• 现在优美的歌词所有年龄读者带来同样节日精神这本独一无二的图画书中女孩最大的圣诞愿望就是得到一只新的小狗

    Now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one of a kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog!


  • 如果留在这里发生其他男孩女孩身上的事情同样发生身上。

    If I stay here, the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls.


  • 认为对于那些不能应付简单心算的人,尤其是女孩应该给予同样关注

    I think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic—particularly girls.


  • 们有同样的梦想。

    Girls have the same dream.


  • 2012年,优素福·扎伊差点被塔利班杀害,因为她努力为巴基斯坦的年轻女孩争取同样的教育。

    In 2012, Yousafzai was nearly killed by the Taliban because she worked hard to get the same education for young girls in Pakistan.


  • 年50岁的她在尼日利亚伊洛林的一所学校上学,和学校里其他200名女孩一样穿着同样的粉红色裙子。

    Now fifty, she attends a school in Ilorin Nigeria, wearing the same pink dress as two hundred other girls at the school.


  • 生活在一个由于她们女孩不能享有男孩同样多的机会国家吗?

    A country where, because they're girls, they don't have as much opportunity as boys do?


  • 约翰一直喜欢户外活动乡村生活一个有着同样爱好的女孩贝基结了婚,多么幸运

    John always liked the outdoors and rural living. How lucky he was to marry a girl who also took pleasure in these things.


  • 换了两次工作,搬了五次家,然后之后,我成立自己出版物,专门给18 -34女性我们个人,都是女孩,穿同样大小鞋子,有着相近的年龄。

    Two jobs, five apartments and three years later, I founded my own publication for girls ages 18 to 34 - there were four of us, all women, all with the same size feet, and around the same age.


  • 他们同样寻找一些刚刚遭遇了一些伤害女孩比如经历分手失业或者其它一些让她们的心情谷底的事情。

    They also look for a girl who has just suffered from some hurtful event like a breakup, job loss, or anything else that has sent them into a downward spiral.


  • 男人们不再会无理……但是得承认很大程度同样取决于女孩行为

    Men didn’t take liberties with youBut I admit, this greatly depends on the girl’s behavior as well.


  • 常常其他人特别是女孩提出荒唐话题感到惊异,同样吃惊,还居然会引起热烈回应

    I was constantly amazed at the ridiculous topics raised by other people, especially by other girls, and I was equally amazed by the enthusiastic responses their ridiculousness elicited.


  • 作为女孩慷慨之心的回馈,艾希丽希望自己有也能为需要帮助的同样

    Reflecting on a little girl's generosity, Ashley says she hopes she'll one day be able to do something similar for someone else in need.


  • 女孩尿样本会经过同样过程处理

    The same process also takes place with urine samples from the girls.


  • 天界那个女孩海伦特洛伊城里美丽女子海伦拥有同样美丽的名字

    Helen was the name of this cupbearer. She had the same name as the most beautiful woman in Troy.


  • 西雅图女孩自己胳膊肖恩手持来复枪巨大纹身后来伦敦遇见了一个纹有同样纹身的男人,不过的是在腿上

    There's a girl in Seattle who has a massive tattoo on her arm of Shaun holding a rifle. Then I met a guy in London who had the same tattoo on his leg.


  • F女孩同样招募,而且不仅将她们投入战场上,还有更为可怕的。

    F: Girls are enlisted, and it is not only to fight these battles, you know, which is horrible.


  • 和她同样天宇——只有那个女孩还有深蓝色的缓缓飘荡的毛衣

    We were the only ones in the universe - just me, the girl, and the dark blue sweater fluttering down in slow motion.


  • 同样布隆迪,传来的又是位六岁白化病女孩被袭击消息.杀手的父母了起来,射杀女孩,带着她的头部与四肢扬长.

    That attack followed another on a six-year-old albino girl in the same country. The killers tied up the parents, shot the girl in the head, and made off with her head and limbs.


  • 无罪释放女孩母亲对记者说:“担心更多的同样的理由辩护而获得从轻发落。

    The girl'smothertold reporters after Ecott's acquittal, "I worry that there are alotmore people who will get off lightly using the same defence.


  • 照片中的女孩一头金色长发;而母亲的头发比较短,同样金黄色有不错的发型

    The girl in the photo has long blond hair; her mother's is shorter, blond and styled.


  • 就像的,看起来那个时候着完全正确事情(内心中的女孩同样着迷时)。但是如果不是这样的话……这么做不会影响女人对你的感觉

    Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it's not... it will have no effect on her feelings for you.


  • 女孩名字也是同样趋势,2007年时只有8%的女孩的名字位列十大最常用的名字之中,而1955年时这个比例是22%。

    The same trend held true for girls only 8% of girls had a top-10 name in 2007, compared to 22% in 1955.


  • 一方面担心觉得学校里女孩得不到男孩子同样对待特别是数学自然科学方面

    [on the one hand,] there was the concern that girls were not getting the same treatment as boys in school, especially around math and science.


  • 他们同样鼓励拍摄这样的照片——其中的女孩正面角色穿着与其年龄相符,旁边还配有欣赏女孩其它方面多于外表男性角色。

    They also will encourage portrayals of girls in age-appropriate attire and as positive characters, along with male characters who value the female characters for more than their appearance.


  • 众所周知人体肌肉骨骼生长密切相关。最新研究显示脂肪组织同样对骨骼发育起着重要的作用,而且这一作用女孩子身上尤为明显。

    It has long been known that the amount of muscle in the body is related to bone growth, but the new study shows that fat mass is also important in building bone, particularly in girls.


  • 女孩父亲杀死那个男孩以及四个兄弟并且发现他的母亲帮助他的女儿逃离自己的时候同样杀死了自己的母亲。

    Her father killed the boy and four of his brothers, and when he discovered that his own mother had helped his daughter escape her father's wrath, he killed his mother too.


  • 女孩相似,他们希望人们同样的话。

    The same goes for girls who sayI love youjust so they can hear men say the same words.


  • 女孩相似,他们希望人们同样的话。

    The same goes for girls who sayI love youjust so they can hear men say the same words.


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