• 2009年,国家地理研究员泽布·霍根捕鱼向导西班牙布罗托着一条135磅、83英寸长的六须巨(学名:Silurusglanis)。

    Hogan and a wels catfish (Silurus glanis) take a swim in Spain's Ebro River, 2009.


  • 国王客人——瑞典国王谈话

    He was talking to an important guest, the king of Sweden.


  • 活跃小型俱乐部里的实况演奏。柯川幸运地被高超的伴舞乐队指挥老师雇佣,他们是迈尔斯•戴维斯罗尼斯-蒙克。

    The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Col trane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and The lonious Monk.


  • 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛交情甚厚,在其影响下,麦格雷戈成为这种思想反对者科学管理权威。

    Close to Abraham Maslow, and greatly influenced by him, McGregor became a significant counter to the thinking and influence of scientific management.


  • 空间站指挥官米特里·德拉·特耶夫称,分别来自美国俄罗斯欧洲的六航天员将的“最前线”庆祝一天。

    Space station Commander Dmitry Kondratyev said his current six-person us, Russian and European crew would celebrate the holiday from the "front lines" in weightlessness.


  • 如果做决定欧元区17成员不是欧盟27来执行,那么的法国德国二奏将掌权

    If decisions can be taken by the 17 members of the euro zone, rather than the 27 of the eu, then the restored Franco-German duo might take charge.


  • 努力X,YZ方面的才华雇主。我很想听听符合条件的公司看法

    I am committed to finding an employer who would value my talents in X, y, and Z. I'd love your ideas about companies that might fit that bill.


  • 泽布·霍根泰国渔民2007年在泰国北部发现一条70磅4英尺长的鲿科鲶鱼(学名:Bagariusyarrelli) 。

    Zeb Hogan and a Thai fishermen find a 70-pound, 4-foot-long bagrid catfish (Bagarius yarrelli) in northern Thailand in 2007.


  • 结果表明电火花线切割单晶硅损伤主要杂质元素污染层、含有高密度弹性畸变层组成;

    The results show that the damaged layer of silicon cut by WEDM mainly appears massive impurity elements, remelted and elastic distortion with a high density dislocation.


  • 帮助关系始终都放在第一,把爱人的关系放在之下第二要的关系。

    Ask God to help you always keep your relationship with Him your top priority and your relationship with your spouse your next highest priority under that.


  • 客人共同搭乘一车。你应该让那客人坐在靠近路边的那一侧。

    You're entering a cab with an important guest. You position yourself so the guest is seated curbside.


  • 数量特征基因探测医学研究植物动物繁殖中起着十分的作用。

    Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping is the procedure for finding and locating QTLs, which is of importance in medical research, plant and animal breeding.


  • 得出基于后续使用期主荷载最大值分布0.95分作为桥梁评估荷载。

    The 0.95 fractiles of the maximum distributions of both overloaded trucks and normal vehicles are proposed as the evaluation loads of highway Bridges.


  • 图里、赫曼斯切斯特曼翻译规范理论家

    Toury, Hermans and Chesterman are three important translation norm theorists.


  • 星系NGC 3628扭曲形状黯淡潮汐表明,它狮子座星系旋涡星系成员M66M65由于引力而相互作用着。

    The distorted shape and faint tidal tail suggest that NGC 3628 is interacting gravitationally with the other spiral galaxies in the Leo triplet, M66 and M65.


  • 词义个体特征性的表现,是语言因素语言自身因素共同作用结果

    It is also the result of interaction between amount factors of external language and language itself.


  • 研究了选煤工艺介质密度系统动态特性,液密度多变量模糊控制方法

    The dynamic properties of density and level system of heavy medium suspension in heavy media coal processing are analyzed, and the multivariable fuzzy control system of level and density is studied.


  • 自动原理是在滚刀工件轴上加装光电编码器,合理设置各轴光电编码器零信号各自机械位重合。

    By installing two photoelectric encoders on the hob axis and workpiece axis, the zero position signals of photoelectric encoders coincident with each mechanical zero of two axis is reasonably set.


  • 第一客户查理天使》的主演费拉·福赛特凯特·杰克逊

    His first major clients included Charlie's Angels Farrah Fawcett and Kate Jackson.


  • 感觉如何努力X,YZ方面的才华雇主

    How does that feel?. I am committed to finding an employer who would value my talents in X, y, and Z.


  • 结果显示,从接触复合核形成的过程中,颈部自由度径向自由度可能会同时遇到由于内侧引起的熔合阻止。

    It appears that the neck and the radial degrees of freedom might both be hampered by an inner potential barrier on their path between the contact configuration to the compound nucleus.


  • 六个洗涤,包括时段清洗餐具,餐具,一般性,预漂洗

    The six wash cycles that you get with this KitchenAid dishwasher are one-hour wash, heavy duty, light, normal, ProWash and a rinse-only cycle.


  • 北欧执行董事正是因为推行责任底线领导 制而获得成功。

    One Nordic executive glories in the job title of director, accountability and triple-bottom-line leadership.


  • 第二刻画一类满足三项递归关系零点多项式序列零点零点数的关系

    In the second chapter, we characterize the relations between locations and multiplicities of zeros of a sequence of real-rooted polynomials defined by a three-term recurrence relation.


  • 第二刻画一类满足三项递归关系零点多项式序列零点零点数的关系

    In the second chapter, we characterize the relations between locations and multiplicities of zeros of a sequence of real-rooted polynomials defined by a three-term recurrence relation.


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