• 其他同样理想同伴一样成为一个舞台剧演员

    I want to become a stage actress, just like other companions who have the same ideal.


  • 为了团队怀有同样理想的投资者增进关系,指数化思考的领导者完全抛弃自我。

    Exponential business leaders remove all egos to build stronger relationships with their team and like-minded innovators.


  • 现实世界并不刚才那么理想某种程度上这种现象还是存在的,所以同样考虑多元化的问题。

    We don't have the ideal world that I just described, but to some extent we do, so we want to think about diversifying in this world.


  • 同样管理方面管理员权限授予一个区域所有商店也是比较理想的。

    Similarly, on the administration side, it may be desirable to grant an administrator rights to all stores within a region.


  • 一个拉链开着视为有损尊严的,同样著名照片也是如此的姿势,代表了理想的美国工人形象——刻意表现出的尊严,永远不变的。

    A man with his zipper down is undignified, and so the famous icon, posed as he is, presents an idealized version of the American workerhis dignity customized, but forever intact.


  • 只要我们继续试图卑劣仅仅不当手段实现理想我们善意同样酿出恶果构成历史悲剧讽刺。作为个人,我能尽全力使未来不像过去和现在那么富有悲剧和讽刺意味吗?

    So long as we go on trying to realize our ideals by bad or merely inappropriate means, our good intentions will come to the same bad ends.In this consists the tragedy and the irony of history.


  • 由于Safari同样基于WebKit,因此一个理想开发平台它加速了开发提供出色的调试帮助,这要归功于十分有用WebKit Inspector应用程序

    Because Safari is also based on WebKit, it is an ideal development platform, speeding development and providing an excellent debugging aid, thanks to the useful WebKit Inspector application.


  • 只要我们继续试图以卑劣仅仅不当手段实现理想我们善意同样酿出恶果,构成历史悲剧讽刺

    So long as we go on trying to realize our ideals by bad or merely inappropriate means, our good intentions will come to the same bad ends. In this consists the tragedy and the irony of history.


  • 随着Python崛起开发社区始终保持同样理想坚守python禅。

    With Python's rise to prominence the develop community has always kept the same ideals and stayed true to the Zen of Python.


  • 如果的另一半你有着同样生活标准理想的状态。

    It is still ideal that you date someone whom you share the same standards with.


  • 赞同理想条件下塑造品格较为容易,不过,我们也不能忘记品格可以获取自外部,同样应当靠自身给予

    I agree that it is easier to build character under ideal conditions but cannot forget that character is also required to give as well as receive.


  • 相信他们回答但是明白如果要求同样男女描述一下他们母亲,发现他们理想中的伴侣他们的母亲许多相似之处。

    I believe what they say. But I also know that if I were to ask those same men and women to describe their mothers, there would be many similarities between their ideal mates and their moms.


  • 泄密同样代表权威的反叛,并不是所有泄密把他们理想人想象中那样崇高。

    Leaking also represents a rebellion against authority, not all of which is as benevolent as those who idealize leakers may believe.


  • 理想情况是,至少一些使用者需要积极参与工具设计维护同样,一些工具的设计者创建者实际上也是工具的使用者。

    Ideally, at least some users will be active participants in the design and maintenance of the tools, and, likewise, some of the designers and builders of the tools will also be actual tool users.


  • 影响的因素是莫桑比克货币梅蒂卡尔近期出现急剧的贬值,同样由于干旱而导致国家南部地区收成不够理想

    It has more to do with a sharp fall in the metical, Mozambique’s currency, coupled with this year’s poor harvest in the country’s south, due to drought.


  • 但是这个地区许多类似动议一样,这次同样理想大大高于现实

    Yet like many such initiatives in the region, ambition ran far ahead of reality.


  • 如果粗鲁的对待他们,他同样可以赞赏他们理想这些理想有些时候看起来美好的进步。

    If he could berude about them, he could also commend their ideas, which were sometimesadmirably progressive.


  • 同样HPCVCL桌面计算机使用VCL刀片服务器则理想资源利用率提供了经济服务

    Also, using the VCL blades for both HPC and VCL desktops provides economical services with optimum use of resources.


  • 同样来自不同文化背景的人们看待事物是不相同的,因而可以他们学习很多东西。理想的状况是,你能够认识尽量的有着不同文化背景的人群。

    Similarly, people from different cultures often see things differently and you can learn a lot from them. Ideally, you should know people from as many different cultures as possible.


  • 同样,数字电视转换一段时期播出的数字信号未必理想

    Also, in the days following the switchover, the digital signals being broadcast are unlikely to be up to snuff.


  • 理想的情况是:通过网络转账,信用卡支付直接扣款同样的操作在柏林巴塞罗那之间应当花费相对于柏林和勒费尔德之间更多时间精力费用

    Ideally a wire transfer, card payment or direct debit from Berlin to Barcelona should cost no more time, sweat or money than one from Berlin to Bielefeld.


  • 理想情况下应该可以使用同样代码外加一些附加标记进行创建,如下所示。

    Ideally, you should be able to use the same code with some additional markup, as in this example.


  • 我们同样理想爱好未来生活的希望,教会新的角度世界

    We share the same ideas, interests, and outlook on life and she has made me look at life in a new way.


  • 他们同样拥有很多野心、意图理想主义。

    They also have a lot of ambition, drive and idealism.


  • 慈悲接受真正那个自己),不是仅仅在生活中扮演理想中的自己理想我),同样,学会接纳他人鼓励别人自我疼惜。

    Compassion: Accepting yourself as you actually are rather than playing an ideal role, and also accepting others for who they actually are so that they are inspired to value themselves.


  • 另外需要特别指出是,我们同样提供理想套餐

    And, for the special touch, we also like to provide an optimum service package.


  • 如果今天建造同样很多球手都会批评四号打,甚至麦肯齐博士也会承认不太理想

    If the same holes were built today, many golfers would criticize the fourth hole for its blind tee shot, which even Dr.


  • 因为炸鸡易于保存冷热同样美味野餐理想食物。

    Because Fried chicken keeps well and is just as delicious cold as it is hot, it's ideal for picnic situations.


  • 理想情况下意味着孩子包容其他同龄孩子中,他们学习同样的内容。

    Ideally, this means that your child would be included in the classroom with other kids her age and learn what they are learning.


  • 理想情况下意味着孩子包容其他同龄孩子中,他们学习同样的内容。

    Ideally, this means that your child would be included in the classroom with other kids her age and learn what they are learning.


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