• 环顾四周,看到用作画室蕾露的工作室半圆拱形活动房屋邻近烧窑光滑大理石的广阔区域没有放置任何人造物品

    She looked around at the Quonset hut I used for a studio, Raylou's work shed and adjacent kiln, the clear expanse of smooth granite where nothing man-made was standing.


  • 通常情况下,保存密封容器中的酒精完全挥发需要大约四周有时可能需耗费长达三个的时

    It usually takes around four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container - although in some cases it could be three months.


  • 兰格博士一位心理学家突然年龄较大母亲四周充满了年轻暗示包括那些年轻母亲她们孩子

    Dr Langer, a psychologist, said: 'Suddenly the older mother's world is surrounded by younger cues, including younger mothers and their young children.


  • 20098月起,外国雇员可以中止与巴林雇主的雇佣关系,在被迫离开巴林之前会获得四周寻找工作

    Since August 2009 it has also allowed foreigners to quit their sponsoring employer, giving them four weeks to find a new job before they must leave Bahrain.


  • 高悬,让床下面神奇地变成一个私人储藏(尽管有些奇怪)。这个本身可以通过四周滑轮手动上升下降

    The raised bed creates an intimate (if strange) gathering space below it and the bed itself can be raised or lowered manually via a series of pulleys mounted in the corners of the room.


  • 今年秋季开始,聘用欧洲技术短缺职位广告得刊登四周不是目前

    From this autumn, shortage occupation jobs will have to advertised for four weeks rather than the current two before they can be filled by non-European skilled workers.


  • 直到十六世纪球拍问世,而此时网球已贵族蔚为风行,比赛场地四周也隔起来。

    Rackets weren't developed until the sixteenth century, when the game became popular among aristocrats and was played in a walled court.


  • 密闭容器完全蒸干液滴,需要耗费四周制作这些图片的整个过程,需要耗费3个月

    It can take up to four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container, and the whole process can take up to three months.


  • 一家人居住四周大树房子里。

    One family lived in a house with very tall trees all around.


  • 根据最新商业数据显示,MySpace今年一月到二月失去了1000万用户,在大约四周7300万减少6300万。

    According to the latest comScore figures, MySpace lost 10 million unique users between January and February of this year, going form 73 million to 63 million in a matter of four weeks.


  • 了大概两三的时阅读全面研究然后很快完了……一共用了大约四周

    Well, I spend about two or three weeks reading and doing general research and then I dashed the writing off very quickty…so about four weeks in all.


  • 只因一时兴起而步入画廊环顾四周

    Walk into a gallery, just on a whim, and look around.


  • 营业厅二楼大厅四周陈列泰式古董雕花器皿

    The main restaurant is a large room on the first floor, full of Thai curios and carvings.


  • 平的四周来说一个特别好的机会因为可以集中精力工作我们可以专心致志地投入到艺术创作工作中去。

    This four week period in Fuping has been a very special opportunity for me to work intensively and concentrate to my own artistic work.


  • 光是头发整整四周,”娜塔莉,“还希望洋娃娃的肤色真人最接近,所以又给了27特制涂料。”

    All in all it took me four weeks just to get his hair right, ' Natalie said. 'And I wanted to get his skin tone just right, which took 27 layers of specialist paint.


  • 酒店大楼低层建筑共有414客房﹐俯瞰四周游泳池大海

    The hotel has a total of414rooms housed in low-rise buildings overlooking the various pools and the surrounding sea.


  • 洗漱台边玉立发财树,亭亭盖,顷刻暖和四周每个冰冷角落

    One of the Yu Li side the stage that wash gargle gets rich tree, if erect is built, all round the warmth between instantly every frozen corner.


  • 欧塞尔球员现在四周田径教练一起

    The former Auxerre player will now spend four weeks with the track and field trainer.


  • 由于每个人都大学四周找到公寓,所以那个地区几乎没有空房。

    Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few vacant apartments in the area.


  • 皇宫四周高大白色宫墙堡垒宫门宫殿

    The palace surrounded by a tall white walls, there fortress, palace and the palace.


  • 穿着水靴,从水泥板破碎走过,四周粘稠发臭淤泥,那里曾经是他们的家园

    I cross concrete slabs of what were once homes and crushed dinner plates with my wading boots, thick and smelly with mud.


  • 突然魔术师停下了脚步,往四周看了看,并没有发现任何人。

    Suddenly, the magician stopped, and looked around. There was nobody there.


  • 留意住的酒店附近十分破烂地区,竟然可以这麽一五星级酒店,四周的设施配套与这所酒店完全不配合

    I noticed that there was a very worn-down neighborhood near my hotel and yet they could have a five-star hotel in the area! Everything around the hotel did not match what the hotel offered.


  • 立面上垂直楼梯利用原木质感来调合四周的树干和树枝。

    The strong vertical orientation of the stairs and the slot windows, formed in timber, sit within the silhouette of the tree trunks and branches.


  • 环顾四周有无散落的衣架在地板上卫生衣柜里收集起标准配置多余的衣架

    Look around the room for any hangers lying on the floor, in the bathroom or by the closet door. Collect that extra hanger other than the standard.


  • 环顾四周有无散落的衣架在地板上卫生衣柜里收集起标准配置多余的衣架

    Look around the room for any hangers lying on the floor, in the bathroom or by the closet door. Collect that extra hanger other than the standard.


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