• 实用新型公开了一种带有安全裤子它包括1特征在于:裤子1上设有2

    The utility model discloses trousers with a safety pocket, comprising a front piece 1 and a back piece, with the character that a digging pocket 2 is arranged at the front piece 1 of the trousers.


  • 停电,整座房子陷入黑暗

    The house was plunged into total darkness when the electricity was cut off.


  • 电缆利马城大部分地区陷入一黑暗。

    Large parts of Lima were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up.


  • 条小路穿过树林大路交汇。

    The path goes through a wood before rejoining the main road.


  • 该国发生军队发动的暴乱陷入混乱。

    The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military.


  • 妻子离开人生出现一大空洞

    After his wife left, there was a gaping hole in his life.


  • 消息他们惊愕得哑然

    There was a stunned silence when I told them the news.


  • 运动会结束体育场脏乱。

    The stadium was left in a mess after the sports meeting.


  • 曼哈顿卢斯剧院收到投诉罕见将预告屏幕上撤下。

    The Loews Theater in Manhattan took the rare step of pulling the trailer from its screens after several complaints.


  • 郊区某个地方下车这位艺术家草地上走来走去直到碎的草皮形成一条线——一种在土地绘画

    Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line – a kind of drawing on the land.


  • 郊区某个地方下车这位艺术家草地上走来走去直到碎的草皮形成一条线——一种在土地绘画

    Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line-a kind of drawing on the land.


  • 分钟我会你们展示一些幻灯你们同意的观点,这种艺术绝对不是原始的。

    I'm gonna show you some slides in a few minutes and I think you will agree with me that this art is anything but primitive.


  • 区域珊瑚死去,那里通常很快就会海藻占领,又会被海绵珊瑚占领。

    Areas of dead coral are usually colonized rapidly by algae and often are later colonized by sponges and soft corals.


  • 看了一部纪录,他对收集风筝产生了兴趣。

    He became interested in collecting kites after he watched a documentary.


  • 斗结束,人间陷入了一漆黑。

    After the fight, the human world came into complete darkness.


  • 了一小段路,农夫停下脚步,指着我们错过的一杂草。

    After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed.


  • 们试图修理它,但在经过了几个小时的失败尝试,我们很沮丧,我的丈夫建议看迈克尔·乔丹的系列纪录《最之舞》。

    After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.


  • 停电城市混乱

    After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.


  • 放在一边,然那个晚上出去了,第二天早餐回来切开蛋糕

    I set it aside, went out for the night, came back the next morning, and cut off a thin slice.


  • 看到这些时,地球数百万英里之外控制室爆发出一掌声

    Those in the control room burst into applause upon seeing the images, taken millions of miles from the Earth.


  • 一个早晨安得鲁醒来发现房间混乱漂亮女子不知去向

    The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone.


  • 电话一端死寂杰克大声地叫着罗伯特·埃利斯的名字。

    After the other end of the phone goes silent, Jack calls out for Robert Ellis.


  • 2010年,新德里被污染的亚穆纳河里一位印度教信徒在沁仪式正在用包裹自己

    A Hindu devotee wraps a piece of clothing around himself after a ritual dip in the polluted Yamuna river in New Delhi in 2010.


  • 如果飞机迫降黑暗并且充满了烟雾能够数着摸索出口的路。

    If the plane is dark and smoky after a crash landing, you can count and feel your way to the exit.


  • 开始一个用幻灯演讲群众发出大声的咕哝声,但是舌战渐渐消失。

    He pulls up a slide presentation, the crowd lets out a huge groan, and the battle is lost.


  • 联军出兵伊拉克,伊拉克全国陷入一混乱无法治状态很多伊拉克人劫持,大部分劫持者要求赎金。

    Many Iraqis have also been kidnapped, mostly for ransom, amid the chaos and lawlessness that swept the country in the aftermath of the invasion.


  • 乔治亚看到一个关于母乳对于健康有益电视纪录,这个家庭决定试试母乳治病这个办法。

    The family decided that breast is best after Georgia saw a TV documentary about the health benefits of breast milk.


  • 近几年来,人们又在爽滑的冰淇淋加入松脆的配料——先是浆果果仁饼干,仍然是我们所喜欢的那种的口味。

    In the last few years, we've allowed the crunchy to enter our smooth ice cream space--first berries, then chips, nuts, crumbled cookies, also sweet and gooey we welcomed.


  • 希腊获得1987年世界篮球锦标赛冠军全国开始篮球热。

    Basketball became a national passion after Greece won the world championship in 1987.


  • 架货机起飞不久就了大火,坠毁在一住宅域。

    A cargo plane crashed into a housing complex shortly after takeoff setting off a huge blaze.


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