• 同步复制间隔SCM项目管理员控制

    Synchronization and replication intervals are controlled by the SCM project administrator.


  • 第二问题通过“保持活动”固定间隔同步消息欺瞒浏览器,使浏览器认为数据是以慢的速率传入的。

    The second issue is circumvented by sending a "keep-alive" or "sync" message at constant intervals to fool the browser into thinking that data is coming at a slower rate.


  • 分钟时间间隔能够比较地看到效果适合用于对同步进行测试

    The interval time of 1 minute is good for testing the synchronization because of its fast effect.


  • 如果没有修改过缺省节点同步时间间隔的话应该分钟接收到三个通知

    You should get three notifications every minute if you have not modified the default node synchronization interval.


  • 注意刷新侧边面板不会影响报告类别同步,报告类别同步管理员设定时间间隔执行

    Note that refreshing the sidebar panel does not affect report catalog synchronization, which is performed based on an interval set by the administrator.


  • 这些方面包括选择如何处理事件调度时钟同步时间间隔计算本地相关性文化意义

    These aspects include choosing how to handle events, schedules, clock synchronization, interval calculations, local relevance, and cultural significance.


  • 本地政策必须根据公司对于更广同步间隔的容忍度来设置

    Again, local policy must be set based upon corporate tolerance for wider synchronization intervals.


  • 在以下情况下可能重新设置此设置故障转移、首选服务器更改、缓存文件不可访问复制间隔错误,或者其他任何需要新的服务器邮件文件进行同步

    This setting can be reset by failover, preferred server change, unreachable cache file, replication interval setback, or any other time you need to synch with a new server mail file.


  • 同步意味着所有项目必须按照相同间隔进行传播;不同步化意味着项目可以选择它们自己的计时方式

    Synchronized means that all projects must propagate on the same intervals; unsynchronized means that projects choose their own timing.


  • 下一次LotusNotes客户端NDERPws报告模板同步时(同步管理员设定时间间隔执行),会用户报告类别可用状态

    The next time the Lotus Notes client synchronizes with the report templates on NDERPws (which occurs at an interval set by the administrator), the user's report catalog is reset to a usable state.


  • 自从互联网开始起来如果同步两个服务器之间服务通常解决方案客户规律间隔ping服务器,就是人们所知的轮询

    Since the beginning of the Internet, if you wanted to sync services between two servers the most common solution was to have the client ping the host at regular intervals, which his known as polling.


  • ReportViewer版本间隔经历了很长段时间人们在想微软最终一定会保证所有产品的同步

    With such a long time between versions, one would think that Microsoft is finally getting everything synced up.


  • 方法一种基于信号采样时钟速率全数字化处理过程同步精度达到信号采样间隔的1%以上,且便于FPGADSP实现

    The method is a fully-digitized process at the sampling clock rate, so that it can be conveniently implemented by FPGA or DSP, whose synchronization precision can reach 1% of the sampling interval.


  • 频率跟踪就是依据前一次频率估计修改下一次采样采样间隔从而使同步偏差越来越小。

    Frequency tracking means that sampling intervals of following sampling is updated according to new frequency estimation, so synchronous sampling error will be reduce step by step.


  • 同步过程预定间隔设置,此设置同步组需要共同同步图表)的水平控制。

    The synchronization can be setup at predefined intervals, which can be controlled at the level of a sync groupa group of tables that need to be synchronized together.


  • 传输操作时刻表循环组成系统矩阵基础时间间隔尺度网络时间单元为单位实现时间同步

    On the basis of communication operation schedule for system matrix formed with basis cycle, the time synchronization of system was obtained depending on the net time unit (NTU).


  • 推导了同步脉冲间隔宽度双重调制(P I W M)的频谱及其特点

    The frequency spectrum and characteristics of pulse interval and width modulation (PIWM) are derived in detail.


  • 我们采用基于时钟的粗计数器来量化测时间间隔时钟同步部分

    The time-interval could be divided into two parts, namely clock synchronized part and clock unsynchronized part.


  • 第一同步算法直接利用了一个PN序列产生相关融合保护间隔冗余特性获得同步信号

    The first kind of the frame synchronization algorithm employs the correlation of the long PN sequence and the redundancy of the guard interval to produce the synchronization signal.


  • 同步交互中,发生咨商顾客的相互反应一定的时间间隔

    Asynchronous interaction occurs with a gap in time between the responses of the counselor and the client.


  • 定量分析了变电站时钟同步误差自动化装置时钟精度基于两者时时间间隔确定等问题。

    The time correction error of substation clock synchronization, the clock precision of automation equipment and the time correction interval are quantitatively analyzed.


  • 因为任意时间测量存在着被测时间间隔填充脉冲之间同步时间间隔

    Because the short time interval which is asynchronous between the time interval measured and the clock pluses filled exists in the any time measurement.


  • 该文提出了一种适用于时域正交频分复用数字传输(TDS - OFDM)系统基于保护间隔相似特性的高精度载波同步算法

    This paper presents a fine carrier synchronization algorithm based on the similarities of the guard interval for Time-domain synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM) systems.


  • 目的评估右室间隔起搏右室心尖部起搏起搏参数双心室同步影响

    AIM To evaluate the influence of pacing in right ventricular septum (RVS) and right ventricular apex (RVA) on pacing parameter and biventricular electrical synchrony.


  • 运用同步技术采样数据进行归一处理处理后数据转化为相对应的坐标,并运用直线插值法求出间隔点之间坐标;

    The paper describes the way to process sampling data using synchronous technology, to transform data and to find unknowable coordinate.


  • 采用基于延时精细计数量化时间间隔时钟不同步的部分,这样时间就被转换成了数字量。

    Both coarse count and fine count which base on the clock and gate delay separately were used to quantify them. Thus, time variable were converted into digital variable.


  • 周期电气信号微机测量普遍采用间隔同步交流采样

    In digital measurement of period electric signals, uniform and synchronous sampling is a commonly used method with high performance and low computational complexity.


  • 【摘要】目的心室心尖起搏为参照,评估心室间隔部起搏的双心室同步血流动力学效应。

    Abstract: Objective To evaluate the biventricular electrical synchronism and hemodynamics in the right ventricular septum (RVS) pacing compared with traditional right ventricular apex (RVA) pacing.


  • 近似同步法采用严格相等采样间隔从而使每个采样尽量靠近同步采样点。

    ASM samples signal with no strictly equal intervals in order that each sampling point is close to synchronous sampling point.


  • 目的心室心尖起搏为参照,评估右心室间隔起搏的双心室同步血流动力学效应。

    Abstract :Objective To evaluate the biventricular electrical synchronism and hemodynamics in the right ventricular septum (RVS) pacing compared with traditional right ventricular apex (RVA) pacing.


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