• 他们有一可能取代美国航空飞机,国际空间站运送宇航员多达12货物

    They say it could one day replace NASA's Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station.


  • 国的舟一号货运飞船长10.6米,可携带6.5货物。

    China's Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft is 10.6 meters long and can carry up to 6.5 tons of cargo.


  • 第一街上清洁工清除落下烟花,放爆竹以及完的发光物的重量达80不能燃放烟火的2009年牛年相比增加11

    Street cleaners swept up 80 tonnes of fallen rockets, exploded firecrackers and burnt out sparklers on the first day, an increase of 11 tonnes on the pyrotechnic refuse for the ox year of 2009.


  • 单个数字表明69个镇平均估计土壤流失为每英亩超过10表层土。

    In a single day, the figures show, 69 townships had average estimated soil losses of more than 10 tons an acre.


  • 一个第二阶段货轮本身具有500的空在去王星70114燃料然后带回了614负载使用约254燃料。

    Stage Two freighter could carry itself, with an empty mass of 500 tons, to Uranus in 70 days for just 114 tons of fuel, and then bring back a load of 614 tons using about 254 tons of fuel.


  • 我们将近800竹子,20左右

    We get through nearly 800 bamboo trees a day. That's about 20 tons.


  • 2012年,如果一切进展顺利,墨西哥减少5000万排放相当于国内石油生产45内所产生二氧化碳

    By 2012, if it stays on track, Mexico will have reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 50 million tons, equal to the carbon produced by 45 days of domestic oil production.


  • 如果全世界每人摄入食盐量为12那么全球食盐产量会变为0.3亿,为全球年产量12.5%。

    If the entire world switched to eating 12g of salt a day, that would be around 30 million tons of salt, or just 12.5% of total world production levels.


  • 世界最大船舶柴油引擎一般运行280会产生5200

    The world's largest ships' diesel engines which typically operate for about 280 days a year generate roughly 5, 200 tonnes of SOx.


  • 蝗虫它们二十四小时吞噬相当于体重食物并且蝗虫的食物量2500的日食物量相当。

    Locusts may be small... but they can eat their own body weight in 24 hours... and a ton of locusts can eat as much food in one day as 2,500 people.


  • 这个位于英格兰多塞特郡沙滩上怪异酒店是雕刻家花了7时间1000沙子捣鼓出来的。

    It took seven days and 1,000 tons of sand for sculptors to create this oddity on the beaches of Dorset, England.


  • 发电站涡轮机大厅旁边的煤山就储存了18,可供里18的发电。

    A mountain of coal next to its turbine hall holds 180,000 tonnes, enough for 18 days' winter production.


  • 测试结果显示只需重型拖船700万冰山140托送到位,足够满足35000一年需求量

    They showed that just one heavy-duty tugboat can make the trip in about 140 days while dragging an iceberg weighing 7 million tons - enough to meet the annual water consumption of 35,000 people.


  • 3的Sonisphere音乐节之后2尾工作中,可口可乐公司共回收5易拉罐,600公斤瓶子450公斤饮料盖子

    Over the three-day festival, plus two days for setting up at cleaning up afterwards, Coca-Cola collected five tonnes of cans, 600kg of bottles and 450kg of LIDS that will all be recycled.


  • 相较之下,2006杜林(Turin)冬奥光是奥运17就制造了16万二氧化碳

    By comparison, the 2006 Winter Games in Turin produced about 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the course of the 17-days of the Olympiad alone.


  • 相较之下,2006杜林(Turin)冬奥光是奥运17就制造了16万二氧化碳

    By comparison, the 2006 Winter Games in Turin produced about 160, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the course of the 17-days of the Olympiad alone.


  • 他们可能有一取代美国航空飞机运送多达12货物宇航员国际空间站

    They say it could one day replace Nasa's Space Shuttle to transport up to 12tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station.


  • 一架安-26可能载重5.5或者40个伞兵),任何时候运输2500公里甚至可以很糟糕条件下飞行

    An-26 can take on board up to 5.5 tonnes of load (or 40 paratroopers) and get it to the distance of 2500 km at any time of the day, even in difficult weather conditions.


  • 能够携带300标准大小集装箱,支持200名海军院校学员40教员海上最多30课时

    The ship is capable of carrying 300 standard-size containers, or supporting 200 cadets and 40 teachers for a maximum period of 30 days in the sea.


  • 头鲸鱼一次可以吃掉这种鱼并且可能次。

    A whale may eat a ton of them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day.


  • 威尼斯双年展MFSII短短10名工人组装起来——结构框架使用1金属13.5木材,256个塑料桶作为漂浮装置

    MFS II was assembled for the Biennale by four builders in just 10 daysusing one tonne of metal and 13.5 tonnes of wood for the structural framework, and 256 plastic barrels as a floatation device.


  • 特别是鞍钢,它产量要是上不去,掉下来两三千别的没有办法起来的。

    In particular, if instead of increasing, the output of Anshan Iron and Steel Company falls short by two or three thousand tons a day, others will be unable to make up the difference.


  • 沿着地中海国家每年有5000万进去,中国每一6000万垃圾黄海

    The countries along the Mediterranean sea throw 50 million tons of waste into it every year and the Chinese throw 60 million tons of waste into the Yellow sea daily.


  • 沿着地中海国家每年有5000万进去,中国每一6000万垃圾黄海

    The countries along the Mediterranean sea throw 50 million tons of waste into it every year and the Chinese throw 60 million tons of waste into the Yellow sea daily.


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