跻身于现今百老汇舞台最佳作品行列。

    The show's music (which, along with the story, was written by Stone, Parker and Lopez) is some of the best on the Broadway stage right now.


  • 典型适合每周电影”的类型剧情真实犯罪故事浪漫喜剧

    Example genres for "Movie of the Week" scripts are drama, true crime stories and romantic comedies.


  • 最新的《绯闻女孩还是2007年开播一样充满戏剧化剧情惊人的时刻

    The latest Gossip Girl episode was as full of drama and OMG moments as back when the show started in 2007.


  • 最新的《绯闻女孩还是2007年开播一样充满戏剧化剧情惊人的时刻

    The latest Gossip Girl episode was as full of drama and OMG moments as back when the show started in 2007.


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