• 牛津大学学习数学科学时,他得了重病使不能说话没有机器帮助就不能呼吸

    When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he became seriously ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe without the help of machines.


  • 些信息可以帮助科学家在未来发明一种简单的呼吸测试来检测癌症。

    The information could help scientists create a simple breath test for cancer in the future.


  • 卡门先生一个在生命科学呼吸技术里的男人迅速地理解为什么其他人一样感觉

    Mr Kamen is a man who lives science, breathes technology and can't quite understand why everyone else doesn't feel the same way.


  • 去年意大利科学研究中使用老鼠里,很多一直患有慢性呼吸疾病,按照欧盟专家小组的说法,才是令它们身上出现肿瘤最有可能原因

    Many of the rats in the study had suffered from chronic respiratory disease and the panel said that was the most likely cause of the tumors.


  • 通过研究大猩猩喘气呼呼声到人类哈哈”的笑声两者之间的转化,科学发现呼吸控制人类语音笑声出现关键所在

    By studying the transition between the panting of chimps and the human ha-ha, scientists discovered that breath control is the key to the emergence of both human laughter and speech.


  • 使得母亲可以出生后不久安全地新生儿举自己清洁呼吸”,科学文章解释道

    This allows the mother to "safely lift the infant towards her and clear its breath passage soon after the birth", the scientists explained in the paper.


  • 澳大利亚墨尔本科学家们血液流过动物并用换气扇打气筒帮助动物的肺存活呼吸”。

    Scientists in Melbourne, Australia, used a ventilator and pump to keep the animal lungs alive and "breathing" while human blood flowed in them.


  • 科学设计师们正在研究一种衣服具有监测身体呼吸系统心跳温度控制加以回应从而改变健康状况情绪能力

    Scientists and designers are researching clothing that has the capacity to monitor the body's respiratory system, heartbeat and temperature controls and respond to alter your health or mood.


  • 事实上呼吸只是身心放松科学证明,深呼吸同时影响心脏大脑消化系统以及免疫系统——甚至影响基因表达

    As it turns out, deep breathing is not only relaxing, it's been scientifically proven to affect the heart, the brain, digestion, the immune system - and maybe even the expression of genes.


  • 以色列科学他们发现通过测试人们呼吸来发现肺癌症状方法。

    Scientists in Israel say they've developed a way to test people's breath for signs of lung cancer.


  • 科学认为正是这个蛋白使得杂交病毒呼吸低温环境中更易生长呼吸道,病毒可以更易传播其他宿主。

    Scientists think the protein may allow hybrid viruses to grow more efficiently in the lower temperatures of the upper respiratory tract, from which the virus can more easily spread to others.


  • 但是虽然科学发现果子狸将严重急性呼吸综合征传给人类,但2005年,有关严重急性呼吸道综合征起源谜团才被解开。

    But while scientific findings showed that civet cats transmitted SARS to humans, it was not until 2005 that the mystery about SARS 'origins was solved.


  • 科学认为这个呼吸试验尤其头颈部确诊为癌症晚期患者有用

    Scientists believe the breath test could be especially useful for patients with head-and-neck cancers which are often diagnosed late.


  • 科学认为全科医师未来手术可能采取测验呼吸简单办法来诊断癌症

    It may be possible to devise a simple breath test for cancer that could be made available in a GP's surgery, scientists believe.


  • 最后科学家们明白我们呼吸的空气分子到底经历了什么变化,借此找到健康防护方向

    In the end, scientists want to know exactly what's going on with the molecules that we breathe - and they hope this information will help us find new ways to protect our health.


  • 科学发现恐龙拥有共同祖先短吻鳄采用鸟类高效呼吸方式

    Scientists found that a method of high-efficiency breathing used by birds is also employed by today's alligators, which share a common ancestor with dinosaurs.


  • 剑桥大学披露,英国著名科学霍金教授日前因为呼吸系统问题而入院经过治疗,霍金教授的病情已有好转

    Leading scientist Stephen Hawking's condition has "improved" after being admitted to hospital with chest problems, Cambridge University says.


  • 呼吸控制科学

    It is the science of breath control.


  • 目的分析152例严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)相关病例诊治情况,更好地防治SARS提供科学依据。

    Objective to analyze 152 correlative cases of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), to provide scientific basis for SARS prevention and cure.


  • 科学它们呼吸空气毒性极大杀死其它任何哺乳动物引起不可逆转损伤

    The air they breathe is so toxic that it would kill or lead to irreversible brain damage in any other mammal, the scientists said.


  • 瑜伽呼吸科学,是健康科学,是古老的生活科学

    Yoga is a science of breathing, is a science of health, is the oldest science of life.


  • 德国伊朗科学发明枕头,可借渐渐改变睡眠所摆放的姿势,而恢复正常呼吸状态

    An Iranian scientist in Germany has invented a pillow that stops snoring by gradually shifting the person's head position until normal breathing is resumed.


  • 科学就像呼吸空气- - - - -无处不在

    Science is somewhat like the air you breathe in — it is everywhere.


  • 斯坦福大学科学建议一个舒适的枕头,这样就可以减少呼吸方面的困难,从而避免睡眠受到打断

    Scientists at Stanford University have suggested that a more supportive pillow can reduce the breathing difficulties that can interrupt your snoozing.


  • 斯坦福大学科学建议一个舒适的枕头,这样就可以减少呼吸方面的困难,从而避免睡眠受到打断

    Scientists at Stanford University have suggested that a more supportive pillow can reduce the breathing difficulties that can interrupt your snoozing.


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