• 这些论文分别人物的形象、身世、性格思想命运结局诸方面进行探讨争鸣

    There were many articles studying on Miaoyu in academic circles. These articles approached and contended about the lady from different angles, such as her image, lot, disposition, thinking and ending.


  • 路易放在它前面月放在它的后面,①整个命运便全显现你面前。 这里又还有这么一个耐人寻味特点,就是开场是被结局紧跟着的。

    Place Louis in front and Brumaire behind, you have the whole destiny of the man, with this significant peculiarity, that the end treads close on the heels of the commencement.


  • 破坏自民党可能只是通向永恒结局方法:看到日本变成一个正常国家,更能控制自己命运

    Destroying the LDP may merely have been a means towards his abiding end: to see Japan become a more "normal" country, ie, more in control of its destiny.


  • 文章指出麦克白最终结局他自己自觉选择命运

    The paper points out that the final ending is the destiny chosen consciously by Macbeth himself.


  • 命运一次捉弄,无情结局一次次发生

    Again and again the fate of the fate of the ruthless outcome of the occurrence of time and again.


  • 很多时候很多事情走不到所希望结局,错不是,是时间命运

    In many cases, a lot of things, able to get the desired outcome, the wrong people, time is fate.


  • 命运中的结局究竟怎样

    The fate of you, I end what will happen?


  • 也许不过命运一个玩笑上帝云端眨了一眨眼所有结局都已经完全改变

    But fate might also arrived to open a joke, God only cloud in the blink of an eye blink, the outcome of all, it has not completely changed.


  • 红楼梦》则调动各种艺术手段,对人物命运故事结局进行隐或显预示总结,使全书笼罩一种浓烈悲剧象征意味。

    But a Dream of Red Mansions foretells and concludes vaguely or clearly the destiny of characters and the end of the story. Therefore, the whole story is permeated with a tragic and symbolic aura.


  • 有人命运并非我们所能掌控结局并不由我们自己决定。有更好的理解命运就在我心中。你只需鼓起勇气去面对

    There are those who say fate is something beyond our Command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.


  • 自己恋爱小说中的主人公几乎全部设置悲惨命运结局,他们要么身患疾病要么走向死亡,要么是两者兼而有之

    Zhang Ziping set a tragic end for almost all the characters in his love novels, either badly sick, or dead, or both.


  • 即使不能改变命运结局,但是我们可以改变对待命运态度,微笑的,勇敢的。

    Even though we can't change the ending of the fate, we can change the attitude towards fate, facing it smiley and bravely.


  • 命运无法改变的,结局会来临轮到的时候,欣然接受。

    Fate Cannot Be Changed. The End Comes, and when it finds me, I shall embrace it at last.


  • 知道的,追寻答案,前方的路无论还是错,结局喜还是选择命运终究逃不过。

    You should seek to some things unknown if no answer. whether the direction is right or not, with a sad or happy end, you're definite to select.


  • 如果上面所说诗歌命运的话,我们可能会追问灵感是从何处拖拉出来的呢,并且什么意义成就最后的完美结局呢?

    If this be indeed the office and destiny of poetry, we may well ask whence it draws its inspiration and by what means it accomplishes its high ends.


  • 这些建筑环境描写人物的性格、情感及其命运遭际结局紧紧地统一融合在一起

    The environmental description on the Grand View Garden knits tightly together with the characteristics, emotions.


  • 伊利灵魂象征它的英雄赫克托尔,赫克托尔是《伊利昂》中出场次数最多人物,是伊利昂战场上无可争议的核心人物,的悲剧结局已经决定性地宣告了伊利昂必将陷落的命运

    The soul and symbol of Iliad is the hero Hector who appears on the scene most frequently in The Iliad and is definitely the central figure on the battlefield of the Iliad.


  • 伊利灵魂象征它的英雄赫克托尔,赫克托尔是《伊利昂》中出场次数最多人物,是伊利昂战场上无可争议的核心人物,的悲剧结局已经决定性地宣告了伊利昂必将陷落的命运

    The soul and symbol of Iliad is the hero Hector who appears on the scene most frequently in The Iliad and is definitely the central figure on the battlefield of the Iliad.


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