• 酒吧后面面墙大小镜子光滑表面上多出两个蛛网似的弹孔,第三发子弹擦过蒂姆科的额头墙上野牛标本上钻了一个

    Two spider-webbed bullet holes cracked the smooth surface of the wall-sized mirror behind the bar. A third whizzed by Timko's brow, to punch a hole in the stuffed buffalo head mounted on the wall.


  • 服务派出代理员客户通常是应酒吧老板要求),钥匙,然后辆车载回家后面跟着客户自己

    The unten daikoukyoukai service will send a team of two to pick up a customer (often at the request of a bar owner), take his keys and drive him home in one car with his own following.


  • 如果点什么,您可以房间服务自己下来酒吧大厅后面

    If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.


  • 一些单身酒吧谈情说爱场面出名的城市后面

    Some cities renowned for their singles bars and hook-up scenes were also low in the ranking.


  • 一个黑暗餐馆里,在酒吧后面镜子看到自己

    "It's like when you're in a dark restaurant and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror behind the bar," said fashion designer Laura McGrew, of Tomboy Design Studio in Kansas City, Mo.


  • 这个地下人蛇团伙2000个成员,仅有20落入法网。”一个酒吧后面遭殃被捕阿尔巴尼亚人蛇贩子说道

    THERE must be 2,000 people working in this business, but only about 20 have been caught,” said an Albanian people-trafficker, ruing his bad luck at ending up behind bars.


  • 乔治从孩童起有点迟钝,但因为学习努力被授予徽章.所以他没有什么背景获得学士学位并没有让人吃惊.乔治毕业后来村庄第一,他看到鸟儿在村子上空来来往往飞翔.在一个酒吧后面一条小溪.突然有个女孩在他前面失去了平衡而跌倒了.

    So it was't surprising that he had attained a bachelor's degree without any background. The first day George came to a village after graduation, he saw birds fly back and forth over it.


  • 那双有名的淡褐色眼睛下面出现了眼圈,他不断,朝后面,朝酒吧看去。

    There are dark circles under those famously hazel eyes, and he keeps looking toward the door, toward the back, toward the bar.


  • 员工通过酒吧后面一个隐藏楼梯到达夹层的烹饪工作室电梯连接楼下

    Staff access the mezzanine culinary studio via a hidden staircase behind the bar, and it is also connected to the downstairs area by a dumbwaiter.


  • 公共阅读成为工作进行临时会议理想地点酒吧后面一个通告白酒类橱柜存放收藏地球仪

    Communal tables with reading lights serve as ideal spots for working or conducting casual meetings. Behind the bar, a full-height liquor cabinet houses a collection of globes.


  • 酒吧后面有一小巷,那里摆垃圾桶还有一道石墙。

    Behind the pub is a small alleyway with trash cans and a brick wall.


  • 走入酒吧后面而且投掷柜台钥匙

    Walking into the bar, she let the door close behind her and tossed the keys on the counter.


  • 设计师房子纵向建设酒吧后面存储空间洗手间入口位于同一末端

    Visch has placed the new box lengthways the building. There is storage space behind the bar and the entrance to the toilets is located at one end.


  • i3'破坏性酒吧下滑边缘通过泡沫填料后面的模具。

    I brought out the 3 'wrecking bar and slipped the edge through the foam that I used for filler in the back of the mold.


  • 酒吧后面把,”罗斯默塔神色非常惊恐,“不要我取来——?”

    "I've got a couple behind the bar, " she said, looking very frightened. "Shall I run and fetch — ?"


  • 这个商店是离破酒吧后面对角入口最近各式各样的坩埚

    This shop, the closest one to the entrance from the alley behind the Leaky cauldron, sells all sorts of cauldrons.


  • 在不该的事当中还绝对不要摇晃挂在吧台后面酒吧老板的,表示关门门时间到了

    And whatever you do, do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter---this is used by the landlord to signal closing time.


  • 杰姆斯不想你找麻烦不过我确认为酒吧后面那个人谈一谈

    James: I don't want to make trouble, but I really think you ought to have a word with that fellow behind the bar.


  • 两个匈牙利女孩酒吧后面工作

    There were two lovely Hungarian girls working behind the bar when we were there.


  • 我们家乡飙车酒吧四面都是酒保还在防弹玻璃后面调酒。

    The biker bar in our home town has steel walls and the bartender serves drinks behind bullet proof glass.


  • 必需膝盖支撑后面1g支持单位负荷酒吧后面支持拖车

    Knee braces must be used in front of 1GS racks that are not supported by load bars except front units that are against the trailer head wall.


  • 必需膝盖支撑后面1g支持单位负荷酒吧后面支持拖车

    Knee braces must be used in front of 1GS racks that are not supported by load bars except front units that are against the trailer head wall.


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