• 记住只有想法不会带来成功——想法重要的,但是他们只有付诸实施才有价值

    Remember that ideas alone don't bring success - ideas are important, but they're only valuable after they've been implemented.


  • 大约350年前一例实验英国法国实施不久输血法国议会禁止实际上禁止了欧洲所有这种实验

    Shortly after the first experiments were conducted in England and France some 350 years ago, blood transfusion was banned by the French parliament, effectively halting all such trials in Europe.


  • 去年国际清算银行一次检查中发现只要利率保持的水平,信贷增长能够限制令实施很快恢复

    A review by the BIS last year found that as long as interest rates remained low, credit growth tended to resume soon after restraints were imposed.


  • 卫星成功实施分离运行预定轨道,并且已经位于肯尼亚马林迪的一个地面小组发射了通讯信号

    The satellite is currently in orbit after a successful separation and has sent communication signals which have been received by a ground team in Malindi, Kenya.


  • 法规个三年级女生开除得以实施。 这个女孩外婆生日蛋糕学校同时还有一把刀用来蛋糕。

    The law was introduced after a third-grade girl was expelled for a year because her grandmother had sent a birthday cake to school, along with a knife to cut it.


  • 实施一系列价格市场政策,原来大部分限制已经取消或是改变

    Most of these restrictions have been lifted and replaced by a variety of price and marketing policies.


  • 日本前景依然不明朗一些分析家怀疑国内其它地方刺激措施实施这种复苏势头能否保持住

    Still, the outlook for Japan remains unclear, and some analysts question whether the economy can sustain this recovery after stimulus measures at home and elsewhere run their course.


  • 中国近年来大部分航天成果载人航天计划钱先生退休很久开始实施

    Most of China's recent space achievements, like its manned space program, began long after Mr. Qian's retirement.


  • 阻止人们取款强行实施资本控制希腊新的货币票据程序形式引进了新的货币同样面临大量问题

    And on top of blocking bank withdrawals and imposing capital controls Greece would also face the massive problems of introducing a new currency in the form of new COINS and notes and procedures.


  • 本书也有一些瑕疵高盛濒于破产,描写过去久远的陈旧事件太多对于美国国际集团实施应急措施几周创伤写太少

    The book has flaws: there is too much on well-trodden events from the distant past, too little on the traumatic weeks after AIG’s bail-out, when Goldman came close to death.


  • 矿业部长劳伦塞·戈尔沃内·卡玛沙漠金矿部分坍塌68开始矿工一一实施救援。

    Mining minister Laurence Golborne said miners would start being individually evacuated 68 days after the collapse of part of the gold and copper mine in the Atacama desert.


  • 俄罗斯表示解除致命大肠杆菌流行爆发欧盟蔬菜实施禁令

    Russia says it will lift its ban on European Union vegetables imposed in the wake of the deadly E. coli outbreak.


  • 捐献者死亡实施器官摘除手术,还需要置于血液循环状态,确保捐献的器官血流畅通。

    In brain death donations, the donor is kept on a ventilator to keep blood flowing to organs until they can be removed.


  • 英美军舰对“蒙特克里斯托实施突袭海盗投降被捕艘船周一被劫持的。

    The pirates surrendered and were arrested after two Navy ships, one British and one American, swooped on the Montecristo, which was seized on Monday.


  • 名男子化装成圣诞老人圣诞其前妻实施报复枪手派对上射杀,并数小时自杀

    A man plotting revenge against his ex-wife dressed up as Santa, went to his former in-laws' Christmas eve party and shot dead at least eight people before killing himself hours later.


  • Henry实施计划10,他岛上发现了只白,由此认识到的毕生的心血付之东流了。

    Ten years after he began his project, Henry discovered a stoat on the island and realized his life's work had been in vain.


  • 政策4月实施,投机性购房者需要情愿地拿出20%定金而不是自用房产所需5%的最小比例。

    When the new rules come into effect in April, buyers of investment properties will need to stump up a deposit of 20%, not the 5% minimum required for residential properties.


  • 所以新的银行法实施Wu先生接到澳州Macquarie银行消息灵通银行家的电话,对上发是否兴趣。

    So after the new bank law went into effect, Mr Wu had a call from a well-informed banker at Macquarie, an Australian bank, asking whether he was interested in Business Development bank.


  • 如果商业案例经过评测发现可行那便没有理由实施SOA。

    If the business case has been tested and is not viable, then there is no reason to do it.


  • 普纳尔可以乔杜里实施的各种处罚里选择了最一种,那就是对其训斥一番,因为有关人员对乔杜里的电脑文档进行了仔细搜索发现其实只是浏览几个新闻旅游网站

    Spooner dispensed the lightest possible punishment on Choudhri, a reprimand, after a search of Choudhri's computer files revealed he had visited several news and travel sites.


  • 实施我们发现复杂性水平非常

    In the implementation, we found that the level of complexity is very large.


  • CubeServer只有启动才能实施安全模型中的规则

    A Cube Server does not start enforcing the rules in the security model until the Cube Server is started.


  • CubeServer只有启动才能实施安全模型中的规则

    A Cube Server does not start enforcing the rules in the security model until the Cube Server is started.


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