• 人们通过现场直播观看了整个过程,很多都表示不满

    People watching the lottery online were critical of the process.


  • 亚特兰蒂斯2002年在执行飞行任务过程中,橡胶密封圈破裂固体火箭助推器受损,好在当时没有任务执行影响飞行计划的完成。

    During the 2002 Atlantis flight, a piece of insulation broke off and damaged the left solid rocket booster but did not impede the mission or the programme.


  • 本次飞行任务中,最大挫折无疑7月26日发射过程中,飞机油箱掉落一磅重的泡沫隔热材料,而当年“哥伦比亚正是毁于同样问题

    During the mission, the biggest setback was the loss of a 1-pound chunk of foam insulation from the fuel tank during the July 26 launch, the same problem that ended up destroying Columbia.


  • 而今我们有了电脑病毒神经网络生物圈基因治疗法以及智能卡——所有这些人工构造产品,联接起了机械生物过程

    We now have computer viruses, neural networks, Biosphere 2, gene therapy, and smart CARDSall humanly constructed artifacts that bind mechanical and biological processes.


  • 微软发邮件说,升级过程并不会令Windows原先版本产品序列失效。

    The company emailed me to say: 'the upgrade process does not deactivate the product key for the previous version of Windows.


  • 作为客户希望能够1通道开始一个商业过程,在2通道继续这个过程3通道完成

    As a customer, you want to be able to start a business process in Channel #1, continue it in Channel #2, and complete it in Channel #3.


  • 存储过程接受两个输入参数,即雇员一个评分然后根据给定评分更新雇员工资奖金

    This stored procedure accepts two input parameters, the employee number and a rating, then updates the employee's salary and bonus depending on the rating given.


  • 2005年哥伦比亚遇难第一发射中,太空梭受到另一飞行威胁:在起飞过程中一秃鹫燃料箱

    In 2005, during the first launch after the Space shuttle Columbia disaster, a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace: a vulture that smacked into the external tank during takeoff.


  • 2008年,凤凰火星探测器传回照片经过挖掘土壤找到冰块寻找液态水过程一项重大发现——也是生命存在的关键因素

    In 2008, the Phoenix Mars Lander sent back photos of ice chunks it had found after scooping up handfuls of soil, a huge discovery in the search for liquid water — a key ingredient for life.


  • 贷款申请提交过程中,贷款代理人负责提供诸如贷款、贷款数额、利率期限贷款信息。

    During the loan application submission, a loan agent provides the loan information such as loan number, loan amount, interest rate, duration, etc.


  • NASA十分担心,因为连接发射平台上,在发射升空过程中,剧烈甩动的门可能会损坏奋进的表面。

    NASA was worried the door, which is attached to the gantry structure of the launch pad, might swing wildly during liftoff and damage Endeavour as it blasted off.


  • 关岛跟踪站阿波罗11回归地球过程至关重要作用

    The Guam tracking station was to play a critical role in the return of Apollo 11 to Earth.


  • RTG已为许多太空任务提供动力包括美国宇航局西尼视野探测器。在放射性物质小球衰退过程可以产生出热量,从而将其转化电能

    RTGs power many space missionsincluding NASA's Cassini and New Horizons probes — as the slow decay of small pellets of radioactive material produces heat that can be turned into electricity.


  • 卡西尼船载摄像机组可以连续70拍摄风暴形成过程,风暴在木星磁极附近融合为一体不断移动

    The imaging team was also able to amass 70-day movies of storms forming, merging and moving near Jupiter's north pole.


  • 航母空中军事行动所有海军军事行动中具挑战性最为苛刻——之所以这样说,是因为曾亲眼目睹林肯攻击航母上飞机着陆和弹射起飞的过程

    Carrier air operations are the most challenging and demanding of all naval operations — as I saw firsthand when landing and was catapulted off the attack carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.


  • “美好”拦截货船,解救船员过程中双方没有交火

    The ship was intercepted by the Ladny, and the crew were freed without a shot being fired.


  • “克莱蒙梭”1997年就退役了。 但为1)寻找一个最终安息之地的过程一波三折

    She was decommissioned in 1997, and the search for a final resting place has been tortuous.


  • 帕特里克最近奋进航天飞机在执行STS-130任务过程中被送入国际空间站的任务专家

    Patrick was amission specialist onboard the space shuttle Endeavor's recentlycompleted STS-130 mission to the ISS.


  • 英国BBC详细叙述了查尔斯·达尔文如何帮助阿森松岛上建立了一片人工林,这个岛屿是达尔文乘坐英国皇家海军“小猎犬”进行科学考察过程中的个考察对象

    The BBC recounts how Charles Darwin helped build an artificial forest on Ascension Island, one of his subjects of study from his trips on the HMS Beagle.


  • 格雷格所做的这件“小事”,然而却是阿波罗11登月过程中的重要部分,他的事迹通过新闻机构传遍全世界

    Greg's small but important part in Apollo 11 was a story told by news outlets around the world.


  • InternetBanking应用程序调用存储过程23因为客户在进行身份验证时会提供客户

    The Internet Banking application only invokes stored procedures 2 and 3, because the customer provides a customer number during authentication.


  • 坚固铆钉可能减缓下沉过程但是一旦海水浸入泰坦尼克6个舱室,沉船只是一个时间问题

    Stronger rivets might have slowed the sinking process, but once water began flooding six of the Titanic's compartments, it was only a matter of time before the ship went down.


  • AccountDetail存储过程获取给定客户的详细账户状态信息(4)。

    The AccountDetail stored procedure retrieves detailed account statement information for a given account number (see Figure 4).


  • 2003年2月由于机翼隔热损坏哥伦比亚航天飞机返回过程解体7名宇航员丧生

    The shuttle Columbia broke apart during re-entry in February 2003 due wing heat shield damage. Seven astronauts were killed.


  • 而言之,碰撞过程中,目前预定这辆火车在4月8失事

    In short, the two parties remain on a collision course, with the train wreck currently scheduled for April 8th.


  • ListCustomer存储过程提供客户、客户生日匹配客户列表(2)。

    The ListCustomer stored procedure provides a list of eligible customers by customer name, customer number, and date of birth (see Figure 2).


  • ListCustomer存储过程提供客户、客户生日匹配客户列表(2)。

    The ListCustomer stored procedure provides a list of eligible customers by customer name, customer number, and date of birth (see Figure 2).


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