• 选择青海黄南州吉地作为典型研究区。

    Jidi was selected as the typical research area.


  • 自古以来“居有灵”、“不可无水”说法。

    There is an ancient "water is spiritual home", "guitar to not water" and other phrases.


  • 吉地公司现在问题收益率已经下降4 % ,使很难为投资者创造体面回报率,来防止进一步下跌

    The problem with Ginnie Maes now is that yields have fallen to about 4%, which will make it tough for investors to generate decent returns barring further rate declines.


  • 罗大腹便便蹒跚来。

    Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended.


  • 不能非常确切指出原因所在

    Midge couldn't quite put her finger on the reason.


  • 阿尔唇边时,腼腆微笑

    She smiled coyly at Algie as he took her hand and raised it to his lips.


  • 他们秘密观察邻近桌子上在内阿尔之间罗伦

    They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting between Ned and Algie at a nearby table.


  • 布丽默默看着整个过程,看到巨大香肠时,不能眼睛睁得足够

    Brigida had silently watched the proceedings, and could not open her eyes wide enough when she saw the enormous sausage.


  • 娜满脸悲伤站在那里,说道:“他们看起来都很好,但我是这么的奇怪。”

    Jina stood there with a sad face and said, "They all look so good, but I am so strange."


  • 当然!”娜伸长了她的长脖子,轻轻把小狮子从树上接了下来。

    "Of course!" Jina stretched her long neck up and gently brought the young lion down from the tree.


  • 我们目的太平洋图拉岛上一个规模很大

    Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific.


  • 亚奎洛递给玩具时,顺利自然抓住了一个好的

    When Giacino hands her a toy ball, she grabs it, smoothly and naturally. It is a good sign.


  • 于是只得着另外匹马去,母亲门口,高高兴兴说了许多预祝天气会变坏的话

    Jane was therefore obliged to go on horseback, and her mother attended her to the door with many cheerful prognostics of a bad day.


  • 我们埃尔走了过来,舒服坐在后排座位上。

    We parked the car, Elgie came over and settled himself in the back seat of the car.


  • 忐忑不安四下里望望,心半意预备看到乃特举战斧

    I looked around uneasily, half expecting to see Ginette coming after me with a tomahawk.


  • 邻居挺漂亮的,有天早晨惊讶收到了一大束花诺曼先生的。

    A pretty female neighbor was amazed one morning at receiving a big bouquet; it was M. Gillenormand who had sent it to her.


  • 非常注重个人隐私,害怕书中曝光这次勇敢捍卫妻子书写自传的权利

    The very private Mr Girodon dreaded being exposed in a book, but he courageously defends his wife’s right to write her own story.


  • 邓巴先生面对着难题市场已经莲•的优秀著作傻瓜金子所覆盖是这一领域极其险恶复杂

    Mr Dunbar faces two big problems: the first is that the market has already been well covered by Gillian Tett in her excellent book, "Fool's Gold"; the second is that the area is fiendishly complex.


  • 卢安镇长伊斯梅尔·托•曼古达达图妻子娜林就是受害者之一愤怒指着安帕图恩周围的人不得不阻止

    Ismael "Toto" Mangudadatu, deputy mayor of Buluan, whose wife, Genalyn, was one of the victims, angrily pointed at Ampatuan and had to be restrained by those around him.


  • 国大党发言人夫·舒克这个可以轻而易举获得需要支持组建一个可行联盟

    Congress party spokesman, Rajiv Shukla says the party can easily pick up the support it needs to craft a workable coalition.


  • 部分我会比较,因为耶鲁大学还有其他课程,详细讲解这个部分,像是约翰·科普洛斯教授,经济类251号课程。

    I'm going to go through this rather quickly because there are other courses at Yale that will cover this more thoroughly, notably, John Geanakoplos's Econ 251.


  • 娘儿们自己好的朋友重逢,真是非常高兴。她们说,自从分别以来,恍若隔世,又一再问起英别来做些什么

    The two ladies were delighted to see their dear friend again, called it an age since they had met, and repeatedly asked what she had been doing with herself since their separation.


  • 挨个接待妇女们了解情况热情个招呼。很快自已了个角落待下。

    Jimi greets me warmly, but doesn’t linger, and soon I am perched in a corner while she asks each woman in turn about her case.


  • ·米切尔毫不犹豫立刻停下车帮忙

    Jimmy Mitchell didn't think twice about stopping to help.


  • 波克哈那先生利用两人都曾经宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院学习过事实,巧舌如簧说服了戈德·家族年轻成员替他们引见

    Mr Pokharna wheedled an introduction from a young member of the Godrej family, exploiting the fact that both had been at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school.


  • 慕克承认问题存在充满希望谈到迅速通过征购案

    Mr Mukherjee admits there is a problem, and talks hopefully of the “expeditiouspassing of a land-acquisition act.


  • 慕克承认问题存在充满希望谈到迅速通过征购案

    Mr Mukherjee admits there is a problem, and talks hopefully of the "expeditious" passing of a land-acquisition act.


  • 慕克承认问题存在充满希望谈到迅速通过征购案

    Mr Mukherjee admits there is a problem, and talks hopefully of the "expeditious" passing of a land-acquisition act.


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