• 通常,比起拉丁美洲中东来,北美喜欢彼此间谈话距离远一点。

    Generally, North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East. (Line 35)


  • 现年89岁的Yosef北非裔和中东犹太当中很影响力,并且以前就曾有过这类攻击性的言辞:在2001年逾越节的布道中,阿拉伯称作毒蛇”,并号召以色列彻底消灭阿拉伯:“对阿拉伯太仁慈是不行,必须导弹彻底消灭他们,他们就是些该下地狱的邪恶之徒。”

    He has made similarly offensive comments before: He has referred to Arabs as "vipers," and in a 2001 sermon during the Jewish holiday of Passover, he called for Israel to "annihilate" Arabs.


  • 通过伊朗保持亲密关系并且支持巴勒斯坦,土耳其已经中东地区获得了影响力

    The country has gained influence in the Middle East by keeping cordial ties with Iran and standing up for the Palestinians.


  • 美国纳税——选民——会支持一次美国在阿拉伯中东地区的地面突袭吗?

    Will the American taxpayer-and voter-countenance yet another American land-based foray into the Arab Middle East?


  • 几个月来可怜巴勒斯坦发现他们成了中东地区“妥协派”强硬派”(拒绝承认以色列)之间拔河比赛的拉。这也并非第一如此了。

    In RECENT months the poor Palestinians have, not for the first time, found themselves used as the rope in the tug-of-war between the Middle East's "accommodationist" and "rejectionist" governments.


  • 近东中东地区,伊朗喜欢冰淇淋加入色利普粉——色利普粉将某种植物块茎熟后提取的物质。

    In the Near and Middle East, Iranians like their ice cream flavored with salep, an extract from a tuber which has been boiled.


  • 这些中东是持长期商业护照过来的;他们来这里大宗采购便宜衣服五金器具,大多数又飞迪拜,巴格达或者德黑兰然后半年后再回来做生意

    The Middle Easterners come on long-term business visas; after buying cheap clothes and hardware in bulk, most jet to Dubai, Baghdad or Tehran before returning for another six months of trade.


  • 一些指责石油输出国组织欧佩克,一些归咎于中东北非混乱局势,另一些则把矛头指向了投机商。

    Some blame the Organization of Petroleum Export Countries, the cartel known as OPEC, while others blame unrest in the Middle East and North Africa and still others blame market speculators.


  • 这位发言,E5欧洲中东等其他地区同样有售,今年晚些时候在北美推出(不过网络套餐运营商不同而不同)。

    She added that the E5 is also available in other regions, including Europe and the Middle East, and will be released in North America later this year (though service plans vary by operator).


  • 不过之前已经为了欧洲拉丁美洲的影响争斗不止冷战现在又在中东搅起了斗争的漩涡,犹太阿拉伯则卷入了漩涡的中央

    But the cold war, hitherto a fight for influence in Europe and Latin America, had now acquired a Middle Eastern axis, and Jews and Arabs were at its centre.


  • 欧洲(包括俄罗斯)购买了74%作品,来自美洲的买家购得17.7%的作品,亚洲中东地区买家共拍得8.3%作品。

    Europeans (including Russians) bought 74% of the lots, while 17.7% went to the Americas and 8.3% flew to Asia and the Middle East.


  • 大约95%伊拉克留在中东其中有200万置身处境困难的约旦叙利亚

    Some 95% of them have remained in the Middle East, including 2m in hard-pressed Jordan and Syria.


  • 中东北非营运协调员LindaStops告诉VOA说,这些通常社会福利援助项目所忽略。

    Operations Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Linda Stops, tells VOA these are people who have generally been overlooked by social welfare and aid programs.


  • 如今,一点二亿采用姿仅仅是因为他们没有厕所而另大部分亚洲中东部分欧洲采用蹲姿排便却是使用特殊设计马桶

    Today, 1.2 billion people squat because they simply don't have a toilet, while many, many more in Asia, the Middle East, and parts of Europe use toilets designed specifically for squatting.


  • 估计现在活着妇女女孩中1300万经受过FGM/C,她们主要分布非洲一些中东国家

    It is estimated that more than 130 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM/C, mainly in Africa and some Middle Eastern countries.


  • Kalki收到了大约200个回应来自印度欧洲美国中东,这些的职业包括医生工程师新闻工作者科学家教师生意

    Kalki says she had about 300 responses from men in India, Europe, the us and Middle East, including doctors, engineers, journalists, scientists, teachers and businessmen.


  • 此后某个时刻尼安德特祖先扩散欧洲中东中亚地区。

    At some point afterward, the ancestors of Neanderthals spread to Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.


  • 美国方面这项消息反应冷淡,美国欧盟希望中东地区陷入骚乱的当下,巴勒斯坦关上大门

    A - the United States has already reacted very coolly to the news, but neither it, nor the European Union, will want to shut the door on the Palestinians at a time of Middle East tumult.


  • 20个中东北非国家年轻调查报告今早公布厂。

    Well, a survey of young people in 20 Middle East and North African countries came out this morning.


  • 试用地中海贫血病被认为常见源于地中海岛屿亚洲中东远东

    Beta thalassaemia is seen most commonly in people who originate from Mediterranean Islands, Asia, Middle and the Far East.


  • 颜色图案符合中东喜好

    The colour and the design meet the Middle East people's taste.


  • 餐厅还供应当地最爱的食物,沙瓦玛(中东烤肉卷)法拉费丸子

    The restaurant serves other local favourites too, such as shawarma and falafel.


  • 2007/082008/09这两个销售年中欧洲出口销售得到了长足发展,运往非洲的船货增加中东地区也成为瞩目美国市场

    In the 2007/08 and 2008/09 marketing years, sales to Europe boomed. Shipments to Africa have increased and the Middle East has also become a noticeable market for the US.


  • 2007/082008/09这两个销售年中欧洲出口销售得到了长足发展,运往非洲的船货增加中东地区也成为瞩目美国市场

    In the 2007/08 and 2008/09 marketing years, sales to Europe boomed. Shipments to Africa have increased and the Middle East has also become a noticeable market for the US.


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