• 旅行带着孩子一个沉重手提箱真是寸步难行

    Travelling is difficult when you're encumbered with two small children and a heavy suitcase.


  • 陌生人松了一口气递给约瑟芬商业名片一个沉重棕色箱子

    Relieved, the stranger handed Josephine a business card and a heavy brown case.


  • 一个沉重背包迫使肌肉脊椎平衡那些不均的重量

    A heavy backpack forces the muscles and spine to balance the unequal weight.


  • 挎着一个沉重篮子包袱苔丝那些与她出生所在山谷分开的山峦走去。

    Carrying a heavy basket and bundle, Tess was walking towards the hills which divided her from the Vale, her place of birth.


  • 作为美国阿富汗巴基斯坦问题特使首次之旅带着一个沉重问题中途来到此地。

    He had come, midway through his inaugural tour as America's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, with a heavy question.


  • 印象中,听就钟情于迷幻即兴吉他重复沉重有力的节拍所构成的特殊曲调,但是我不是一个乐迷

    My first impression is that I love the tune, with some killer guitar riffs and some heavy beats, but I am not a fan of the vocals.


  • 看到把梳子想象到它的最初主人一个穿着低腰的衣服,留着露易丝·布鲁克斯式的短发从中世纪紧身衣、长袍沉重头髻得到解放的热忱欢快的女孩。

    Looking at the comb, I could imagine its first owner, a bright spirit in a dropped-waist dress and Louise Brooks Bob, reveling in her liberation from corsets, long gowns, and heavy hair buns.


  • 人们举起机甲沉重的机械,用臂上的GAU90瞄准一个正在靠近武装直升机。

    He and the hunters lift the heavy arm, aiming the GAU 90 at an approaching gunship.


  • 根据名为石油天然气王国游说小组5月4日发表调查,到目前为止已经给予了工业看涨的股市形势一个沉重冲击

    This has dealt a heavy blow to the industry's hitherto bullish mood, according to a survey published on May 4th by Oil &Gas UK, a lobby group.


  • 今天一天我们作为国家世界各地朋友一起沉重心情巨大的悲痛来铭记这个许多牵连其中家庭带来无法承受之损失时刻,”

    "Today is a day when we as a nation, along with our many friends around the world, mark with a heavy heart and great sadness this moment of unbearable loss for the many families involved," he said.


  • 结果北爱尔兰促进旅游业努力又遭受了一个沉重打击愿意一个到处是汽油弹,防爆燃烧的汽车地方旅游?

    As a result, efforts to build up tourism in Northern Ireland took another summertime hit: who would want to visit the land of the petrol bomb, the riot shield and the blazing car?


  • 问题委婉地问道德国接纳冷战期间孤立日渐贫困同胞美梦成真不管付出代价有多么沉重

    But doesn't that, I said politely, rather beg the question: Germany integrating their brethren, who'd been isolated and impoverished during the cold war, was a dream come true, whatever the cost.


  • 性能测试实现一个重要特点使用常规功能性集成测试用例但是采用大型测试数据沉重负载

    An important aspect of performance testing implementation is the usage of a regular functional and integration test case in connection with large test data sets and extensive loads.


  • 俄罗斯武器国家声誉一个沉重打击

    It would be a blow to the reputation of Russian weapons and the country, "Khristenko said."


  • 2003年2004年之间增加费用22个负担沉重国家除了一个之外增加了DOTS规划发现治疗的痰检阳性病例数量

    All but one of the 22 HBCs that increased spending between 2003 and 2004 also increased the number of new smear-positive cases that were detected and treated in DOTS programmes.


  • 如果那些负担沉重债务努力使收支相抵的处于一个更好的位置。

    If so you are much better placed than people who are burdened with excessive debts and who struggle to make ends meet.


  • 一个明智预算刺激可以帮助弥补需求中的不足负担沉重公司消费者可以使财务状况趋好。

    A well-judged budgetary stimulus would help fill the shortfall in demand while debt-laden firms and consumers get their finances in order.


  • 胜队新居带来一技术在美国影响力沉重钢筋混凝土漂移现场

    Katsumi of Team Arai helped bring this technique stateside and is a heavy influence on the RC Drift scene.


  • 透过彩特椅子一个通风吊灯使沉重橡木斯蒂克利桌子样式抽筋了。

    See-through Lucite chairs and an airy chandelier don't cramp the style of the heavy oak Stickley table.


  • 这个公园一个沉重选区离家出走者无家可归者,非常丰富多彩的所以我会公园提请画像的无家可归离家出走” 。

    This park had a heavy constituency of runaways and homeless, very colorful people, so I would go to the park and I would draw portraits of the homeless and runaways.


  • 这儿空气浑浊沉闷的,灯光没有;从一个小墙角里,飘来一阵沉重叹息急促的呼吸声。

    The air in this chamber was heavy and almost suffocating: no light was burning; but there was heavy sighing, and moaning in one corner.


  • 一个流行R&B曲目即将推出迷你专辑,配有优美的钢琴旋律沉重乐队安排悲伤歌词

    "Please" is a pop R&B track off of his upcoming mini-album and features a beautiful piano melody and a heavy orchestra arrangement that brings out the sadness of the lyrics.


  • 一个工作表现非常沉重大小粉碎粉碎细粉碎。

    It has a great crushing performance in the work of medium-size crushing, fine crushing and super fine crushing.


  • 一个先前的工作表明时间空间处于沉重限制时,可视化显示能够有效

    A previous work suggests that the visual presentation can be more effective when time and space are under heavy constraints.


  • 一个先前的工作表明时间空间处于沉重限制时,可视化显示能够有效

    A previous work suggests that the visual presentation can be more effective when time and space are under heavy constraints.


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