• 同时平均每年我们顾客提供超过200种不同贴花设计

    We also provide decal design services - every year we design an average of 200 different decals for clients like you.


  • 赢得奖金标准是,设计者的机械必须能够全程攀上长达一公里的轨道,同时平均速度不能低于每秒516英尺)。

    To win the competition, a vehicle has to climb all the way up the kilometre-long cable, travelling at an average speed of five meters (16 feet) per second.


  • 公司业务转移到网络不仅帮助我们更快客户提供信息更快完成交易,同时平均每月削减了2 500美元的费用开支

    Moving our company's operations online not only helped us provide information to customers quicker and close deals faster, it also slashed our overhead expenses by $2, 500 a month on average.


  • 一个问题平均幸福感下降是否与电子设备使用量增加同时发生

    The next question is, are the drops in average well-being happening at the same time as trends toward increased electronic device usage?


  • 与此同时拉脱维亚妇女身高1914年的第28位一个世纪上升世界最高平均身高169。

    Latvian women,meanwhile,rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later,with an average height of 169.


  • 与此同时一个世纪拉脱维亚妇女身高1914年的第28位上升世界最高,平均身高169。

    Latvian women, meanwhile, rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later, with an average height of 169.


  • 如果同时精力浪费了其他事情,你只能得到一个平均结果因为你的精力被均分在几件事上了。

    If you waste your energy on several things at the same time, you will get average results because you will divide your energy between the activities.


  • 24个更多物理主机的节点平均台物理承载11个虚拟机,同时10个更少机器的节点每台物理机承载的虚拟机几乎翻番20。

    Sites with 24 or more physical hosts have on average 11 VMs per physical machine, while sites with 10 or fewer machines almost double this to 20 VMs.


  • 这些趋势海洋表面平均温度增高有着非常紧密的联系;同时同时期内全球大气平均温度增高情况相符合

    These trends are closely linked to increases in the average temperatures of the ocean surface, and they correspond to increases in global average atmospheric temperatures during the same period.


  • 日本同时也是女性平均寿命最长的国家86

    Japan also tops world life expectancy list for women with 86 years.


  • 他们采用这种格式平均减少了20%存储需求同时可以达到更好性能(需延迟数据的解压)。

    They have adopted this format and are seeing reduced storage requirements of about 20% on average and they can achieve improved performance by using it (by lazily decompressing columns as needed).


  • 中国社会债务同时降低GDP17%,远远低于经合组织平均77%的债务。

    China's public debt has also fallen to only 17% of GDP, well below the average ratio of 77% in OECD economies.


  • 局部环境可能同时改变了这些数据运用数据修正法与均化作用推知了全球平均气温

    The local environment may have changed. Extrapolating a global average from such data involves an amount of tinkering—or homogenisation.


  • 研究发现平均而言,“口头暗示”治疗报告胸痛减轻,同时一些血管收缩

    On average, the study found, the verbal-suggestion group reported a dip in their chest pain after the procedure, while showing some blood vessel narrowing.


  • 第一阶段制造具有200毫瓦平均功率同时具有4%插接效率热电制冷激光器其封装1瓦的模块

    Phase I calls for making a 200 mW average power, thermoelectrically cooled laser with at least 4 percent wall-plug efficiency (WPE), and planning for combining those into a 1-watt module.


  • 5月份欧元区平均通胀率升至超过预期的2.5%,同时欧盟最新统计调查表明通胀预期上升

    The average inflation rate in the euro area rose to 2.5% in May, which was higher than expected, and the European Commission's latest survey showed that inflation expectations are edging up.


  • 王亮研究了拟南芥(arabidopsis)、曲霉菌(aspergillus)、果蝇以及老鼠基因组同时发现基因“单词”的一个合适平均长度12个字母

    Liang studied the genomes of arabidopsis, aspergillus, the fruit fly and the mouse, and found that a good average word length is 12 letters.


  • 同时欧洲每个职员每天平均打印31其中有7他们根本需要的。

    In Europe, meanwhile, each worker prints an average of 31 pages a day, seven of which were not even wanted, according to recent research by Lexmark, a printer manufacturer.


  • 同时观察已创建已毁坏连接平均

    Also, observe the average number of connections created and destroyed.


  • 另外同时上海香港股市上市股票目前平均相同价格交易,而在过去中,在上海证交所交易的股票通常溢价较高。

    Moreover, shares of companies listed both there and in Hong Kong now trade at the same price level, on average. For the past four years Shanghai's typically fetched a noticeable premium.


  • 确定给定应用程序重要性能特征同时考虑平均响应时间最大响应时间很重要的。

    It is important to think about both the mean response time and the maximum response time when deciding what performance characteristics are important to a given application.


  • 实际平均时薪在下降同时,作为目前为止大多数美国人最大资产房子以比萧条时期才能看到的更快的步伐贬值

    Average hourly pay is falling in real terms. Meanwhile houses, most Americans' biggest asset by far, are tumbling in value at a pace that exceeds that seen in, yes, the Great Depression.


  • 标准同时用于发现达到完全生长能力平均体重不足或超重的儿童

    The standards are also used for detecting children not growing to full capacity or those who are under- or overweight on average.


  • 图表中的大部分研究方法能够一条或者多条坐标轴上移动并且一些研究两个方向是平均的,经常是为了同时满足多种目标

    Most of the methods in the chart can move along one or more dimensions, and some do so even in the same study, usually to satisfy multiple goals.


  • 同时声称西班牙潜在增长仍然高出欧元区平均水平

    He also claimed that Spain's potential growth remained above the euro-area average.


  • 与此同时,八年级学生平均得分为283,较2007年测试了两分

    Eighth-graders, meanwhile, scored an average of 283 points, up two points from the 2007 test.


  • 与此同时,八年级学生平均得分为283,较2007年测试了两分

    Eighth-graders, meanwhile, scored an average of 283 points, up two points from the 2007 test.


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