• 看来,我们需要一些创造思维找到方法帮助这种处境下公司竞争保持领先地位同时维持其技术竞争力

    In my view, some creative thinking needs to come in here to find ways to help companies in this situation to stay ahead in the game, but at the same time, to remain technologically competitive.


  • 同时因为新的测试一直进行,创造这样标准可能不断演进过程

    And since new tests are being created constantly, creating such a standard would be an ever-evolving process.


  • 同时埃克森博士通过AHL蛋白质附着聚合创造一种巧妙棘轮排布

    Dr Akeson, meanwhile, created a clever ratchet arrangement by attaching a polymerase enzyme to the AHL protein.


  • 这些服务带领我们到达吃饭的地方,同时期望可以餐馆顾客之间创造一些激励措施保证回头客

    These services help drive us to eateries and hopefully create incentives between restaurants and customers to foster repeat business and loyalty.


  • 诚然生命力量释放我们创造机器中的同时我们就丧失了他们控制

    Yet as we unleash living forces into our created machines, we lose control of them.


  • 多数情况下通过执行测试关键性能来减少风险同时创造价值

    In many cases, you reduce risk when you create value by implementing and testing the most critical capabilities.


  • 应该有能力同时不同抽象级别上获得应用知识以及通过综合创造来创建新的概念

    You should be capable of acquiring and applying knowledge at varying levels of abstraction simultaneously as well as creating new concepts through synthesis and invention.


  • 我们创造了“全国竞争政策”这样一种说法,是为了强调我们需要一项关于何处如何更好地进行竞争,同时强调了这些政策全国统一的。

    We coined the term National Competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used, and to emphasise that those policies should be national.


  • UNIX一个工具财宝有了这些工具,不仅可以完成具有创造工作可以深入研究操作系统同时得到教育娱乐

    UNIX is a treasure chest of tools with which you can not only do productive work but also educate and entertain yourself as you explore the depths of the operating system.


  • 这种设计达到平衡性稳定性同时,又能保持其独特性创造

    This creates just enough balance and stability, while at the same time preserving uniqueness and creativity.


  • 文章还指出,就工作竞争而言工作空缺额还是年前的一一样,因为移民人口自身就业同时创造了新的就业机会。

    As far as competition for jobs was concerned, it pointed out that the number of vacancies is about the same now as it was seven years ago, since migrants create jobs as well as taking them.


  • 加入中产阶级同时人们只是创造一个全新市场创造了不同的思考行为方式。

    As people emerge into the middle class, they do not merely create a new market. They think and behave differently.


  • 高压天气系统好天气以及晴朗天空带到美国同时,也创造大气层上的艺术”。

    The high-pressure weather system that brought fair weather and relatively clear skies to the United States also created this atmospheric art.


  • 网络数字技术满足个体信息需求同时深入开掘着一个生命个体的信息创造信息传播能量

    While satisfying the needs of individuals to acquire information, Internet digital technology is digging for the power to produce and transmit information from each and every individual.


  • 日本经济上的成功意味着日本十几岁的青年对此越来越少关心,同时他们又默默掌握现代世界安身立命所需要创造技能

    Its continued economic success suggests that Japan's teenagers are paying less heed to all this, as they quietly master the creative skills needed to prosper in a modern world.


  • 同时需要一个迭代过程一系列能够帮助团队成员自动发现工作中的错误并将精力集中具有创造的和有价值的方面上。

    It also requires an iterative process and a set of tools to help team members automate error-prone aspects of their work, freeing them to focus on creativity and value.


  • 同时我们致力于女性创造公平的机会因为对于很多极度贫困国家来说,这个问题极大地拖累经济

    And we're working on trying to equalize opportunities in the world for girls and women because that's a big economic drag on a lot of very poor countries.


  • 在创造文艺复兴时期值得尊敬伟大作品同时达芬奇仍然以某种方式找到了探索内心特质时间

    Between painting the most revered masterpieces of Renaissance art, Leonardo da Vinci somehow still found time to tap into his inner eccentric.


  • 玩具清洗这样基本服务收费25美元,更复杂的瓷质玩具修复则要价不菲,皮佐拉的几位员工利用自己神奇修复“医术”在创造个人财富的同时,也从中获得了乐趣。

    Charging from $25 for a basic cleaning to thousands for porcelain toy repairs, Pizzolato and her staff of three to six people work their restoration magic, which she says is a delight.


  • 同时创造了一效率精力力量方面自我强化能力,以及和平崛起的能力。

    This will create a self-reinforcing spiral of effectiveness, energy, power, and peaceful accomplishment.


  • 不过推倒模式同时模式创造

    But as well as demolishing old ways of doing things, it has also made new ones possible.


  • 同时这便也是创造社会劳动文化构筑一种人类社会文明

    Meanwhile, it is also in creating a social labor culture and build a kind of human society civilization.


  • 我们局部变量sum上创造一场数据竞争因为多个线程可能同时希望更新

    Now, we would have created a data race on the local variable sum, because multiple threads might want to update it simultaneously.


  • 这项议案,同时犹他州创造一个额外的席位,并且参议院通过了废除城市枪支限制法律修正案

    The bill, which would have also created an extra seat for Utah, had passed the Senate but with an amendment that would have repealed the city's strict gun-control laws. See article.


  • 同时评论道:“它们简洁优美,构建方式相当灵活极富创造发明。”

    "They're very elegant and have a lot of flexibility in how you grow them," she says. "it's very creative."


  • 同时值得怀疑是否极大的努力被介入创造这些辩解如果已经接受温和定调妥协

    Meanwhile it is questionable whether the enormous effort involved in creating these fingerboards is justified if one has already accepted the compromises of the temperate tuning.


  • 同时值得怀疑是否极大的努力被介入创造这些辩解如果已经接受温和定调妥协

    Meanwhile it is questionable whether the enormous effort involved in creating these fingerboards is justified if one has already accepted the compromises of the temperate tuning.


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