• 8月28日集团工程师于斌主持召开技术工作例会

    August 28, with the Coal Bin, chief engineer at the regular meeting hosted technical work.


  • 赵鹏高讲话高度评价集团大力发展循环经济做法取得的成绩。

    Zhao Peng high in his speech, spoke highly of Datong Coal Mine Group to develop circular economy practices and achievements.


  • 集团工程师于斌以及公司有关单位部门负责人与课题组行进行座谈

    Chief Engineer with the Coal Bin, as well as companies in the relevant units and departments, such as with the discussion group leader and his party in a meeting.


  • 8月28日华润(集团)有限公司战略管理部副总经理张海鹏煤集团访问

    August 28, China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager of Winning the line of the strategic management of the Department to visit with the Coal.


  • 来自集团河北港口集团科总院等单位24股东股东代表参加股东大会

    From the Datong Coal Mine Group, Hebei Port Group, the Coal general Hospital and other units of the 24 shareholders and shareholder representatives attended the general meeting of shareholders.


  • 9月29日上午西山集团总经理占儒一行集团旧区改造工作进行调研。

    The morning of September 29, Xishan Coal and Electricity Group Vice President Xue Zhanru line to work with the Coal Group to conduct research on urban transformation.


  • 郭海向张海鹏简要介绍集团基本情况企业安全生产资源整合等有关情况。

    Guo such as a brief introduction to Winning the basic conditions and with the coal Safety Production, coal resources, integration of the situation.


  • 王明宝占儒介绍了煤集团“两区”综合治理改造以及平旺地区改造工作情况

    Ming Bao introduced to Xue Zhanru with the Coal and other "two areas" comprehensive management transformation and the transformation of Pingwang the case of urban areas.


  • 于斌向课题组简要介绍集团基本情况重点企业矸石综合利用情况了介绍。

    Yu Bin a brief introduction to the discussion group with the Coal line of basic information, focusing on the situation on the comprehensive utilization of coal enterprises are introduced.


  • 4月23日集团董事长总经理张有喜主持召开专题会议研究今冬明春集团公司供热工作

    April 23, Datong Coal Mine Group Vice President, General Manager Zhang Youxi chaired a special meeting of heat this winter and next spring the work group.


  • 煤集团董事总经理郭海董事长助理李永平以及公司有关单位部门负责人热情接待张海鹏一

    With the Coal Board, Deputy General Manager Guo, Chairman and Assistant ping and the company head of the unit and the warm reception of the Winning the line.


  • 王明宝近年来,煤集团进行两区治理改造和平地区旧区改造,改善广大员工家属居住环境

    Ming Bao said in recent years, with the Coal had "two areas" peaceful prosperous areas to management and urban reform, improving the living conditions of the families of the staff.


  • 9月9日下午煤集团董事长总经理张有喜主持召开总经理安全办公会议安排部署下一阶段安全工作

    Sept. 9 pm, with the Coal vice chairman, general manager, general manager Zhang Youxi security office hosted the meeting, arrangements for the next phase of safety work.


  • 通过集团气厂FGX -6分选实际运用分析,指出了该机工作原理及优缺点,供改造干选机时参考

    By usage practice of FGX -6coal -dressing machine, points its working principle and virtues and defects for reference to innovation of coal -dressing machine.


  • 下一步集团主要围绕利用矸石发电,利用矸石生产新型建材四个方面进一步做好矸石综合利用工作

    Next, Datong coal Mine Group will mainly focus on use of coal for power generation, coal production of new building materials used in four aspects of the comprehensive utilization of coal do.


  • 介绍花岗岩除尘器同煤集团四台应用,并就此除尘器的性能工作原理及其除尘效果,说明了其改善生活环境质量具有重大意义

    This paper introduces the application of granite film dust remover in Sitai mine, Tongmei Group, and illustrate its that it plays an important role in the environment improvement of the mine area.


  • 介绍花岗岩除尘器同煤集团四台应用,并就此除尘器的性能工作原理及其除尘效果,说明了其改善生活环境质量具有重大意义

    This paper introduces the application of granite film dust remover in Sitai mine, Tongmei Group, and illustrate its that it plays an important role in the environment improvement of the mine area.


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