• 我们网页发展商设计者对话时,我们要求清晰的语言进行交流不是后现代新技术语言或一些淘气语言

    When we talk to our web developers and designers, we expect to communicate in plain language, not post-modern-neo-techno gobbledy-gook, or Klingon, or even Middle Earth elfin.


  • 罗伯特。库保姆情节语言现实维度来详细阐释后现代主义小说不确定性。

    Taking Robert Coover's The Babysitter for example, this paper illustrates the above point from three aspects of plot, language, and reality.


  • 摘要网络语言许多特点暗合后现代价值观念和和文化内涵

    Many characteristics of Internet language implicate post - modern values and cultural connotations.


  • 语言哲学理论建构后现代主义特别是解释学理论具有重要意义

    His philosophy of language has important significance for constructing the Western Postmodernism, especially neo-hermeneutics.


  • 语言学角度符号学转换现代视觉文化领域集合成为了一种被广泛运用言说方式

    In the postmodern visual cultural field, and in its transference from linguistics to semiotics, assemblage becomes a widely used mode of utterance.


  • 后现代小说打破传统小说叙事方式语言游戏、拼贴、碎片化等成为了主要叙事特点

    The postmodernist novel breaks away from the traditional way of narrative. Language games, colleges and fragments compose its major feature.


  • 海德格尔美学在存在维度上标志着西方现代美学完成,而语言维度上又标志着西方后现代美学的开始。

    Heidegger's aesthetics symbolizes the end of modern aesthetics from the view of being and the beginning of post-modern aesthetics from language.


  • 戏剧哲学观、戏剧舞台设置戏剧语言三个方面论述了后现代主义戏剧对荒诞派戏剧继承性和超越性

    This essay explores the continuity and superiority between Postmodernist drama and Theatre of Absurd from three perspectives: the philosophy of drama, theatrical background and the language of drama.


  • 海德格尔后期语言超越形而上学语言观,某种意义上开启了后现代这一维度。

    The language outlook of Hei- dergel's later stage has transcended metaphysic language outlook, thus in a sense starts the thought of later modern times.


  • 语用学方法利奥塔后现代状况》中用来分析后现代知识状况时所使用基本方法,方法核心就是语言游戏

    A pragmatic method is the principal method which was used to study on knowledge condition of postmodernism in the postmodern condition by Lyotard. Language game is the core of pragmatic method.


  • 商业性的写实文学,出版了本书:《后现代魔术:资讯时代魔术艺术魔力语言符号一个魔术师语言诠释》。

    He writes poetry and nonfiction and has published two books: Postmodern Magic: the Art of Magic in the Information age and Magic Power Language Symbol: a Magician's Explanation of Linguistics.


  • 二战以后哲学语言转向兴起后现代主义思潮影响,人们认识模糊语言一种广泛存在人类法律领域中的语言现象

    After World War Two, influenced by linguistic turn in philosophy and the rising postmodernism, people come to know that fussy language is a linguistic phenomenon widely existing in human legal field.


  • 后现代主义以质疑现代性解构法谱系学语言游戏说等思维方式,在一定程度上促使当代哲学转换

    Post-modernism promotes the modern philosophy transformation to some extent in the thinking patterns of modernity query, deconstruction, genealogy, the theory of language game.


  • 本文后现代主义哲学角度对网络语言出现进行分析后现代主义哲学现代主义哲学的质疑反思批判一种认知范式。

    This article makes an analysis of cyber-language from the perspective of the philosophy of postmodernism, which is a cognitive norm for question, reflection, and criticism of modernism.


  • 不同文化环境下网络语言有着很大悬殊,这种悬殊其实体现出网络语言作为后现代审美现代语言文化冲突

    The network language varies greatly in different cultural environments, and the varieties embody the conflict between the network language as post modern aesthetics and the culture of modern language.


  • 除此之外后现代主义小说重要特征就是不确定性多元性语言实验语言游戏

    Besides, the most important characteristics of post-modernistic novel are uncertainty, multiplicity, language experiment and language games.


  • 西方后现代法学现代法学解构基础上倡导法学研究语言转向

    The west post-modern jurisprudence proposes a linguistic turn of the study of law on the basis of deconstruction of modern jurisprudence.


  • 拉康源自于精神分析治疗实践独特语言后现代主义思潮的重要理论之一

    The unique view of language of Lacan is one of the most important theories of postmodernism thoughts.


  • 第四部分论述西方现代绘画语言自觉现实意义强调绘画语言自觉后现代主义时期新绘画的重要意义。

    In the last chapter, it probes into the actual value about the consciousness of western contemporary painting language and emphasize its important value to post-modernism painting.


  • 同时宏大叙事传统意义传统雕塑语言似乎又难以转化后现代语境下的雕塑公共语言

    On the other hand, it is very difficult for the traditional meaning of lengthy narration and the traditional language of sculpture to change into the public language of sculpt.


  • 语言作为一个思考维度,现代愈受关注许多思想家语言进行阐释提供了诸多理解世界视角

    As an Angle of thinking, the language is paid more attention in post-modernism. Many thinkers have made different explanations, providing many angles to comprehend the world.


  • 那么语言或者更大语言谈论本体论追求,一个追求很久以前现代派现代作家所抛弃的。

    Then the pure language or larger language you talked about is an ontological pursuit, one pursuit that is long ago abandoned by modern or post-modern writers.


  • 后现代思潮深刻地影响了后现代作家语言创造了语言反过来语言所驾驭

    Postmodern writers' language view has been deeply molded by postmodern thinking: man created language and is in turn controlled by language, which is doomed to be indeterminate.


  • 现代心理治疗后现代心理治疗在关于认识论知识性质标准构造以及语言作用等方面存在诸多差异。

    Post modern psychotherapy differs from modern psychotherapys objectivism and put forward some specific viewpoints about the nature, the criterion, structure of knowledge and the function of language.


  • 后现代服饰设计语言

    The design language of the postmodernism;


  • 基于后现代语境下公共雕塑“它者”出场,雕塑语言正在使个性化的语言被消解。

    With the appearance of of public sculpture, the distinctive language of sculpture are disappearing.


  • 乌鸦当代英国诗坛最负盛名的诗人塔特·休斯第四部诗集、代表作。 《乌鸦》主体意象模式独特的形象造型语言特征,成为一部后现代视域下的实验拓新,实现了诗人“风格的尝试”。

    Crow, as the fourth volume by Ted Hughes, who was the late Poet Laureate in Britain, is characterized by its principle imagery model, unique images and linguistic style.


  • 乌鸦当代英国诗坛最负盛名的诗人塔特·休斯第四部诗集、代表作。 《乌鸦》主体意象模式独特的形象造型语言特征,成为一部后现代视域下的实验拓新,实现了诗人“风格的尝试”。

    Crow, as the fourth volume by Ted Hughes, who was the late Poet Laureate in Britain, is characterized by its principle imagery model, unique images and linguistic style.


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