• 曾经自己作证,因为前任公诉人将我上法庭,指控1999年发表于《芝加哥论坛报》文章破坏了誉。

    I was a witness on my own behalf after I was sued by a former prosecutor who accused me of defaming him in an article I wrote for the Chicago Tribune in 1999.


  • 耶和华阿,我们罪孽虽然作见证我们,还求缘故行事。我们本多次道,得罪了你。

    O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name's sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee.


  • 我们长期雇佣仆人,她是渔夫妻子。 此外,一个脸颊通红高个子姑娘偶尔也来帮忙,她母亲去教堂了一整果酱回头来却状。

    We had one regular servant, a fisherman's wife, and the oc- casional help of a big, red-faced girl who ate a whole pot of jam while my mother was at church and ac- cused me of it.


  • 我们…(公司)得悉地址,该公司是我们…(地)的生意往来时结识的.其我们,贵司正大量公司所制造的产品。

    We have received your address froma business acquaintance of ours in…who also informed us that you require a large amount of the items we manufacture.


  • 1987,愤愤不平的信徒们将山法庭雷纳德父母四百索赔之中第二年这件案子缺乏证据,法庭不予考虑。

    Rennard's parents were among four hundred claimants in a lawsuit brought against Scientology by disaffected members in 1987; the case was thrown out of court the following year, for lack of evidence.


  • 学生发现所在公司骗取求职者钱财,于是就担当卧底调查员将这家公司上法庭。

    A student who found the company he worked for was bilking job applicants out of money, turned himself as an undercover investigator and successfully brought the company to court.


  • 布鲁斯决定这家工厂上法庭请了一位布兰达有吸引力律师作为自己的代理人。

    Bruce decided to take the plant to court and hired an attractive female attorney named Brenda to represent him.


  • 这位《白宫风云》(TheWestWing)中扮演帅哥山姆•希伯恩(SamSeaborn)的电影明星刚刚曾在他家工作保姆上法庭,指控她们散布恶毒谎言勒索

    The actor, who played the gorgeous Sam Seaborn in The West Wing, has just filed lawsuits against two ex-nannies accusing them respectively of spreadingmalicious liesand of blackmail.


  • Labaton Sucharow律师事务所在去年其雇佣的临时工律师曼哈顿联邦法院

    Labaton Sucharow LLP was sued last year in federal court in Manhattan by a temp lawyer alleging the plaintiff firm violated federal labor laws by failing to pay overtime.


  • 工程公司男勤杂工中学毕业优先,请祥年龄学历经历

    Office-boy Wanted in an engineering office; middle school boy preferred; state age, education, and experience.


  • 广州乙肝病毒携带者遭到公司辞退进而公司上法庭

    A hepatitis B victim in Guangzhou has won a lawsuit against his employer, who fired him for fearing he would infect others with the virus.


  • 醉汉摇摇晃晃天主教堂,他进入解室下来不发一语。

    A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth, sits down, but says nothing.


  • 请你汇款及时通知我们会员,所汇银行金额

    Please notify us in time after remitting money, tell your member's name about it, the bank and amount of money gathered together.


  • 算命先生经卜卦因为有难,专程托梦来向求援

    After divining, the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble; it came to you asking for help.


  • 拉尔夫·劳伦担心波罗杂志抢走设计马球运动服饰的风格,于是他就总部设在德克·萨斯的杂志发行商上了法庭,这家杂志无权使用《波罗》

    Worried that Polo was hijacking the same type of image projected by his clothing, Ralph Lauren sued Polo's Texas-based publisher, claiming that the magazine had no right to use the word "Polo."


  • 比利·吉恩·讲过这样一席话,“女子与做一网球手非常相像。知道年轻时,最好时光便不得不结。

    Says Billie Jean King, " Being a beautiful woman is a lot like being a tennis player: You know the best of it has to end when you're still young."


  • 比利·吉恩·讲过这样一席话,“女子与做一网球手非常相像。知道年轻时,最好时光便不得不结。

    Says Billie Jean King, " Being a beautiful woman is a lot like being a tennis player: You know the best of it has to end when you're still young."


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