• 袭击通常发生周五周六晚上,在市中心酒吧附近

    Assaults often occur on Friday and Saturday nights, near the bars downtown.


  • 他们每周周五周六回去喝酒小放肆一下。

    They’d get drunk and braver two nights a week, Fridays and Saturdays.


  • 并且大多数这些眼睛也只是周五周六晚上才出现

    And most of those eyes turn up on Friday and Saturday nights.


  • 人们认为他们经历最好情绪的时段周五周六早上晚上

    People thought their best moods were experienced on Friday and Saturday mornings and evenings.


  • 周五周六火炬传递留在上海然后去往邻近江苏省

    The torch was to remain in Shanghai on Friday and Saturday, and then travel on to neighboring Jiangsu province.


  • 周五周六采访中平静,他更乐意解释他的所作所为。

    During the interview on Friday and Saturday, he was calm and he was more than willing to explain himself about the things he had done.


  • 周一并不想象的那么郁闷,周五周六并非预测的那么兴奋

    Mondays were not as depressing as they had feared and Fridays and Saturdays were not as exciting as predicted.


  • 周五周六迫不及待当地人打成一片,男孩子准备好了你。

    Friday and Saturday, you can't wait to mix and mingle with the locals, and boy, are they ready to meet you.


  • 好的约翰先生已经在下周周五周六预订了一间无烟双人到时候

    Ok, John. I've reserved a non-smoking double room for you next Friday and Saturday night. We'll see you then!


  • 周五周六兴奋的白羊座月亮点亮代表伴侣7宫,从而增强了你与别人相互作用

    The excitable Aries Moon lights up your 7th House of Partners on Friday and Saturday to intensify your interactions with others.


  • 在被问及为何觉得周五周六最开心受访者他们觉得这两天比较放松,可以自由支配自己时间

    When asked why they believed that Friday and Saturday were best, respondents said they saw them as less-structured days when they could choose how to spend their time.


  • 问到他们为什么觉得周五周六心情最好时,受访者,他们这两可以稍稍放松,可以自由支配自己时间

    When asked why they believed that Friday and Saturday were best, respondents said they saw them as less-structured days when they could choose how to spend their time.


  • 周五周六已经开创新天地做好了充分的准备,尤其意味着再次好朋友们一起参加一些当地的活动。

    Friday and Saturday, you're ready to expand your horizons, especially if that means joining up again with your friends and some local happenings.


  • 周五周六反冲的最佳时机所以记得要浏览些报纸网站以及你的经纪人询问一下最新发生的具有影响力的大事件。

    Friday and Saturday are prime for kicking up your heels, so scan newspapers, web sites or ask your concierge for the latest and greatest happenings.


  • 每个周三周五周六,盖瑟斯堡Canela 糕点房(以前叫做Cazuela 糕点房)的至少打这种甜品放到Bethesda市场的摊位上。

    Each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, the owner of Canela Bakery in Gaithersburg (formerly Cazuela Bakery) sends at least a half-dozen to the stand she rents in the Bethesda market.


  • 八月二十二十一日,也就是周五周六早七点下午五点工作人员关闭所有SR 530路段的通道OSOloop入口之间太阳能道钉安装在高速公路中心线位置

    Crews will close all lanes of SR 530 from 7am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, between both entrances to Oso Loop Road to install the solar studs in the centerline of the highway.


  • 这种做法有点变态。根据标注,罗塞利周五晚上一位女士共进甜点周六早上参加慈善单车巡游。

    That's really geeky, but according to his check-ins, Roselli spent Friday night having dessert with a woman and Saturday morning on a charity bike ride.


  • 美国宇航局周五周六周日有发射的机会

    Nasa has Friday, Saturday and Sunday available to make an ascent.


  • 例如周一周五工作员工必须周六周日休息

    For example, an employee who works on Monday to Friday must be off on Saturday and Sunday.


  • 经常周五周六大享冰淇淋披萨KFC美味

    I usually do these on a Friday or a Saturday where I fill myself up with ice cream, pizzas and KFC. Yummy!


  • 那些阳春白雪机构倾向拥有那些数量少的精选出来的客户,并且通常是通过提供折扣周五周六晚上推迟打烊,设法持续扩大他们的吸引力

    Such highbrow outfits tend to have small, select clienteles and are constantly trying to broaden their appeal, often by offering discounts and staying open late on Friday and Saturday nights.


  • 伦敦人已经周五汽车炸弹事件周六格拉斯哥机场事件搅得心神不宁了,本周报道地铁脱轨再次绷紧了他们的神经。

    Londoners, rocked by last Friday's car bomb discoveries and Saturday's attack on the airport in Glasgow, are on edge again, with a subway train derailment reported Thursday morning.


  • 每个周五晚上周六早晨他们一名年轻的,说着一口流利普通话的以色列籍年轻人召集一起,此人同时还肩负着留意每个进入的的责任。

    On Friday evenings and Saturday mornings they are joined by a young Israeli, a Mandarin-speaker, who keeps an eye on those coming in and out.


  • 周六FDA告诫消费者停止使用婴幼儿液体布洛芬,泰诺,盐酸苯海拉明糖浆仙特明等药品,这些药品在周五范围责令召回

    On Saturday, the FDA urged consumers to stop using liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Zyrtec for children and infants after a broad recall late on Friday.


  • 我们周五晚上周六早上庆祝敏捷宣言创建,然后完成这个阶段。

    Our intention is to have the celebration of the writing of the Agile Manifesto on the Friday evening and first thing on Saturday morning, and then be done with it.


  • Coldplay这支英伦团体最近刚刚发布了他们全新专辑''MyloXyloto''枪手主场进行演出,时间初定为2012年61周五2012年6月2日周六

    British band Coldplay, who have just released their new albumMylo Xyloto’, will appear at the Gunners’ home on Friday 1st June 2012 and Saturday 2nd June 2012.


  • 今年印第安维尔斯的亚军罗迪克,一连,就打了最后场——为浪尖之战——一口气安排三天之内,周五周六周日三天,必须战罢收兵。

    Andy Roddick, this year’s Indian Wells runner-up, played six matches in eight days, and his last three—against his toughest competitors—were held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


  • 现年84岁的赫夫周六Twitter上宣布,24岁女友克里斯托尔·哈里斯已于周五订婚

    Hefner, 84, said on Saturday in a Posting on Twitter that he and his girlfriend Crystal Harris, 24, got engaged on Friday.


  • 现年84岁的赫夫周六Twitter上宣布,24岁女友克里斯托尔·哈里斯已于周五订婚

    Hefner, 84, said on Saturday in a Posting on Twitter that he and his girlfriend Crystal Harris, 24, got engaged on Friday.


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