• 不会袖手旁观任由自己钟爱项目否决

    He would not stand by and let his pet project be killed off.


  • 埃及保留各国项目一票否决苏丹一同主张殖民时代条约主要条款应予保留

    Egypt wants to retain veto power over projects in any country, and with Sudan argues that the main provisions of the colonial-era treaty should be preserved.


  • 别的公司有些事情做成是因为他们忽略潜在的机会或者砍掉项目节约开支乔布斯治下一个否决机会都明明白白,经过衡量的。

    Other companies fail to do things because they've overlooked potential openings or are cutting corners to save money; under Jobs, however, every spurned opportunity is a conscious, measured statement.


  • 每一个记入文件变更申请必须项目管理团队内部有权者,或者代表外部组织发起人赞助人顾客认可否决

    Every documented requested change must be either accepted or rejected by some authority within the project management team or an external organization representing the initiator, sponsor, or customer.


  • 大部分海上天然气以色列可是当时以色列首相阿里埃勒·沙龙否决这个项目安全为借口没有开发一资源。

    Most or all of the gas was to be sold to Israel.But Ariel Sharon, when he was Israel's prime minister, vetoed the project, ostensibly on security grounds, and the field lies unexploited.


  • 大部分海上天然气以色列可是当时以色列的首相阿里勒·沙龙,否决这个项目安全为借口没有开发一资源。

    Most or all of the gas was to be sold to Israel. But Ariel Sharon, when he was Israel's prime minister, vetoed the project, ostensibly on security grounds, and the field lies unexploited.


  • 九十年代比尔·克林顿曾企图通过项目预算否决国会那里接管财政,反对,并分别14个小时演讲全部脱稿拖延议程

    Bill Clinton’s bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches, learned by heart, to slow up debate.


  • 这个项目浪费了时间精力老板否决了。

    I wasted my time and my effort on this project. The boss rejected it.


  • 依法必须进行招标项目所有投标否决的,招标人应当依照本法重新招标。

    Where all the bids for a project for which bid invitation is required by law are rejected, the bid inviter shall invite bids anew in accordance with this law.


  • 译文重点输油管道项目应该否决因为减少化石燃料信号

    Keystone pipeline should be rejected because it is a signal to reduce fossil fuels.


  • 最后存在环境风险可接受水平否决建设项目

    However, the projects with very high environmental risk should not be permitted because of no acceptable level.


  • 天津开发区环保局拥有各种项目一票否决

    The TEDA Environmental Protection Bureau is entitled to exercise a veto with only one vote on all projects.


  • 通过一个妥协方案解决安全部门负责人担忧同时避免彻底否决项目

    Mrs May has addressed the concerns of security chiefs with a compromise that avoids an outright block.


  • 例如今年四月美国罗德公共事业委员会否决项海风发电项目交易,该项目每度电成本为24.4美分

    In April, for example, the state public utilities commission in Rhode Island rejected a power-purchase deal for an offshore wind project that would have cost 24.4 cents a kilowatt-hour.


  • 改进内容包括:①提高外在质量合格判定的得分对外在质量否决中的一些项目进行必要的调整

    The main contents were: 1) raising the total scores of external quality and carrying out necessary adjustments on some factors affecting the batch rejection for external quality;


  • 改进内容包括:①提高外在质量合格判定的得分对外在质量否决中的一些项目进行必要的调整

    The main contents were: 1) raising the total scores of external quality and carrying out necessary adjustments on some factors affecting the batch rejection for external quality;


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