• 实验证明吸收波段透过率随着油膜厚度增加指数衰减。

    The experimental results demonstrate that the transmissivity of oil-film in the absorption band is exponentially decreased with the increase of the film thickness.


  • 可见紫外线光谱分析显示,胶状纳米金花横向纵向表面等离子体SP)的吸收波段分别是532和720纳米。

    The UV-visible spectra show two bands corresponding to the transverse and longitudinal surface plasmon (SP) absorption at 532 and 720 nm, respectively, for the colloidal GNFs.


  • 结果表明太阳反射波段,观测角影响很强波段特性大气散射作用较强的短波波段大气气体强吸收波段这种影响的敏感波段

    The results show that there are spectral properties about this effect, it is sensitive in the strong scattering regions and the major absorption channels by atmosphere;


  • 事实上装置吸收可见光波段就使效率不透明有机电池

    The fact that the new device does not absorb appreciably at visible wavelengths makes it less efficient than opaque organic cells.


  • 观测声称火星甲烷依赖于甲烷气体影响吸收(谱)线处在一个非常特别波段上。

    The three sets of observations that purported to see methane on Mars all relied on the absorption lines which the gas imposes on light at specific wavelengths.


  • 室温去除水份影响氮气环境中,获得低温生长的砷化镓波段特征吸收

    Under the room temperature and Nitrogen environment (eliminate the influence of water vapor absorption), we get the characteristic absorption spectrum of GaAs within the band of frequency.


  • 主动式红外遥感测量中大气痕量气体红外吸收不同红外波段透过率光谱有关

    In active infrared remote sensing measurements, the infrared absorption caused by the presence of trace gases in atmosphere is related to the transmittance spectra in different infrared wave band.


  • 本文研究厘米波段毫米波段水汽分子和双分子吸收作用,讨论了它们微波遥感大气水汽的影响

    In this work, we studied the absorption of water vapour and water dimer vapour in millimetre and centimetre wavelength, and its effect on microwave remote sensing of atmospheric humidity.


  • 发明实现了可见光范围波段完美吸收作用

    The invention realizes almost perfect absorbing function on wide wave band within visible light range.


  • 紫外吸收光谱法利用不同气体紫外波段对光具有选择吸收特性测量排放烟气中的气体成分浓度

    UV absorption spectrometry is a method for measuring the gas component and its concentration by the characteristic of selective absorption for light in the UV-VIS region.


  • 他们二氧化钛奈米管中添加,将可吸收波长范围转换可见光波段

    They have added carbon to titanium dioxide nanotubes to shift the wavelengths of light the tubes absorb to the visible portion of the spectrum.


  • 我们赫兹时域光谱技术不同方法制备毒品(粉末状薄片状)进行了检测,分别得到它们太赫兹波段吸收

    Illicit drugs prepared with different method (powder or tablet) were detected using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy technique and spectral absorption in terahertz regain was obtained.


  • 我们认为主要是由于还原处理之后晶体中小化子寿命变长,同时晶体敏化光波段吸收增强所致。

    We attribute the improvement to the prolonged lifetime of small polarons and the increased absorption at the gating wavelength due to thermal reduction.


  • 使激子吸收红外波段进入可见光波段

    And it makes the absorption peak of the exciton move to higher energy.


  • 得到了紫外波段差分吸收截面

    Differential absorption cross section are obtained.


  • 差分吸收光谱法是利用气体污染物UV - VIS波段对光有不同吸收特性测量平均浓度

    Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) makes use of the flue gas pollutant different optical absorption characteristic at the UV-VIS wave band to measure their average concentration.


  • 其次针对甲烷红外波段吸收的特点,把光谱调制技术用于浓度检测

    Secondly, spectral modulation techniques are applied into concentration detection because methane has very weak absorption in near-infrared region.


  • 最后通过对三厘米波段吸收波长测量验证了上述计算公式的正确性。

    The above results are verified by the measurement of a cavity wavemeter of the absorption type working on 3-cm wavelength.


  • 根据样品单体结构官能团位置和类型不同,对样品在实验波段特征吸收进行了归属讨论。

    The characteristic absorption peaks of samples are assigned to their monomer functional groups, according to their monomer structure.


  • 例如黄色彩笔之所以看起来是黄色是因为该种颜料反射黄色光波,并且吸收其他波段光。

    For example, a yellow pencil looks yellow because its paint reflects the wavelength of yellow light, and absorbs the other wavelengths.


  • 物体吸收一些波段反射其他光,我们就能看见一般的非荧光

    Regular, non-fluorescent colors appear to our eyes when objects absorb some wavelengths of light, and reflect others.


  • 烟幕红外近红外等波段电磁波有吸收、反射和散射等特性,可以导致红外成像制导导弹导引接收到能量大大衰减从而降低导弹命中率

    The smoke screen that may absorb and scatter infrared, heavily attenuates energy of guidance head, and then will reduce the probability of missile shooting.


  • 由于红外吸收石英玻璃材料制成光纤微结构光纤在中红外波段传输损耗很大。

    Microstructured fibers made of silica undergo high loss in transmission due to the intrinsic material absorption in mid-infrared region.


  • 紫外波段任何材料存在严重的吸收因此采用多层膜实现高反射率,构建入射式光学系统唯一途径

    All materials have strong absorption in EUV region. Therefore, using multilayer coatings is the only approach to construct normal incidence optical systems.


  • 科学家们已经证实量子剪裁体系多为氟化物由于它们VUV的不稳定性氟化物的活性,以及氟化物基质在VUV波段的弱吸收能量转换效率,所以没有实际应用价值

    Most of the quantum cutting systems hitherto is fluoride, which have no practical value due to their low stability, low absorbability and low energy conversion efficiency under VUV exciting.


  • 作为微米吸收性气溶胶对比,黄沙气溶胶的辐射传递模拟表明吸收性气溶胶能够解释短波段的离水辐亮度的低估。

    The effect of the Asian dust was also simulated in comparison with that of small absorptive aerosols. The under-estimation could not be solely attributed to Asian dust.


  • 实验结果初步说明, 通过太赫兹波段吸收谱和折射率的特征差异种类之间的关系判断和田玉的种类可行的,无损和田玉种类鉴别提供一种新型方法

    The results indicate that it is feasible to apply THz-TDS technique to identification of Hotan jade, which provides a new approach to the nondestructive examination of Hotan jade.


  • 实验结果初步说明, 通过太赫兹波段吸收谱和折射率的特征差异种类之间的关系判断和田玉的种类可行的,无损和田玉种类鉴别提供一种新型方法

    The results indicate that it is feasible to apply THz-TDS technique to identification of Hotan jade, which provides a new approach to the nondestructive examination of Hotan jade.


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