• 支持性证据表明实验动物模型肌肉内IM)注射疫苗,可见类似过性损伤

    There are supporting data showing a comparable transient lesion after intramuscular (IM) injection of aluminium- containing vaccines in experimental animal models.


  • 1986年美国国会通过了一项法案,法案终止了那规定注射疫苗产生不可避免伤害死亡惩罚制造商法律

    America's Congress passed a law in 1986 which bars ordinary suits against manufacturers if an injury or death caused by a vaccination was "unavoidable".


  • 此外,疫苗注射同样保障生命安全——这种顾虑非常重要因为婴儿不仅受不了疟疾的折磨,而且婴儿身上容易引发不良反应

    And it was also safe—an important consideration, since infants are both the people most vulnerable to malaria and those in whom it is easiest to provoke adverse reactions.


  • 正如预期的那样,常见副作用包括注射部位出现红肿痛感这些症状通常接种疫苗时间内即自行消失。

    As anticipated, side effects commonly reported include swelling, redness, or pain at the injection site, which usually resolves spontaneously a short time after vaccination.


  • 机构默克都认识出现晕倒发生率因此他们建议医生病人注射疫苗观察15分钟

    Both the agencies and Merck acknowledge that there does appear to be a high rate of fainting, so doctors are now advised to observe patients for 15 minutes after receiving a shot.


  • 接种流感疫苗儿童身上常见接种反应其他儿童免疫没有太大的不同(比如注射疼痛发烧)。

    The most frequent vaccine reactions in children following influenza immunization are similar to those seen after other childhood immunizations (such as soreness at the injection site, or fever).


  • 王伟峰22岁女儿(于2008年)注射麻疹疫苗一周医院鉴定患了麻疹。周二,王伟峰来到了太原。

    Wang Weifeng, father of 2-year-old Xiao Yu, who was diagnosed with the measles one week after being vaccinated against them, came to the city on Tuesday.


  • 话说,对于疫苗注射发生大部分副作用健康状况而言,他们完全疫苗注射是否导致出现了的问题

    In other words, for the majority of side effects and health conditions that have occurred in conjunction with vaccinations, they simply have no idea whether the vaccine caused the problem or not.


  • 接种疫苗三个星期提取的血样表明不管他们注射一半还是正常剂量疫苗那些年龄18岁49岁的人免疫系统都被刺激到了相似的水平

    Blood samples given three weeks after vaccination showed that the immune systems in those ages 18 to 49 were stimulated at similar levels whether they got a half or full dose.


  • 指出除了以色列外,至今未有其他国家报告有人接受生产商制造的流感疫苗注射,出现不寻常死亡的事件。

    The Department notes that so far, no country besides Israel has reported recently unusual deaths following influenza vaccination using vaccines from the concerned manufacturer.


  • 近年来,一些将疫苗自闭症联系报告证明是错误的,专家也表示注射疫苗很少出现不良事件,但是,人们对此所产生的恐惧很难消除

    In recent years, reports linking vaccines to autism have been debunked, but fears of adverse events — which experts say are rare — have proven difficult to erase.


  • 如今两个研究小组无法具有这种感冒病毒抗体受试者注射艾滋病疫苗反而感染艾滋病病毒这一现象作出科学合理解释

    Now, the two study groups are unable to have such a cold virus antibodies were injected after the AIDS Vaccine AIDS virus but susceptible to the phenomenon of scientific and rational explanation.


  • 注射疫苗常见副作用注射部位疼痛其他副作用包括中度发热接种数日乏力

    For the injected vaccine, the most common side effect is soreness at the injection site. Other side effects may include mild fever, body aches, and fatigue for a few days after the inoculation.


  • 这项研究中,研究人员晚期黑色素瘤患者进行静脉注射4白细胞介素- 2治疗注射疫苗安慰剂

    In the study, people with advanced melanoma were given the vaccine or a placebo injection, followed by four days of intravenous interleukin-2 treatment.


  • 20世纪90年代早期研究表明体质指数(BMI身体肥胖度一项测量指标)的注射疫苗表现为抗体水平

    In the early 1990s, studies showed low antibody levels after vaccination in those who had a high body Mass Index, or BMI, which is a measure of body fatness.


  • 20世纪90年代早期研究表明体质指数(BMI身体肥胖度一项测量指标)的注射疫苗表现为抗体水平

    In the early 1990s, studies showed low antibody levels after vaccination in those who had a high body Mass Index, or BMI, which is a measure of body fatness.


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