• 脑卒中认知结果双语影响

    Impact of Bilingualism on Cognitive Outcome After Stroke.


  • 目的探讨基底梗塞认知障碍中医证候相关性

    Objective To investigate the correlation between the cognitive impairment and TCM syndromes after the onset of basal ganglia infarction.


  • 因此损伤认知功能障碍有效康复越来越受到重视,成为医学研究的重点之一

    So the effective rehabilitation of cognitive dysfunction after the cerebral injury has been paid more importance.


  • 目的探讨盐酸多奈哌齐创伤性损伤(TBI)认知功能障碍干预作用及其对t BI临床的影响。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of donepezil in the treatment of cognitive impairment and clinical prognosis after traumatic brain injury (TBI).


  • 损伤认知功能障碍认知神经科学康复医学研究热点之一,本文对近年来脑损伤导致认知功能障碍机制研究进展进行简要的综述。

    Cognition impairment is one of the hot problems in cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation medicine. Simply reviews research approach in cognition impairment mechanism of late years.


  • 移动星星被大脑认知一般V5区域刺激到。果然拉威发现这个任务进行中,V5 区域活跃的,因此人们感知到移动的星场的。

    Normally area of V5 would be stimulated as those moving stars are perceived and sure enough, Lavie found that during the task area of V5 was active, so people were aware of the moving starfield.


  • 文说,在控制了父母的收入、教育和交谈量的差异等因素,发现拼图游戏是预测认知能力的一个重要因素。

    Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition after controlling for differences in parents' income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.


  • 腊巴亚交通部门的主管说:“达成这项决议,我们希望提高公众环境意识,尤其是人们对塑料垃圾的认知。”

    The head of Surabaya's transportation department said, "With this decision, we hope to raise public awareness about environment, especially people's awareness about plastic waste."


  • 现在一项研究发现妇女绝经全身体重和赘肉分布方式认知能力有所影响。

    Now, a new study has found that a woman's total body mass-as well as how she carries extra weight-affects her cognitive abilities after menopause.


  • 医生18年研究调查,于《内科医学档案》发文:贝塔胡萝卜素则可以防止记忆认知能力下降

    Beta-carotene, for its part, kept cognition and memory from declining in a group of doctors who took part in an 18-year study published in the Archives of Internal medicine.


  • 研究已经指出ECT治疗患者表现出不良认知反应

    Research has indicated that after one year of ECT treatments, patients showed no adverse cognitive effects.30


  • 达尔文发表物种起源几十,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦所做的工作改变我们认知上同样了不起的。

    The work of Albert Einstein occurred decades after that of Darwin, but it is no less remarkable in its power to transform our understanding.


  • 会被第一次荒芜的沙漠思考一问题,达到知识确定认知,你将会回来

    You were first sent out into the desert to think on this, and when you had arrived at what you knew for certain, you returned.


  • 但七诊断出患有继发型多发性硬化,病症身体认知能力有着毁灭性的影响

    Seven years ago he was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, and it's had a devastating effect on both his physical and cognitive abilities.


  • 研究者进一步研究能够证明现有发现,那么,俄罗斯方块其它类似视觉空间游戏)将可能开发预防创伤应激障碍的一种认知型疫苗”。

    The researchers suggest that if further research bears out their findings, Tetris, or a visual-spatial task like it, could be developed as a kind of "cognitive vaccine" against flashbacks.


  • 半岛电视台台长瓦达赫•汗法尔(生于巴勒斯坦),1996,“一切都爆发了”;阿拉伯世界进入了“认知混乱时期

    After 1996, says Wadah Khanfar, al-Jazeera's (Palestinian) director-general, "everything exploded"; the Arab world entered a period of "cognitive anarchy".


  • 米亚认知上非常灵敏不能交流担心长大不能我们表达自己。

    Mia is cognitively alert but unable to communicate and I was afraid that as she grew she was not going to be able to tell us what she wanted.


  • 研究已经指出ECT治疗患者表现出不良认知反应

    Research has found that after 1 year of ect treatments, most patients showed no adverse cognitive effects.32.


  • 2001年迪斯尼收购公司扩展产品线,推出了书籍玩具认知服装以及包括小小莫扎特”、“小小莎士比亚”、“小小加利略”在内的DVD制品。

    Acquired by Disney in 2001, the company expanded to a full line of books, toys, flashcards and apparel, along with DVDs includingBaby Mozart, ” “Baby Shakespeare” and “Baby Galileo.”


  • 运用某种认知—行为疗法,可使个体部分或者全部创伤应激症状中摆脱出来。

    Individuals have also experienced partial or full relief from posttraumatic stress symptoms when using certain types of cognitive-behavioral treatment.


  • 第三项研究检验苹果菠菜(分别吃和同时吃)是否有立竿见影效果发现刚吃完蔬菜水果参加者认知能力并没有改变

    A third study tested the immediate effects of apples and spinach (both separately and together) and found no change in the cognitive functioning of the participants right after eating the foods.


  • 只有3%的人表示孩子出生公众这个名字认知发生了变化他们事实感到遗憾

    Only 3% pinned their regret on the fact there had been a change in public perception of the name since their child was born.


  • 得无助指个体经历了某种学习,引起动机认知情绪行为上的消极表现,影响的学习。

    Learned helplessness is a set of motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral deficits, which comes from some learning and may affect the subsequent learning.


  • 这些例子都是由于时间压力管制员的认知视野变窄可以预见到表现

    Both examples are performance outcomes that can be predicted from what we know about cognitive narrowing or tunnel vision under time pressure.


  • 目的探讨颅脑损伤患者创伤应激障碍认知功能关系

    AIM: To explore the relationship of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cognitive function in patients with craniocerebral injury.


  • 结论尼莫地平联合氟西汀卒中抑郁疗效而且能够明显改善患者认知能力神经功能,提高日常生活活动能力。

    Conclusion Nimodipine combined fluoxetine has higher effect to post-stroke patients who were depressed; and it can improve the cognitive ability, nerves function and activity of daily living.


  • 狼疮脑病所致认知功能损伤发生率为41%,经积极治疗逆转率为90%。

    The incidence of cognitive impairment in SLE was 41% with the reversible rate of 90%.


  • 结论西酞普兰合并认知疗法治疗卒中抑郁疗效好。

    Conclusion Citalopram combined with cognitive therapy has better effect in the treatment of post-stroke depression.


  • 交际翻译语义翻译认知翻译阶段分道扬镳。

    Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation.


  • 交际翻译语义翻译认知翻译阶段分道扬镳。

    Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation.


- 来自原声例句

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