• 其让各个开列审批药物、单位、厂商名录以及划定药价,还不如整合资源渥太华合作创立一个全国性的医药代理机构

    Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.


  • 从历史上看他们未曾旅行社合作现在他们开始考虑进行代理分销试水联盟网络营销

    Historically they have never worked with travel agents but now they are beginning to think about agent distribution or perhaps dipping their toes in affiliate marketing.


  • 现在陆克文更进一步希望澳大利亚逐步建立东亚关系通过多边协作国际事务中发挥更大作用力求成为美国合作而不仅代理人。

    Now Mr Rudd wants to go further, building up Australia's ties in East Asia and working more through multilateral institutions, while seeking to be a partner of, not a deputy to, America.


  • 承保人代理经纪人客户再保险人、银行理赔人员生态系统合作伙伴交互

    The insurance carriers interact with the ecosystem partners like agents, brokers, customers, reinsurers, banks, claim adjusters, and so on.


  • 伊万·尼克负责现代汽车公司营销广告业务期间,古德拜公司便是现代公司的广告代理,他古德拜公司合伙人杰夫·古德拜保持长期合作关系

    Goodby was Hyundai's AD agency when Ewanick led its marketing and advertising, and Ewanick has a longtime relationship with agency partner Jeff Goodby.


  • 长时间维持客户代理机构之间的合作和伙伴关系,关键因素有哪些

    What are the essentials for a long lasting collaboration and partnership?


  • 其他工具现在完全支持CMP比如mqsilist命令现在能够远程代理一起合作报告更多信息

    Additional tools are now fully CMP-enabled, such as the mqsilist command, which can now work with remote brokers and report much more information.


  • 内部监管资源外部经销商外部顾问合作达到卫生部代理产品注册要求

    Work with internal regulatory resources, external distributors, and external consultants to obtain Ministry of Health agency product registration requirements.


  • 一个非常亲近将有可能给你造成意外的麻烦,不能确定倒底同居的伴侣、配偶、拍挡、代理、主管(经理)或是其它你有合作关系的人。

    I am not sure if the close person who may upset you is your live-in sweetheart, a spouse, business partner, agent, manager, or other person who collaborates with you.


  • 代理无权限制委托方第三合作,无权委托方名义签订合同,也无权以任何形式任何目的给委托方制造麻烦

    The Agent has no authority or power to bind the Principal towards third parties or to contract in the name of the Principal or create a liability against it in any way or for any purpose.


  • 2003年公司法国ABCD公司共同合作代理多款具有国际竞争力的新款产品

    In 2003, we cooperated with French ABCD Corporation and acted as an agent for its new style products that were competitive among international market.


  • 1988年,UPS中国外运集团签订代理业务合作协议开始中国市场的业务

    UPS commenced business in China in 1988, through a service agreement with Sinotrans.


  • 目前公司亚美尼亚mikmotors公司开展合作,MIKMOTORS公司作为重汽集团亚美尼亚独家代理销售重汽集团大型车辆

    At present, the company MIKMOTORS company cooperate with Armenia, MIKMOTORS company will as heavy group in Armenia's sole agent sales of large vehicles heavy-duty group.


  • 耆晖会的多元文化小组安居服务中介机构特定文化社区代理机构通力合作

    The centre's multicultural team collaborates with settlement service agencies and "culturally specific" community agencies.


  • 甲方委托代理过程积极乙方合作不得无故干涉乙方正常办理过程。

    Party a should cooperate with Party B actively in the course of trusting the agency, while can't interfere the normal handling course of Party B without reason.


  • 本次山东卡特重工有限公司全体参展人员德国法国代理全程携手,通力合作,取得丰硕的参展成果。

    All the participators of Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co. Ltd worked closely with several agents from Germany and France, getting a fruitful success.


  • 此外我们海外游戏公司提供中国市场代理发行服务。我们已经一些知名的海外游戏公司进行合作

    In addition, we are cooperating with some famous overseas game companies now, and we will agent their famous game and publish in China market.


  • 合作自定义向导大部分设置工具栏按钮主页搜索提供程序代理设置和安全区域—存储向导设置

    The Settings you worked with throughout most of the Customization wizard-such as toolbar buttons, homepage and search providers, proxy Settings and security zones-are stored under Wizard Settings.


  • 合众宝华中国国际广播电台CRI签署战略合作伙伴协议,共同推广中国民族世界音乐其他大型活动代理广告业务

    ArtyBright signed the strategic partnership agreement with CRI, join hand to publish World Music and operate other advertising business for major events.


  • 中国金桥旅游总公司票务中心经中国民航总局授权代理国内、国际机票业务具有一级代理资质的服务机构海内外多家航空公司签合作协议

    China Golden Bridge Travel Ticket Center Corporation, is a first-class agent of China Civil Aviation Administration of China, and has cooperation agreements with multi domestic and foreign airlines.


  • 可能合资合作一家公司签署代理经理公关,或商业伙伴,如果是这样协议变成一个双赢所有问题

    You may be collaborating in a joint venture with another firm, or signing an agent, manager, publicist, or business partner, and if so, the agreement would turn out to be a win-win for all concerned.


  • 通过我们合作伙伴以及代理超过100个国家的客户提供服务巩固了得斯威作为国际性公司地位

    Together with partners and agents, we offer services in more than 100 countries, making DSV a truly global player.


  • 本文运用博弈论信息经济学理论合作双方委托代理关系角度分析物流外包产生风险

    This text will make use of the game theory and the information economics theory, from the Angle of principal-agent relationship, to analyse the risk of logistics outsourcing.


  • 由于智能代理应用需求不断增长代理合作相互通信变得越来越重要

    As the use of intelligent agents increases, the need for agents to cooperate and communicate becomes more important.


  • 公司代理建立长期合作关系

    Company with a number of agents to establish a long-term cooperative relationship.


  • 凭着良好信誉优质的服务,雄厚的实力我们众多知名公司海外代理建立良好的合作伙伴关系。

    With good reputation, excellent service and capability, we have built global delivery network by co-operating with world major shipping companies and agents.


  • 同时欢迎厂家代理公司达成友好合作伙伴

    The manufacturer and agent welcoming every at the same time reach the friendly relations and cooperation buddies with our company!


  • 我们代理通力合作使享受国际同时节省开支

    We work together with a number of agents, will enable you to enjoy high international goods at the same time, for your savings.


  • 同时当地代理合作

    Meanwhile cooperate with local agent.


  • 同时当地代理合作

    Meanwhile cooperate with local agent.


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