• 陆军通用动力公司合同尚未进行谈判。

    The contract with General Dynamic ha yet to be negotiated.


  • 空间海战系统司令部授予通用动力合同支持海军综合战术环境系统一代程序

    The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command awarded the contract for General Dynamics to support the Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental System Next Generation program.


  • 这些合同使美国海军获得舰载网络基础设施服务以及生产工程通用计算环境等领域相关支持服务。

    The contracts will let the Navy obtain shipboard network infrastructure services and related support services in the areas of production, engineering and common computing environments.


  • 通用汽车公司三个月后形成,公司将一个清白资本结构合同不会繁重。

    "Good" GM would emerge after two or three months with a clean capital structure and no burdensome contracts.


  • 合同期间,柯蒂斯·赖特公司处理模块集成ICS系统的工作中,通用动力罗克韦尔·柯林斯公司进行支持

    Under terms of the contract, Curtiss-Wright will supply the processing modules to General Dynamics and Rockwell Collins for integration into the ics system.


  • 通用动力公司已经获得SLQ - 32阶段1升级合同

    General Dynamics was awarded the contract for Block 1 upgrades to the SLQ-32.


  • 成功公司诸如宝洁通用电气不仅仅瞬息万变的合同联系。

    The most successful companies, such as Procter &Gamble and General Electric, are more than just ever-shifting nexuses of contracts.


  • 通用动力先进信息系统公司获得合同价值7840万美元。

    General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc. 's contract is worth.4 million.


  • 根据合同PDCue通用遥控武器基站或者CROWS II)一起集成到M1151顶置装甲车

    Under the terms of the contract, PDCue will be integrated on an up-armored M1151 vehicle with the Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station, or CROWS II.


  • 公司官员122通用动力c4系统团队通过综合产品线管理合同管理各种实战培训产品线

    General Dynamics C4 Systems team will manage the various elements of live combat training product lines through the Consolidated Product-line Management contract, company officials said Dec. 2.


  • 通用计划未来18削减1600家零售商,但是却希望他们关于专卖店合同一直有效,直到6月12日

    GM plans to cut nearly 1,600 dealerships over the next 18 months but wants showrooms moving ahead to sign on with them by June 12.


  • 用工合同2015不会有更改,其新款比如弗兰equinoxcrossover裁员后的通用工厂接近峰值运转。

    Labour contracts are fixed until 2015, while new cars, such as the Chevrolet Equinox crossover, are keeping downsized factories humming at near capacity.


  • 美国来说重要出口商银行庄家(该国已在挑战波音和空客的地位本周他们签署合同通用电气出售25架支线飞机)。

    It is a significant exporter to, and banker for, the us. (Challenging the dominance of Boeing and Airbus, it just this week signed a contract to sell up to 25 regional jetliners to General Electric.)


  • 实际上所有回归模型均符一个通用模式

    In effect, regression models all fit the same general pattern.


  • 合同通用电气医疗集团授予磁共振成像系统提供功率放大器

    One contract is from GE Healthcare to provide power amplifiers for Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems.


  • 5月15日通用公司合同期内业绩倒数18%1000名经销商发出信函通知明年10月份到期的合同不会续期

    On May 15th GM sent letters to 1, 100 of its dealers, the bottom 18% in performance terms, telling them that their contracts would not be renewed in October next year.


  • 工程量清单连同投标人须知、合同通用专用条件技术规范以及图纸一并进行阅读

    The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.


  • 处于美国破产法第11保护之下的汽车清算公司,拥有200处房地产通用汽车法院监督的重组过程中放弃50万合同

    Motors Liquidation, which remains in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, holds about 200 properties and more than 500,000 contracts abandoned by GM during its court-supervised restructuring.


  • 每个服务合同达成协定优先于通用服务条款

    The agreements determined in the respective Service Contracts take precedence over these General Service Conditions.


  • 通用动力公司陆地系统分部日前赢得了2个合同陆军制造、提供车辆武器系统。

    General Dynamics Land systems, a unit of General Dynamics Corp., has won two contracts to engineer and build vehicle weapons systems for the Army.


  • 4月30日通用汽车公司签署了一项购买已破产大宇汽车公司的合同

    On April 30th General Motors (GM) signed a contract to buy the bankrupt Daewoo Motor.


  • 悍马买家合同建立H 3模型SUVH3T皮卡通用汽车的工厂什里夫波特路易斯安那州至少2010年。

    The Hummer buyer would contract to build the H3 model SUV and the H3T pickup truck at GM's plant in Shreveport, Louisiana, through at least 2010.


  • 一些小机场通用航空合同空中交通管制管制工作。

    The towers are staffed by contract air traffic controllers at small airports that specialize in general aviation.


  • 通用条款适用具体合同,任何对合同更改变更通过双方书面同意

    When the General Conditions apply to a specific contract, modifications of or deviations from them must be agreed In Writing.


  • 针对执行菲迪克条款有关合同管理问题,阐述通过专用条件进一步细化严密某些通用条款建议

    Focusing on FIDIC clauses related to contract management, the paper provides some Suggestions by further specifying the special conditions and completing some general conditions.


  • 通用条款适用具体合同任何更改变更通过书面形式。

    When the General Conditions apply to a specific contract, modifications of or deviations from them must be agreed in writing.


  • 投票人须知通用合同条款中的条文世界银行标准货物采购招标文中条文。

    The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the World Bank Standard Bidding Documents: procurement of Goods.


  • 一天小组联系玩家黄蜂通用杰夫鲍尔主教练斯科特请战等待签署最终5合同

    On the day that teams could contact players, Hornets GM Jeff Bower and coach Byron Scott were waiting to sign Peja and eventually did to a 5 year contract.


  • 所有网站使用模特合同英语不是很好,请帮帮我,我需要一份在所有网站通用的模特合同谢谢你们

    Please give me a web site can be used in all models of contracts, I English is not good, please help me, I need a web site commonly used in all models of contracts, thank you!


  • 所有网站使用模特合同英语不是很好,请帮帮我,我需要一份在所有网站通用的模特合同谢谢你们

    Please give me a web site can be used in all models of contracts, I English is not good, please help me, I need a web site commonly used in all models of contracts, thank you!


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