• 前言介绍定义、意与形合研究已有成果研究意义研究理论方法

    The introduction tells the definition of parataxis and hypotaxis, the achievements, importance, theory and method of the study on parataxis and hypotaxis.


  • 委员会检查调查办公室计划加强股票分析师安全性调查研究是否是经纪公司独立职能

    The commission's office of compliance, inspection, and investigations plans to intensify its security of stock analysts to investigate whether research is an independent function at brokerage firms.


  • 目的通过小型猪复方麻醉剂(XFM研究乙胺噻吩环己酮一氧化氮NO)的一氧化氮酶(NOS)的作用。

    The objective is to investigate the effects of tiletamine on NO and NOS by XFM.


  • 毕达哥拉斯学派开始通过这些研究探索声学

    The Pythagorean School began the scientific exploration of harmony and acoustics through these studies.


  • 虽然仔细研究,但是这些地震还是困惑了科学家们几十年—除少数例外,地震一般都会发生在构造板块绞

    Though intensely studied, the quakes have baffled scientists for decades — with a few exceptions, strong earthquakes occur exclusively where tectonic plates are grinding past one another.


  • 裴恩同事们他们的研究里发现,在睡眠时期脑部一些活动区域情感记忆巩固加强有关

    Payne and her colleagues found in their research that some of the most active brain regions during sleep periods are those involved with emotion and memory consolidation.


  • 布鲁金斯学会研究一项研究结论不谋而美国工人生产能力不断提高收入却未同步增长。

    The Brookings study echoes the conclusions of other research that show American workers are producing more without a corresponding rise in wages.


  • 研究人员寻找存在父母中的异体而不是寻找每位亲本携带一个等位基因变异体。

    Instead of looking for homozygous variants where each parent carried an allele, the researchers were looking for heterozygous variants that were also not present in the parents.


  • 研究表明,百植物能有效降低胆固醇含量,并具有抗凝降血压的功效。

    Studies have linked this member of the onion family with lowering cholesterol levels, as well as providing anti-clotting activity and reductions in blood pressure.


  • 研究发现方圆354平方英里570平方公里林区内生存着7种猫科动物,以目前在单个地区拍摄到的猫科动物照片来看,这次发现的种类最多

    The research found seven cat species in a 354-square-mile (570-square-kilometer) range—the highest diversity of cat species yet photographed in a single area.


  • 同样的,据2010年1月发表的一研究推测过去10万年间海平面的涨落,使白令海交替

    Likewise, a study published in January 2010 concluded that, over the past 100, 000 years, rising and falling ocean levels alternately opened and closed the Bering Strait.


  • 同样的,据2010年1月发表的一研究推测过去10万年间海平面的涨落,使白令海交替

    Likewise, a study published in January 2010 concluded that, over the past 100,000 years, rising and falling ocean levels alternately opened and closed the Bering Strait.


  • 研究指出2009每间房间利润为91752人民币(约13535美金),比2005年数据处于最高点时降低了百分之三十九。 这也是该数据连续第四下降

    The study puts profits per room at Rmb91, 752 ($13, 535) in 2009, 39 per cent below the peak level reached in 2005 and the fourth straight year the figure has declined.


  • 不管是婚姻长短还是性格特性(不管是自我认为的还是配偶看待夫妻对于婚姻满意程度都无密切联系这个研究结果与此前在年轻人所做的调查不谋而

    Neither the length of the marriage nor personality traits (self-identified and those perceived by the spouse) were associated with the couples' level of marital satisfaction.


  • 这项新的计划的公布欧盟委员会发表份关于世界粮食价格上涨研究报告不谋而

    The proposals coincide with a new study by the European Commission looking into reasons for the recent world food price rises.


  • 为去检测他们行动多伦多大学20集团研究小组发布了一项对比领导人言行常规报告

    To check that they do, the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto releases a regularcompliance report”, comparing the leaders' words and deeds.


  • 藻类温室研究人员计划未来年内试验范围扩大片100公顷247英亩场地

    Researchers at the algae greenhouse plan to scale up the trial to a 100 hectare (247 acre) site over the next three years.


  • 海百爱好者担心的是,最新研究表明螃蟹正在爬上大陆

    Worryingly for sea-lily lovers, the latest research suggests the crabs may be creeping up the slope.


  • 另外来自国家沥青技术中心其他部门研究结果显示温度降低减少废弃物产生

    In addition, research at the National Center for Asphalt Technology and elsewhere has shown that lowering the production temperature can drastically reduce the production of emissions.


  • 美国心理学会2008年发布综述研究不谋而,综述没有证据证明意外怀孕的情况下堕胎会导致妇女心理问题。

    The latest findings echo an extensive review by the American Psychological Association in 2008 that found no evidence that ending an unwanted pregnancy threatens women's mental health.


  • 美国心理学会2008年发布综述研究不谋而,综述没有证据证明意外怀孕的情况下堕胎会导致妇女心理问题。

    The latest findings echo an extensive review by the American Psychological Association in 2008 that found no evidence that ending an unwanted pregnancy threatens women’s mental health.


  • 为了研究原猴亚目的社会学习能力斯托因斯基和团队做了一个小食罐,可以办法打开——罐子有一道绞还有一道推拉门

    To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it — a hinged door and a sliding door.


  • 为了研究原猴亚目的社会学习能力斯托因斯基和团队做了一个小食罐,可以办法打开——罐子有一道还有一道推拉门

    To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it -a hinged door and a sliding door.


  • 近期研究表明秘鲁USF促使农村人口电话平均距离1999年的56公里(35英里)下降至2002年的5.7公里。

    A recent study found that Peru's USF helped to reduce the rural population's average distance from a telephone from 56km (35 miles) in 1999 to 5.7km in 2002.


  • 新的调查研究发现带电火山灰甚至在火山喷发处745英里(约1200公里)处还可以找到。

    But according to a new study, electric ash from the eyjafjallajokull volcano was found a record 745 miles (1, 200 kilometers) away from the eruption.


  • 研究表明,每摄入250毫克咖啡因(约杯咖啡中的咖啡因含量),便能引起血糖小幅升高尤其是饮用时。

    Research reveals that consuming about 250 milligrams of caffeine-the amount in roughly two cups-triggers a small but measurable increase in blood sugar, particularly after meals.


  • 研究表明,每摄入250毫克咖啡因(约杯咖啡中的咖啡因含量),便能引起血糖小幅升高尤其是饮用时。

    Research reveals that consuming about 250 milligrams of caffeine-the amount in roughly two cups-triggers a small but measurable increase in blood sugar, particularly after meals.


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