• 可以选择同时并行运行几个实例

    It also has the option to launch several instances running in parallel simultaneously.


  • 而且2010年销售模式也要转型,由原来的单纯直销转变直销经销同时并行

    In addition, the marketing mode must be transformed in 2010, and the single direct selling will be changed into directly selling together with the distribution.


  • 同时并行运行英尺窗户墙壁行动装置地方作为一个阴影包含内置的木材长椅俯瞰公开法庭

    Also running in parallel is a two feet deep wall that at places ACTS as a shading device for large Windows or incorporates built-in timber benches overlooking the open courts.


  • 借助于差分传输RS 4 85总线控制器为核心数据采集系统方便构成系统,同时并行进行数据采集。

    The data gather system made by micro controller may make up of a multi computer system expediently with the RS 485 bus, which can gather data synchronously in parallel.


  • 本文主要介绍中国教育第三频道山东教育台发射机实时监控系统中采用种在处理器模式同时并行监控多个受控设备的技术方法

    The main idea of this paper is to introduce a technique that can parallel monitor several sending sets at the same time under the pattern of single processor.


  • 例如DB 2LOAD可以每个分区同时运行负载操作可以并行分摊到多个服务器上

    For example, DB2 load could run simultaneously on each partition, splitting the load operation up in parallel across the servers.


  • 或许一个很明显加快服务启动速度方法并行启动所有的服务,这样它们可以同时启动。

    Perhaps an obvious way to speed up the starting of services is to run all the services in parallel, so that they all start at the same time.


  • 对于并行路径存在另外一个注意事项因为每个路径任务同时执行需要考虑如何处理数据

    There is an additional consideration for parallel paths, because tasks on each path can be performed at the same time; you need to consider how to handle the data.


  • 工作流管理员可以创建任务这些任务或者可以依次运行可以同时台计算机并行运行。

    Workflows enable the administrator to create tasks that can run either in sequence or in parallel across multiple computers at the same time.


  • 分配有助于多处理器系统优化并行io性能因为可以同时多个元数据更新处于传输中”。

    Allocation groups also help to optimize parallel IO performance on multiprocessor systems, because more than one metadata update can be "in transit" at the same time.


  • 如果两个并行路径尝试同时访问同一数据则您遇到一致性问题

    If two parallel paths try to access the same data at the same time, you could run into consistency issues.


  • 不仅调用同时而且结果处理也是并行完成的。

    Not only are the calls simultaneous, but the processing of the results is also done in parallel.


  • 这种方法最大限度地减少数据移动同时利用AMPP架构实现并行联接

    This approach minimizes data movement while taking advantage of the AMPP architecture to parallelize the join.


  • 并行工作意味着需要付出更多的精力,尤其是解决那些同时发生的变更

    But working in parallel also always means additional effort when it comes to resolving concurrently made changes.


  • PARALLELTABLE选项告诉分发实用程序并行执行重分发,同时重分发其中多个

    The parallel table option tells the redistribute utility to perform parallelism at the table level where multiple tables are redistributed at the same time.


  • 帕特森并行编程比作是十个记者同时篇新闻报道中的一

    Dr Patterson likens parallel programming to having ten reporters each write a paragraph of a news story.


  • 试图同时着手多个并行项目或是多个任务都会损害进度

    Attempting to do too many concurrent projects or multitasking is detrimental to progress.


  • 同时指出程序员学习并行处理还要知道如何实现容量数据库快速接口

    He added that the new capabilities would also mean that programmers will have to learn how to deal with nearly instant access to large volumes of data.


  • 并行备份期间不管是标准备份(onbar -b)还是全系统备份(onbar - b - w),都多个进程同时运行数据备份不同dbspace中。

    During a parallel backup, whether it is a standard backup (onbar -b) or whole-system backup (onbar -b -w), multiple processes run simultaneously and back up data to separate dbspaces.


  • 与此同时我们接触一些领域这些领域中,并行web其它方法复杂

    At the same time, we have already touched on a few areas in which the parallel Web is more complex than other approaches.


  • 并行备份允许同时进行几个dbspaces 备份(由 $ONCONFIG参数 BAR_MAX_BACKUP 控制),如果基础设施够用,那么这样做可缩短总体备份时间

    Parallel backups allow the processing of several dbspaces ($ONCONFIG parameter BAR_MAX_BACKUP) simultaneously, thus reducing the overall backup time if the infrastructure is adequate.


  • 对于选择,将只导致后续执行路径同时选择Task3Task4将导致并行执行个分支。

    For the first two choices, a single sequential execution path results, while the choice of Task 3 and Task 4 results in both branches executing in parallel.


  • 因此每当4以上并行的“管道”通往CM储存库时建议增加archpro实例(同时增加任务)。

    Thus it is a best practice recommendation to add additional archpro instances (and thus also an additional task) whenever there should be more than ~ 4 parallel "pipes" into the CM repository.


  • 系列剩下文章中,我们考察致力于实现人和机器意义的Web同时不必维护并行web的两条(更多)主线技术

    In the rest of this series, we'll examine techniques that strive to achieve a meaningful Web for humans and machines without maintaining two (or more) strands of a parallel Web.


  • 相反地Hadoop可以视为可以同时数据算法分配主机获得更快速的并行处理速度的方法。

    Instead, Hadoop can be viewed as a way to distribute both data and algorithms to hosts for faster parallel processing.


  • 可以有效地利用数据并行作为整体数组不同处理器上使用不同的索引同时执行指令

    It makes effective use of data parallelism and can act on entire arrays at once by executing instructions on different indexes of an array in different processors.


  • 处理类型SPML同时支持并行顺序处理请求

    Processing types: SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests.


  • 同时我们认为,有关双边对话多边会谈是相相成、相互促进的,可以并行不悖向前推进。

    We also believe that relevant bilateral dialogues and multilateral talks complement and reinforce each other and thus can move ahead in parallel.


  • 所有搜索目标的搜索查询并行发出的,结果以异步方式返回从而允许在实时返回结果的同时其中进行导航。

    Search queries to all search targets are issued in parallel and results are returned asynchronously, enabling you to navigate through the results as they are returned in real time.


  • 所有搜索目标的搜索查询并行发出的,结果以异步方式返回从而允许在实时返回结果的同时其中进行导航。

    Search queries to all search targets are issued in parallel and results are returned asynchronously, enabling you to navigate through the results as they are returned in real time.


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