• 现在周迅成了杂志编辑

    And now, Zhou Xun has become the editor of a magazine.


  • 名杂志记者提供利益予一前护卫员,以获得在未经许可下进入一间电影公司拍摄场地,入狱个月

    A reporter was sentenced to three months imprisonment for offering bribes to a former security guard for unauthorized access to a location-shooting site of a film company.


  • 美国老年医学会杂志》上发表一项研究通过考察246孩子性格特征研究了这个问题,这些孩子都100岁以上老人的后代。

    A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.


  • 年前,乔尔·克莱恩放弃杂志编辑工作成为自由广告撰稿人,现在遇到了资金问题

    Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money trouble.


  • 叫布兰登·伦纳德作家杂志作家电影制片人公共演说家

    My name is Brandon Leonard, and I'm an author, magazine writer, filmmaker and public speaker.


  • 最初因具有锋芒的幽默感而的记者,1950年与人共同创办了一本政治幽默杂志

    Originally a journalist noted for his lancing wit, he co-founded a political-humor magazine in 1950.


  • 结果组成了自己的“癌症反击队”:摇滚音乐会巡演经理、一模特、一位时尚杂志编辑、一位漫画家MTV等等。

    The result was her own personal "cancer posse": a rock concert tour manager, a model, a fashion magazine editor, a cartoonist and MTV celebrity, to name a few.


  • 实际上每周至少有一母亲准妈妈笑容满面的照片出现杂志上。

    Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.


  • 杂志《Highlights》最近对中国1521年龄为6至12岁的孩子进行了问卷调查。

    US magazine Highlights recently polled 1.521 kids age of 6-12 in the country about that.


  • 意识到有些事情需要改变,作为一伦敦媒体人,他任命自己为“《自然》杂志的营销总监”。

    He realized that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, appointed himself "marketing director from Nature".


  • 2007年发表在《普通内科医学杂志》上研究研究人员询问数百医生一个50岁男性患者出现胸痛假设情况

    In one study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine in 2007, researchers asked several hundred doctors about a hypothetical 50-year-old male patient who showed up with chest pain.


  • 福布斯杂志数据表明,2010年世界前100富豪中,只有去年有真金白银进帐。

    Of the richest 100 billionaires in 2010, all but two made money in the past year, according to data from Forbes magazine.


  • 教授头衔作家一家杂志发了一篇文章

    A writer who had a professor title sent an article to a magazine.


  • 多年得过世界小姐冠军除了印度受大众喜爱女演员之外,她还被《时代杂志评为100位最有影响人物之一。

    She won the Miss World title lots ofyears ago and besides being one of the most popular Indian actresses she wasalso named of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People.


  • 1染色体排序来自英国美国的150专家历时10完成的,首次自然杂志在网上公开

    The sequence of chromosome 1, which is published online by the journal Nature, took a team of 150 British and American scientists 10 years to complete.


  • 女孩吞下了一块随《地球宝藏杂志一同寄石英石

    Smokey quartz: a young girl swallowed a smokey quartz, which came with a Treasure of the Earth magazine.


  • 目前AFDA杂志澳大利亚读者大约有2000

    The current circulation of the AFDA Magazine is around 2000 people across Australia.


  • 唐思腾继任者PhilippeDauman律师。他曾是1995年福布斯杂志封面人物,被认为美国最有能力的获奖律师”,而且长期以来也是雷石东密友

    His replacement, Philippe Dauman, is a lawyer-he appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine in 1995, described as America's most powerful "trophy lawyer" -and has long been a confidant of Mr Redstone.


  • 2002年,Glamour杂志就“为了苗条的身材愿意永远放弃什么”调查了1100读者

    In 2002 Glamour magazine asked more than 1, 100 readers what they would give up forever to slim down permanently.


  • 2002年,Glamour杂志就“为了苗条的身材愿意永远放弃什么”调查了1100读者

    In 2002 Glamour magazine asked more than 1,100 readers what they would give up forever to slim down permanently.


  • 调查发表卫生社会行为杂志》上,10001823佛罗里达未婚人士参与了该调查

    The study, in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, was based on a survey of 1, 000 unmarried 18 - to 23-year-olds in Florida.


  • 就是36岁的ChrisDahlen狂热游戏玩家edge杂志游戏撰稿人,同时打理自己的拯救机器人博客”。 这家伙早就游戏产品的营销免疫了,也不曾怀旧情绪

    But 36-year-old Chris Dahlen, an avid gamer and writer about games for Edge Magazine and his own Save The Robot blog, is immune to the marketing and has never seen the nostalgia.


  • “《时代杂志=2010年败笔,”FacebookJan Himmighofen的用户这样写道

    "TIME magazine = Fail of the Year 2010, " wrote Jan Himmighofen -- from a Facebook account.


  • 但是很快就亚特兰大找到份工作,成为了亚特兰大论坛报(atlanta Tribune),这份黑人商业杂志编辑,在之前,在俄亥俄Sandusky时,她还曾因为才华无处施展而感到苦恼。

    But she quickly found a job, as an associate editor of the Atlanta Tribune, a black business magazine. Up north in Sandusky, Ohio, she had felt her talents were untapped.


  • 作为英格兰医药杂志作者认为研究说明大多数抑郁并不公开报道的那样有效。

    As one of the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine paper, he says the study confirms that most antidepressants do not work as well as published reports claim.


  • 发表于《科学杂志一项研究中,研究者们让36婴儿观看三个英法双语背诵句子的默片。

    In a study published in the journal Science, researchers had 36 infants watch silent videos of three bilingual French-English speakers reciting sentences.


  • 他们实验结果发表进化人类行为杂志上。实验中,他们96男女研究生分成

    In their experiment, published in Evolution and Human Behavior, they split 96 male and female graduate students into three groups.


  • 他们实验结果发表进化人类行为杂志上。实验中,他们96男女研究生分成

    In their experiment, published in Evolution and Human Behavior, they split 96 male and female graduate students into three groups.


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