• 或者说自己真实想法:“从哪里什么关系?”

    Or do I say what I'm actually thinking: “What does that have to do with anything?


  • 网站利用包括百思Best Buy)、Crate&Barrel得宝(Home Depot)等在内5万家商店库存系统的数据,通过该网站顾客可以知道他们正在查找商品哪里存货

    The website taps into the inventory systems of more than 50,000 stores, including Best Buy , Crate & Barrel, and Home Depot, to let customers know where an item they're searching for is in stock.


  • 系列下一文章继续这个词汇表设计并指出哪里可以开始工具测试数据进行试验

    The next article in this series will continue the design of the vocabulary to a point where you can start experimenting with tools and test data.


  • 陌生人说话时候,可以问问他们哪里然后找到自己那个地方联系

    When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection with that place.


  • 可能是网页感到过于随意混乱。 访客感到好像他们知道哪里开始意味着他们可能会跳出网站其他地方口气。

    This leaves visitors feeling like they don’t know where to start, which means they might just skip your site entirely and move on to one where they have some breathing room.


  • 哪里获得支持灵感其他生食朋友

    Where do you find support, inspiration and other raw friends?


  • 所有这一切看起来似乎艰难现在似乎小家伙可能喜欢的而令你最尴尬难堪的问题是:“小婴儿哪里来的呢?”

    It all seemed pretty tough, but now your little one might be asking what seems like the most awkward and embarrassing of questions: "Where do babies come from?" Where indeed.


  • 哪里学习构造运用隐喻?

    Where do they learn to construct and manipulate metaphors?


  • 正在使用药物治疗糖尿病关节炎胆固醇高血压,请问中医可以治疗好这些多种症状吗?我可以从哪里得到帮助呢?

    I'm taking medication for diabetes, arthritis, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Can Chinese medicine help me with my many conditions? Where can I find the help I need?


  • 成功关键在于保持所有移动部件战略战术目标一致同时决定从哪里开始转换流程

    The key to success lay in determining where to start the transformation process while keeping all moving parts aligned to strategic and tactical goals.


  • 尝试执行一次恢复了解所需时间以及从哪里找到所有相关部分比如备份映像日志

    Practice a restore so you know how long it takes and where to find all relevant pieces such as backup images and logs.


  • 与之相反的是,不同的渠道格式找到相关过程信息,让个人很难记得从哪里获得信息。

    Conversely, trying to find relevant process information from disparate sources and formats makes it hard for individuals to remember where to retrieve that information from.


  • 知道这种气味从哪里我的祖母上了年纪姨妈姑妈那里闻到过这种气味,散发老年人居住房间走廊里味,令人窒息。

    I don't know what makes up this smell, which I recognize from grandmothers and elderly aunts, and which hangs in the rooms and halls of old-age homes like a curse.


  • 因此两种选择:,从哪里释放速度。

    So I have two choices: where I let it go and what velocity I give it.


  • 哪里她讲述为什么恐龙灭绝人类如何原始祖先进化来的,似乎听的全神贯注

    There, I would explain why the dinosaurs disappeared and how mankind evolved from our primitive forebears. She seemed rapt.


  • 比如给定一个DTD系统标识公共标识符,实体目录用于规定XML处理程序哪里加载dtd。

    For example, an entity catalog can be used to specify the location from which an XML processor loads a DTD, given the system and public identifiers for that DTD.


  • 波兰不多英语课程不过学会了,我多大了,我哪里一些

    The few lessons of English that I had taken in Poland gave me only a chance to say who I was, what I was, how old I was, where I was from, some courtesy phrases and nothing else.


  • 今天我们承担着巨大责任,我们需要退一步审视我们自己的生活看看从哪里如何带来更多

    The onus today is really on us to take a step back and look at our own lives and see where and how we can bring more peace in our life and in the world on an ongoing basis.


  • 社会学家顾某认为上海人并不在意别人来自哪里而是工作穿着教养方面来看的。

    Sociologist Gu believes that Shanghainese do not judge people based on where they come from but on how good they are at their job, how well they dress and how well bred they are.


  • Salinger宾西法尼亚车站出发:(书中)在做出哪里出生倒霉童年是个什么样子”的承诺58的位置,HoldenCaulfiled那个火车站出来,走向电话亭

    Salinger started with Pennsylvania Station58 pages after promising not to tellwhere I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, ” Holden Caulfield alights there and heads for a phone booth.


  • 我们怎样得到幸福哪里得到幸福,两个问题幸福本身一样重要

    How and where we derive our happiness from is just as important as the happiness itself.


  • 马路上流走又到了哪里——这种含有很多来自汽车城市街道污染物

    Where \ does the water go that runs off the roads, this water that contains so many pollutants from our cars and city streets?


  • 比如给定一个DTD(文档类型定义,Document Type Definition)系统标识公共标识符,实体目录(entity catalog)可用于规定XML处理程序哪里加载dtd。

    For example, you can use an entity catalog to specify the location from which an XML processor loads a Document Type Definition (DTD), given the system and public identifiers for that DTD.


  • 这些问题包括从哪里划定超过2000公里长的边界线如何分配石油

    Those issues also include where to draw the more than two-thousand-kilometer-long border and how to share oil money.


  • 其他美国人一样了n我们并不需要的东西,但是来不想这些东西从哪里的。

    We in the States buy so much stuff that we don't need, myself included, but we tend not to think about where it comes from.


  • 哪里得到有关IAQG已经发布的各项标准更多信息

    Where can I find more information about the IAQG and the standards it has published?


  • 眼神里带着猜疑打量,或许正在想,这些人哪里来?

    Look at me Suspiciousness in his eyes, maybe he is wondering where we are from.


  • 眼神里带着猜疑打量,或许正在想,这些人哪里来?

    Look at me Suspiciousness in his eyes, maybe he is wondering where we are from.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定