• 如果小组矿石样本含有43元素,那么该小组分离出一个的元素

    If the team's ore sample had contained element 43, the team would have been able to isolate a weighable amount.


  • 虽然他们五月花”到达美洲大陆时候也随船携带但是感恩节时候供应已经减少。

    They had brought some sugar with them on the Mayflower but by the time of the feast, the supply had dwindled.


  • 迄今为止,海洋盐分水平的信息来自于海洋考察船和浮标,专家宝瓶卫星收集的海洋盐分水平的信息,相当于海洋考察船过去一百二十的总和。

    Experts say Aquarius will gather as much information about sea surface salinity as has been collected by ships over the past one hundred twenty-five years.


  • 不过我们希望填充一些元素、元素、元素原子可以模板使用xblcontent元素来选择这些内容。

    However, you also want to include the name, symbol, atomic number, and atomic weight; you can select each of these by using an XBL: content element in the template.


  • 我们看到对于印有一个名字卡片需求很大,”继续道,“然后手写上喜欢给出的信息——手机电邮家庭电话。”

    We are seeing a great demand for cards engraved only with a name,” she continues. “The level of access you'd like to givemobile number, e-mail, home number – is then handwritten.”


  • 我们看到对于印有一个名字卡片需求很大,”继续道,“然后手写上喜欢给出的信息——手机电邮家庭电话。”

    "We are seeing a great demand for CARDS engraved only with a name," she continues. "the level of access you'd like to give - mobile number, E-mail, home number - is then handwritten."


  • 商人共收购了24.1万可可豆相当于整个欧洲可可豆商品供应,足以填满5泰坦尼克

    The 241,000 tons of cocoa beans purchased are equivalent to the entire supply of the commodity in Europe, and would fill more than 5 Titanics.


  • 7月16日辽宁省大连市附近的黄海海域条输油管道发生爆炸,石油流失相当于英国石油公司深水地平线一小部分。

    The two pipelines that exploded on July 16 in the Yellow Sea, near Dalian in Liaoning province, only hemorrhaged a small fraction of the oil that BP's Deepwater Horizon did.


  • 周日机器人第一第三反应堆中检测到了更高辐射

    Elevated levels of radiation were measured by robots inside the buildings housing reactors No 1 and 3 on Sunday.


  • 官方估计石油泄露和蔓延速度达到每天6万,远远超过BP做出估计相当于就达到一次埃克森-瓦尔迪兹的泄漏

    The authorities reckon that the oil may be flowing at a rate of 60, 000 barrels a day—far more than the company estimated, and the equivalent of an Exxon Valdez every four days.


  • 丰田公司发言人Sona Iliffe -Moon,丰田原计划2月2发布其一月份销售,而在这之前任何销售市场份额造成损失的潜在风险丰田都将不予评论

    Toyota spokeswoman Sona Iliffe-Moon said the company won't comment about any potential hit to sales or market share before its scheduled release of January sales on February 2.


  • 由于每个房屋可能包含两个单独P /I传感器P /流形能力增加一倍

    Since each housing may contain two individual P/I transducers, the quantity of P/I's on the manifold has the capability of doubling.


  • 好的但是希望第一出货1000一批为2000件。31很快就到了,所以我不能保证1500件的出货。

    Fine. But I'd prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units the next 2000. The 31 st is quite soon, I can't guarantee 1500.


  • 不过我们希望填充一些元素元素符、元素原子可以模板使用。

    However, you also want to include the name, symbol, atomic number, and atomic weight; you can select each of these by using an.


  • 系统实现了一个单位按住户(房间)收取水电费自动化管理极大减轻了相关部门的工作提高了工作效率

    The system realized auto - managing with resident (room - number) in order to collect water and electrify bill So this can extremely reduce the working quantities of department and raised working.


  • 本文8616台风动力学特征特征进行了计算和分析。

    The dynamics and energy characteristics of the typhoon No. 8616 (Wayne) are calculated and analysed.


  • 本文报道以杀剂二不同处理杀效果变化

    This paper reports the variation of As contents and effectiveness inducing male-sterility of rice plant after spraying Male-Gametocide No.


  • 以迟熟中粳稻香粳9为材料,研究了基本苗水稻氮素吸收利用影响

    The effects of planting density and nitrogen application rate on nitrogen absorption and utilization by rice were studied with Wuxiangjing 9(Japonica variety).


  • 元素木星存有一种元素。探明木星含氧也是朱诺本次木星之旅的主要目标之一

    The next item on the planetary ingredient list is oxygen and finding out how prevalent it is in Jupiter is among the primary goals of Juno.


  • 造林双吉尔—GGR6植物生长调节剂华北落叶松苗进行处理,可提高造林成活率林木生长

    The seedlings of L. principis-rupprechtii, treated by means of root soaking in GGR6, would be beneficial to raise survival rate for afforestation and to increase growth rate.


  • 为探讨油8最佳施肥进行试验

    This Experiment is conducted to seek the best fertilizing amount of Youzhan 8.


  • 先驱者提供舱内动力源238放射性衰变发射随着时间的推移而越来越小。

    As the plutonium-238 that served as the Pioneers' onboard heat source radioactively decayed, it would have emitted less heat over time.


  • 试验研究了冀1高丹草留茬高度种植密度下对产草等性状影响

    The result showed:The left-stem height had no influence on the tillering capacity and plant height and resistances lodging of JC-1.


  • 分析基础上,结合数学知识得出通用公式判别变压器

    Based on the analysis on the connection groups and combining with the mathematic knowledge, this article educes a general formula to judge the connection groups.


  • 常数表增加

    Increment real constant table number by RINC.


  • 试验结果表明,沿优63的增产潜力显著大于汕优6,但需却比汕优6

    We further demonstrated that a high grain yield can be obtained with SHAN-YOU 63 cultivated under low or middle nitrogen supply levels.


  • 通油1开花根系吸收成熟期子粒钾素吸收明显高于四密25。

    Compared with SM25, both K absorptive capacity by roots after flowering and total K absorptive capacity in grain at maturity duration of ty 1 were much higher.


  • 通油1开花根系吸收成熟期子粒钾素吸收明显高于四密25。

    Compared with SM25, both K absorptive capacity by roots after flowering and total K absorptive capacity in grain at maturity duration of ty 1 were much higher.


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