• 许多西红柿移动物体或者想要反击

    Lots of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone and anything that moves or fights back.


  • 我们可能确定两个大陆相反移动还是大陆静止的,另一个大陆在漂移

    It is not possible to determine whether both continents are moving in opposite directions or whether one continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it.


  • 负值则表示移动对象

    Negative values move the object in the direction of the negative axis.


  • 明显移动支付靠拢

    This is a clear move toward mobile payments.


  • 但是并不意味着必须单一移动

    But that doesn't mean you're doomed to always move in a single direction.


  • 前牙在舌移动倾斜同时略有升高,平面平。

    The lower anterior teeth moved lingually and protracted. Occlusal plane is flattened.


  • 而且移动运营商进行举报效果持怀疑态度

    And I support distrustful attitude to having the effect that inform against to mobile operation business.


  • 巴德移动公司勇气十足地提出了条件:“我们协议。”

    Shepard made the moving company a particularly gutsy offer: Let's make a deal.


  • 圆周移动用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓外边转动而移位的情况。

    Circumferential movement: a term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller.


  • 表单服务器移动设备提供表单应用程序脱机排队传递支持用户访问列表

    The forms server provides offline and queued delivery of forms applications to mobile devices and supports an access list for users and groups.


  • 运动趋势表现为牙根移动、牙根远中倾斜牙冠伸长的复合运动趋势。

    The tendency of the maxillary incisor movement was a lingual-rooted, distal-rooted and extrude-crowned movement.


  • 圆周移动用来描述跟着圆筒,圆鼓外边转动而移位的情况。参阅移动

    Circumferential movement a term used to describe the direction of movement coincident with the periphery of a cylinder, drum or roller. See Lateral movement.


  • 轴心嵌入所述导引装置,所述轴心所述第二齿条连动沿所述第二向移动

    The axle center is embedded into a guide apparatus, interlocked with the second rack and moves along the second direction.


  • 可以通过整体安装垫板上的装置实现,所述装置沿第二移动将垫板卡在导轨上。

    This can be achieved by a device being integrally mounted on the footplate which jams the footplate to the guide rail when the saw moves in the second direction.


  • 10月23日太阳向移动天蝎座太阳第八-这时适合透过表象本质和放下过去。

    On October 23rd, the Sun moves into Scorpio and your solar 8th House - a time for looking beneath the surface and regenerating your energy by letting go of what you have outgrown.


  • 对于某些投资者来说,移动增长一个重要指标,因为他们关心公司是否能够向移动转变

    Mobile growth has been a key metric for investors who were concerned about whether the company could make this transition.


  • 目的讨论正常者与错者下颌极限运动时、咀嚼运动磨牙时,突在水平向移动运动轨迹

    Objective To discuss the movement path of condylar limit movement in sagittal plane and horizontal plane between the normal occlusion and malocclusion.


  • 所述活塞设置沿第一移动流体所述 体,当沿第二方向移动时将流体从所述缸体中排出。

    The piston is configured to draw fluid into the cylinder when moving in the first direction, and to discharge the fluid from the cylinder when moving in the second direction.


  • 一定数量被控制着均匀同一移动测试被要求简单的说出认为这些点的移动还是右。

    A controlled number of these dots are purposely moving uniformly in the same direction, and the test subject simply has to say whether he believes those dots are moving to the left or right.


  • 接触移动供电系统(CMPS)一种基于电磁感应耦合原理实现电能静止电源系统向移动用电设备传输新型供电系统。

    Contactless mobile power supply (CMPS) system is a novel power supply system which can realize power transfer by magnetic couple between static power system and mobile electric facilities.


  • 移动设备转移英特尔创造新的市场驱动储存的超大数据服务器到了芯片大量移动数据都储存在云端。

    The shift to mobile has also created a new market for Intel: Its chips are in the huge data servers that power the cloud, where much mobile data is stored.


  • 理论指出长的时间段内,任何之间汇率应该朝着某一方移动,从而使得在两国购买等量货物服务价格相等

    This says that, in the long run, exchange rates should move toward rates that would equalise the prices of an identical basket of goods and services in any two countries.


  • 2008年,科学家们就报告说他们发现了上百个银河系星团正在每小时220万英里(360万公里)的速度的朝着同一移动

    In 2008 scientists had reported the discovery of hundreds of galaxy clusters streaming in the same direction at more than 2.2 million miles (3.6 million kilometers) an hour.


  • Buffy手机上市消息看似惊人其实只不过Facebook移动空间迈进的重要一步,Facebook为此了一的准备。

    While the Buffy news seems striking, it is actually just confirmation of Facebook's serious leap into the mobile space, which has already been in the works for more than a year.


  • 随着内容移动端的不断迁移,人们正在比以往任何时候观看更多视频更多的游戏、聆听更多的音乐、阅读更多的书籍,且使用更多的应用程序

    And with the migration to mobile, people are watching more videos, playing more games, listening to more music, reading more books, and using more apps than ever before.


  • 他们中的一些有点爱动用武器他们任何移动物体射击

    Some of them are a little trigger-happythey'll shoot at anything that moves.


  • 到达地面时,他其他人一起最近建筑物移动

    When he gets to the ground, he moves with the others toward the nearest building.


  • 有些种类蝙蝠会根据回声频率变化调整猎物移动速度

    Responding to changes in the CF echo's frequency, bats of some species correct in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey.


  • 由于北极的大片浮冰移动挪威人航行路线由西航行改成开阔大西洋航行,后来西的航行整个终止了。

    As the Arctic ice pack spread southward, Norse voyages to the west were rerouted into the open Atlantic, then ended altogether.


  • 由于北极的大片浮冰移动挪威人航行路线由西航行改成开阔大西洋航行,后来西的航行整个终止了。

    As the Arctic ice pack spread southward, Norse voyages to the west were rerouted into the open Atlantic, then ended altogether.


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