• 时间我们希望的要长,”克莱门斯在6月9日以来赢得第一次胜利

    "It took longer than we wanted," Clemens said after notching his first victory since June 9.


  • 1998年世界杯结束许久失望球迷在咒骂富有争议性裁决,因为这个裁决剥夺了他们所支持的球队胜利

    Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing decisions that denied victory to their team.


  • 过于渴望胜利带来危险的记住第一马拉松运动员费迪皮迪兹说完:“欢呼吧我们了!”几秒钟就倒在地上死了

    Being too keen to win can have dangerous consequences: remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped dead seconds after saying: "Rejoice, we conquer!"


  • 要求在野党参与,而不是讥讽它- - -这就是埃尔多安先生选举胜利一直的事情。

    This requires engaging the opposition, not sneering at it-which is what Mr Erdogan has been doing since his election victory.


  • 内阁表示赞同国务卿威廉·h·苏华德劝说林肯等到联邦军取得军事胜利再发表宣言其添砖加瓦

    The cabinet agreed, but Secretary of State William H. Seward persuaded Lincoln to withhold the proclamation until a major Union military victory could give it added force.


  • 取得1967年胜利以色列虚妄骄傲终于在数十年前得以清除

    The hubris that blinded Israel after its great victory of 1967 cleared decades ago.


  • 然而即便加时分钟比分牌依旧没有变化。至少周日下午英超战中,金钱不能保证胜利

    However, after four minutes of added time, the scoreboard proved that once again, for Sunday afternoon at least, money cannot guarantee success.


  • 林肯发表了1863年生效解放宣言》人们清楚地看到北方胜利意味着奴隶制结束

    After Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that took effect on January 1, 1863, it became clear that northern victory would mean the end of slavery.


  • 波兰之称号是土耳其人维也纳胜利获得的。

    John became known as the Lion of Lehistan after his victory against the Turks in the Battle of Vienna.


  • 南卡罗来纳州代表就座我们反对者看到了胜利的曙光。

    The South Carolina delegation was seated, and our opponents smelled victory.


  • 方获胜决定2010年十年内可怕还是胜利

    Which prevails will determine whether "the tens", the decade that begins in 2010, prove to be terrible or triumphant.


  • 比如伯纳德.蒙哥马利爵士被封勋爵将军就曾经这样赞扬:“我们的胜利一场必胜,全胜,也是决胜

    Take, for instance, the boast of General Sir Bernard (later Lord) Montgomery: “The victory has been definite, complete and decisive.


  • 安其拉FACEBOOK网站朋友告知,便匹兹堡赶过来。她希望通过共和党马萨诸塞州胜利可以取消奥巴马医疗以及气候改变限额交易等法案

    Angela Lash, alerted by a friend via Facebook, has travelled from Pittsburgh hoping that a Republican victory in Massachusetts can kill Obamacare and the cap-and-trade climate-change legislation.


  • 直到5月6号出现1974年第一次无明确胜利选举

    Until the election on May 6th only one post-war contest, in February 1974, had failed to produce a clear winner.


  • 我军初战胜利再接再厉,打赢了以每一

    After the first victory, our army followed through to win every battle.


  • 只是坏情况下汽车燃料选择,”火箭科学家罗伯特·祖布林,他还是《能源胜利作者,这是一讲述关于石油未来的书。

    Hydrogen is "just about the worst possible vehicle fuel", says Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist and the author of "Energy Victory", a book on the post-petroleum future.


  • 起初想象着,到那个胜利时刻我们可能出去我们最喜欢煎饼吃完早餐,开始疯狂采购食品可能冲向商场看电影

    When we began, I imagined we would rush out the moment we were done and stock up on groceries after breakfast at our favorite pancake place. Then maybe hit the mall or go to the movies.


  • 在听到新闻报道韦丁顿卡弗胜利的消息唯一反应恐惧,她说:“在想他妈干了些什么?”

    Her only reaction to the news that Weddington and Coffee had won was fear. "I thought, what the hell have I done?"


  • 美国内战经过已经有一些好消息可以国会报告了,北方几乎同一时间取得了两场重要胜利

    After two-and-a-half years of war, he had good news to report. Union armies had gained two important victories at about the same time.


  • 他们胜利格瓦拉接着刚果玻利维亚继续展开游击。

    After their victory, Guevara would fight again in the Congo as well as Bolivia.


  • 努力失败,他请求美国帮助实现哥伦比亚计划取得胜利

    When he failed, he had asked the United States to help him defeat them with Plan Colombia.


  • 胜利逃亡幸存者去世第二漫画,画上是墓碑,一大堆过的土往翻着。

    And the day after the last survivor of the Great Escape died, he did a cartoon showing a gravestone with a mound of tunnelled earth trailing away from it.


  • 陆克文选举胜利不久就签署京都议定书

    Mr Rudd ratified the Kyoto protocol soon after his victory.


  • 位六次世界冠军保持者的61场比赛赢得胜利获得职业巡回赛的外卡。

    The six-times world title-holder was given a wild card to the professional tour after winning her last 61 matches.


  • 建筑狂潮阿塞拜疆获得欧洲歌唱大赛胜利开始

    The building boom began after the country had won in the Eurovision Song Contest.


  • 没有胜利表演,也没有翻过看台家人朋友致意,相反李娜平静地深深进了椅子

    There were no histrionics, no climbing through the stands to greet her family and friends. Instead, Li sat calmly on her chair and let it all sink in.


  • 一周反对派胜利转移危机现在他们沉浸胜利喜悦中,危机被抛诸脑

    That crisis was averted by the successful rebel offensives which followed a week later, and now has been all but forgotten in the euphoria of victory.


  • 兰德·保罗出人意料赢得肯塔基共和党参议员预选胜利,吹嘘带来来自党的消息”,那就是华盛顿该整顿整顿了。

    When RandPaul pulled off a surprise win in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary, hebragged that he was carrying "a message from the Tea Party" thatWashington was in for a shake-up.


  • 参议院宣布无罪新罕布什尔州庆祝该州赢得初选胜利七周年。

    Six days after my acquittal in the Senate, I had gone to New Hampshire to celebrate the seventh anniversary of my New Hampshire primary.


  • 参议院宣布无罪新罕布什尔州庆祝该州赢得初选胜利七周年。

    Six days after my acquittal in the Senate, I had gone to New Hampshire to celebrate the seventh anniversary of my New Hampshire primary.


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