• 不知从什么时候开始人们开始忘记中国文化悠久国家

    When did we begin to forget that, China is the country with most ancient "eating culture"?


  • 喜欢新的地方新的食物体验新的文化

    I like going to new places, eating new foods, and experiencing new cultures.


  • 许多文化,人们庆典葡萄圆形食物象征家庭团圆

    In many cultures, round foods such as grapes are eaten at celebrations to represent family unity.


  • 女人没有喜欢男人也不见得更喜欢的。我们会这么认为,完全那些文化故事作祟

    Women aren't disposed to sweeter tastes, or men to sourer, Bell says – the fact that we think they are is an element of our cultural story.


  • 我们发现在这个城市永远都一种奇遇即使点菜你也很少出错,美食是本地文化自豪感来源之一。

    We discovered a city where eating is always an adventure, where you rarely go wrong by closing your eyes and pressing your finger on a menu, and where food is a source of cultural pride.


  • 我们是:营养丰富饮食文化

    What we eat: a food culture full of nutrition!


  • 回复一封来自老板邮件,确认你能和他一起午饭,你老板是这个艺术文化项目负责人

    You also respond to an E-mail from your boss, the director of the arts and culture program, confirming that you are available for lunch.


  • 我们生活一个文化丰富年代,完全能力食物分门别类包括别人希望’这一类。

    We're living in a culturally rich time, and are more than able to divide food into categories, including one for 'food that people like me eat'.


  • 许多文化围绕食物很多规矩礼仪高级餐厅用餐的礼仪就不言自明了。

    As in all cultures, there are many rules of etiquette surrounding food and eating, and nowhere is this more pronounced than when eating in a smart restaurant!


  • 时候,把热水里面烫一下,立即下去。据报道,上海种原汁原味的咸味讲究新鲜和口感的饮食文化里面一种鲜明的特色。

    Eaten immediately after it's been dipped in hot water, Shanghai's blood clams reportedly have a raw, briny taste that stands out in a food culture that is all about freshness and mouth feel.


  • 西方人尤其看不惯其它文化社会的人们的东西。

    Westerners are particularly prone to turning up their nose at what other people eat.


  • 大部分非法捕获鸟儿最终作为餐前小被端上了西班牙餐馆的餐桌,当地人喜欢小鸟,他们认为这种习俗罗马时代就开始了,这他们文化一部分

    Most of the illegally trapped birds will end up as tapas in Spanish bars, Fried tidbits that locals claim are part of a cultural heritage stretching back to Roman times.


  • 计算机安全公司赛门铁克伊利亚斯•肯兹现在黑客群体已经不仅仅局限当初的起源人群,那些每天比萨外卖二氧化碳汽水为生的书呆子,这些社会文化头脑活跃的边缘团体。

    Ilias Chantzos of Symantec, a computer-security company, says it has far outgrown its nerdy roots in a subculture of brainy social outcasts fuelled by pizza deliveries and fizzy drinks.


  • 记者表示:“不同国家各种各样的东西,这他们的文化而定,希望人们明白文化多样的。”

    "People in different countries eat all kinds of things, depending on their culture," he told reporters. "I'd like people to understand that cultures are diverse."


  • 新娘食物也是一文化象征

    The food the bride eats has cultural significance


  • 真是中国文化很重要一部分对吧

    Eating is a really important part of Chinese culture, huh?


  • 许多人都保持着这座城市食用狗肉文化,爱就着荔枝烈度白酒狗肉火锅。

    Many cherish their city's dog-meat culture, which involves the mass consumption of dog-meat hotpot served with lychees and strong grain liquor.


  • 贫农特别没有文化特别需要受教育

    Poor peasants especially to eat not the loss of culture, special needs education.


  • 味道独特盱眙小龙虾已经成为大众文化种,回味无穷,屡不厌广的喜爱

    Taste unique, Ma, spicy, fresh, fragrant Xuyi crayfish has become a popular culture, food for thought, eat tire, widely loved by the cargo of their favorite.


  • 我们发现在这个城市永远都一种奇遇,即使点菜你也很少出错,美食是本地文化自豪感来源之一。

    We discovered a city where eating is always an ad venture, where you rarely go wrong by closing your eyes and pressing your finger on a menu, and where food is a source of cultural pride.


  • 我们治愈伤痛停止动物食品时,我们也疗愈我们文化

    As we heal our wounds and stop eating animal foods we become better able to contribute to the healing of our culture.


  • 荷兰人会圣诞树点起巨大篝火堆,在篝火前甜甜圈——许多文化有这种新年圆形食物传统人们相信圆形食物代表着好运

    The Dutch build massive bonfires with their Christmas trees and eat sugary donuts — one of many cultures to consume round New Year's foods traditionally believed to represent good fortune.


  • 荷兰人会圣诞树点起巨大篝火堆,在篝火前甜甜圈——许多文化有这种新年圆形食物传统人们相信圆形食物代表着好运

    Thee Dutch build massive bonfires with their Christmas trees and eat sugary donuts — one of many cultures to consume round New Year's foods traditionally believed to represent good fortune.


  • 荷兰人会圣诞树点起巨大篝火堆,在篝火前甜甜圈——许多文化有这种新年圆形食物传统人们相信圆形食物代表着好运

    Thee Dutch build massive bonfires with their Christmas trees and eat sugary donuts — one of many cultures to consume round New Year's foods traditionally believed to represent good fortune.


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