• 各种流派风格各异。

    And the styles vary from different schools.


  • 两天一位日本作家怎么同时喜欢各种流派作家作品呢

    A few days ago, a Japanese author asked me how I was able to appreciate authors and books of so many different schools.


  • 这种游戏机了提供一个异常庞大程序库,其中包括了各种流派阵列

    The console offers an enormous library, with a huge array of hits in... well... every genre!


  • 此后20年里一直在各种流派创作绘制漫画艺术作品

    For almost 20 years, he worked steadily drawing and painting comic book art for a wide variety of genres.


  • 天有一位日本作家怎么同时喜欢各种流派作家作品呢

    A few days ago, a Japanese author asked me how can I appreciate authors and books of so many different schools.


  • 我们试图安置艺术史它与各种流派其他艺术品做比较。

    We will try to situate it in the history of art, comparing it to other artworks in various genres.


  • 钢琴教学方法时代不同、教育意念不同产生各种流派教法

    Owing to different eras and education ideology in the course of piano teaching, various genres and teaching methods have been generated.


  • 同时摄影师借鉴各种流派观念技巧基础产生破除常规的创意

    Simultaneously, based on the conceptions and skills of multifarious genres, a photographer should dispel conventionality in order to produce the originality.


  • 随着20世纪现代艺术各种流派拼贴手法大胆尝试使拼贴的材料观念不断地扩展完善

    As the 20th century, various schools of modern art collage of bold attempt to make the concept of collage materials and other continuous improvement and expansion.


  • 随着现代足球日新月异飞速发展各种流派相互交融相互渗透相互影响使得现代足球比赛更加赏心悦目、更加独具魅力

    With the rapid progress of modern football sport, all sorts of genre blend, penetrate and influence with each other, which make modern football competition more aesthetic and more charming.


  • 榜单显示首歌的乐曲风格多样化拥有各种音乐流派的版本。

    The list has also revealed the song to be a versatile track, boasting recordings from range of music genres.


  • 现代绘画艺术各种风格流派海报绘画提供了丰富多样的设计方法同时成为海报设计绘画性的不同表现形式。

    Various schools and styles of modern paintings have provided different design methods for the drawing nature of the posters, and also become the sundry manifestation of it.


  • 榜单显示首歌的乐曲风格多样化拥有各种音乐流派的版本。

    Thee list has also revealed the song to be a versatile track, boasting recordings from range of music genres.


  • 艺术不仅德国表现主义的兴起产生直接影响而且给予世界一切表现人类心灵各种现代流派启示

    His art is not only the rise of German Expressionism had a direct impact, but also to show the world all the various modern schools of the human mind to enlightenment.


  • 揭示当代各种艺术流派思想,主要是波普艺术极简主义艺术、大地艺术、观念艺术设计风格形成中所起的重要作用

    Her art background and practice experience by which to find out how the artistic genre has influenced her design career, especially the pop-art, minimalist art, land art and concept art.


  • 第二部分介绍西方消费理论各种学术流派

    The second part: Introduced the western expense theory and correlatively various academic genres;


  • 当代世界建筑进入多元时代各种思潮流派纷呈,令人目不暇接。

    The contemporary world architecture has entered an era of pluralism. There is a great variety of trends and schools of thought coming up one after another.


  • 这里接触到各种文化流派思潮并且举办了有生以来第一次画展带来很大声誉

    In here, he contacts each cultural school and the ideological trend, and has held his since birth first art exhibition, brings the very big prestige to him.


  • 五四散文运动作者报刊上散文栏目多、散文作品集多,各种散文流派已然形成

    In the movement, the prose author, the prose special column and the prose collected works had emerged in large Numbers, the different schools of prose had been formed too.


  • 一百多年来评论界对《呼啸山庄》发生了由冷到热戏剧性演变,各种文学流派小说的理解阐释纷繁多姿。

    The subsequent one hundred years the attitude of reviews changed dramatically. All kinds of literature school gave diverse comprehensions and illustrations.


  • 二十世纪可以说理论世纪,各种学派思想竞相出现解构思想是其中的流派

    The twentieth century is a century of theory, when various schools of thoughts compete to appear, and one of its tributaries is"deconstruction".


  • 园中来自日本美国盆景精美绝伦,美方希望还能得到中国各种风格流派的盆景。

    Besides the wonderful Penjing collection from Japan and USA, USNA want to collect all styles of masterpieces from China.


  • 许多其它体育运动不同,综合格斗各种武术流派特质于一身,因此必须全面训练博采众长

    Unlike a lot of other sports, MMA incorporates characteristics of various martial arts styles, therefore you have to practice and adopt their different strengths.


  • 反观当下艺术界各种新的流派观念冲击下,中国当代艺术出现了一定程度价值混乱偏差

    Comparing to China contemporary art, because of the impact of many new thoughts and conceptions, in some extents, there are some value confusions and deviations in contemporary art field.


  • 过去50年中摇滚、节奏蓝调、乡村音乐、迪斯科朋克嘻哈音乐等各种音乐流派都曾流行音乐产生影响,最终在流行音乐中被贯穿融合起来。

    Rock, R%26amp; B, country, disco, punk, and hip hop are all specific genres of music that have influenced and been incorporated into pop music over the past 50 years.


  • 初中阶段接触素描色彩学习并且阅读了大量美术史书籍,对各种美术流派以及各国画家生平深入了解

    I learned about Pencil Sketch and Color Drawing when I was a teenager. Meanwhile, I read a great deal of art books with a deeper understanding of history and famous painters' life.


  • 初中阶段接触素描色彩学习并且阅读了大量美术史书籍,对各种美术流派以及各国画家生平深入了解

    I learned about Pencil Sketch and Color Drawing when I was a teenager. Meanwhile, I read a great deal of art books with a deeper understanding of history and famous painters' life.


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