• 儿子又问同样问题决定手里仅有6美元准备大餐。

    One day, when her son asked the same question again, she decided to prepare a big meal for him with the only 6 dollars in her hand.


  • 天,当她的儿子再次问起同样的问题时,她用自己仅有的5美元买了些食物,在家里为他做了顿大餐。

    One day, when her son asked the same question again, she bought some food with her only 5 dollars and cooked a big meal for him at home.


  • 母亲被她的举动感动了,她决定回到店里,给收银员张五美元的钞票,让他放在手边,以防别人在没有足够的钱支付所购买的东西时发生同样的情况。

    My mother was so touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier a five-dollar bill to keep on hand in case the same happened to someone else if they didn't have enough money for all of their groceries.


  • 现在价格这么年前同样卡拉科夫阿富汗700美元

    The prices are so high now, a year ago the same Kalokov sold for $700 in Afghanistan.


  • 同样道理,如果消费者来说,薯条的价值3美元实际上的售价1美元左右,那么这个消费者便得到了2美元的消费者剩余

    Similarly, an order of French fries might beworth $3 to a consumer, but because French fries are available for around $1, the consumer obtains a surplus of $2 in the purchase.


  • 如果生产环境价值几十万美元数据库服务器可能你无法负担搭建同样交付准备服务器

    If you have a hundred-thousand dollar database server in production, chances are you aren't going to be able to afford the same for your staging environment.


  • 技术上看同样激动人心。欧元的创造并不是作为流通而是成为看似可靠美元对手

    It has also been a spectacular success from a technical point of view, establishing itself not just as a viable currency but as the only plausible rival to the dollar.


  • 不怎么这种有机杂货不过这个实在太划算了:后来那天去的杂货店看到同样牌子同样数量的山莓4.49美元

    I don’t usually pay the premium for organic groceries, but this was a steal, comparatively: later that day I saw the exact same size and brand at a regular grocery for $4.49.


  • 同样苹果就会1百万美元

    In a month the same apple would cost just over 1 billion dollars.


  • 但是正如理查德·邓肯指出的那样,同样使得其他国家出现了巨额盈余,这观点来自邓肯富有预见性著作美元危机》,该书出版于2003年。

    But as Richard Duncan pointed out in his prescient book "the Dollar Crisis", published in 2003, it also let other countries run huge surpluses.


  • 萧条时期风险投资可能确实繁荣时期高产,萧条时期的美元投入相当于繁荣时期资金大把投入到同样商业计划许多变体

    Venture investment during recessions may actually be more productive, per dollar spent, than during booms, when money is showered on many variants of the same business plan.


  • 这儿超市里,1000藜麦售价要2英镑多点,大约相当于4.85美元,对应地,同样重量面条价格是1.20美元精米价格是1美元

    At supermarkets here, a 1,000-gram bag of quinoa, just over two pounds, costs the equivalent of $4.85, compared with $1.20 for a bag of noodles the same weight and $1 for a bag of white rice.


  • 慈善拍卖成功同样证明个道理——当代艺术家中,特先生带动力高于任何人,而作品当天晚上也卖出了2000万美元

    The success of the charity auction also proved that no contemporary artist had more pulling power than Mr Hirst, whose own work sold for nearly $20m that night.


  • 学生们同样可以参与多课堂年期的赌局,格巴特,强调每人在下个学年最多只能赢利2500美元

    Students can also place multi-class bets and yearlong bets, said Mr. Gelbart, noting that the maximum that anybody could win in the upcoming school year is $2,500.


  • 同样参议员罗里兹因2007年国有银行盗取2.23亿雷亚尔(1.2亿美元受到指控,从巴西利亚参议院辞职

    The same goes for Joaquim Roriz, who resigned as a senator for Brasília in 2007 after being accused of stealing 223m reais ($120m) from a state bank.


  • 同样简单地算下,项专利售价高达75万美元

    Using the same simple maths, the group paid a clean $750, 000 per patent.


  • Netflix公司(全球十大视频网站中唯收费站点)斥资百万美元奖励改进推荐引擎同样Kaggle网(众包①预测模型平台)主办统计挑战大赛。

    Netflix used a $1 million reward to upgrade its recommendation engine, while similar statistical challenges are hosted by the website Kaggle.


  • 如果支票偿还10美元,而银行兑现,则同样银行通过支票兑现次数财富的数量也没有联系。

    Nor the number of times the same amount of money in a bank may be checked against, if I pay you back with a check and you deposit it in the same bank and draw against it again.


  • 最小三明治平均价格也在每个2.50美元--3.00美元,而如果自己做可以同样价格更大更好营养

    For the average cost of one of these babies ($2.50 to $3.00 per sandwich), you could make a bigger, better, and more nutritious version yourself.


  • 可惜是,就美元纸币美国国旗样,幅作品同样的障人眼目的熟悉性,着层熟悉的烟幕让我们对她的伟大视而不见。

    Unfortunately, like the dollar bill and the American flag, it has assumed a pall of such impenetrable familiarity that we no longer see it at all.


  • 其实原理非常简单同样美元钞票使用次之后,便具有相当于一美元效力相同数量黄金储备发挥了两作用

    The principle advanced is simple: the same dollar bill, used twice, is as effective as two individual dollar bills; the same amount of gold reserve has done twice the work.


  • 如今穿漂亮意味着别人不同感觉但这并不必要去穿件500美元外套休闲服同样可以看起来漂亮很像样

    Now, dressing nicely means something different for everyoneit doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a $500 outfit, but could mean casual clothes that are nice looking and presentable.


  • 药品抽屉里5美元施德林漱口水和75美元DVD清洁同样的效果。

    A $5 bottle of Listerine in your medicine cabinet may do the job as effectively as a $75 bottle of DVD cleaning fluid.


  • 等于受灾群众发放83美元,而这个数字同样遭受洪水袭击非洲小国贝宁人均接受接济的20还多

    That is about $83 per affected person and 20 times more per person than was given for comparable flooding in relatively poorer Benin.


  • 他们了,同样保险其他地方差不多个月可以省下100美元

    They were wrong — they could get the same coverage elsewhere for almost $100 per month less.


  • 他们了,同样保险其他地方差不多个月可以省下100美元

    They were wrong — they could get the same coverage elsewhere for almost $100 per month less.


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