• 现在南京近代博物馆

    Now, it's Nanjing's Museum of Modern History.


  • 菲尔德自然博物馆适合孩子们。 大人去也不错

    It is a nice museum, but honestly it is more for kids.


  • 西安文化意义以及丰富文物遗址,都使得陕西享有自然博物馆美称

    The cultural and historical significance of Xian, as well as the abundant relics and sites, help Shaanxi enjoy the laudatory title of 'Natural History Museum'.


  • 灿烂的文化悠久以及丰富文物遗址,使得西安享有“自然博物馆”的美称

    Owing to its brilliant culture, long history, as well as abundant relics and sites, Xi 'an enjoys the laudatory title of "Natural history Museum".


  • 开罗的美国自然博物馆研究员、瑞士科学家特·阿哥斯蒂说:“该项目的规模无与伦比。”

    "The project is unique in its scope," said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History.


  • 开罗美国自然博物馆研究员、瑞士科学家多那特·阿哥斯蒂说:“该项目的规模无与伦比。”

    The project is unique in its scope, "said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History."


  • (图片)查尔斯·达尔文笔记本复制件,里面包含进化思想。笔记本原件纽约美国生物博物馆

    A copy of Charles Darwin's notebook containing his idea of an evolutionary tree. The notebook is in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.


  • 牛津大学很多博物馆例如什莫尔博物馆、牛津大学自然博物馆、毕兹瑞佛斯博物馆和科学史博物馆

    Oxford has lots of museums, such as the Ashmolean Musium, Oxford University museum of Natual History, Pitt Rivers museum and museum of the History of Science.


  • 自然博物馆需要展览时,工作人员却往往通过认真研究工作,获得大量资料实据,从而出一件活生生的展品来。

    When a natural history museum wants an exhibit, it often must build it realistically-from a mass of material and evidence brought together by careful research.


  • 纽约美国自然史博物馆文学家马克·麦克卢承认是个麻烦的问题,但现在我们可以说曾经是个问题,因为麦克卢的同事已经解决了这个问题。

    "It's a problem," admits Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, an astronomer at New York's American Museum of Natural History. Or, rather, it was a problem - but Mac Low and his collaborators may have solved it.


  • 因斯坦表示,安布罗斯·莫奈尔冷冻收藏中心目前世界上首屈一指组织贮藏机构密松尼、哈佛以及耶鲁自然博物馆希望模仿该中心建立自己的冷藏机构。

    It is the premier tissue storage facility in the world, and the Smithsonian, Harvard and Yale natural history museums are hoping to model their own collections after it, Feinstein said.


  • 克里斯·斯特林格教授伦敦自然博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 舒尔茨国家自然史博物馆组织了一次以莫菲特照片为主题展览,这次展览以“蚂蚁不为人知一面:农夫勇士建筑师”。为主题一直延续当年的十月日。

    Schultz coordinated a new exhibition featuring Moffett's photographs at the National Museum of Natural History, "Farmers, Warriors, Builders: the Hidden Life of Ants," which runs through October 10.


  • 一个摄影展周三密森尼博物馆开幕。

    A photographic exhibition opens at the Smithsonian on Wednesday.


  • 最近一个由《BBC杂志》推出播客,在播客里英国博物馆馆长尼尔麦格雷戈世界

    I recently listened to a podcast from BBC History Magazine in which Neil MacGregor, Director of The British Museum talked about world history.


  • 这些档案口述项目成为规划中的卫生博物馆一部分。

    Both the archives and the oral history project will become facets of the Sanitation Museum, which is in the planning stages.


  • 也许于今日得到属于荣耀:克利福特·蒂尔博物馆于11月16日科罗拉多州丹佛市开馆。

    Perhaps he will get his glory now: the Clyfford Still Museum opens in Denver, Colorado, on 16 November.


  • 蒂尔博物馆选址科罗拉多是有道理即使不是故乡所在因为他的画作强有力地使回想美国西部广阔景象。

    It makes sense for a Still museum to be located in Colorado, even though it was not his native state, because his paintings powerfully recall the vast landscapes of the American west.


  • 游戏角色日志记录可以引导玩家参观密森附属的博物馆通过展品收集线索每个科学领域有更多了解

    Journal entries from in-game characters will lead players to visit Smithsonian-affiliated museums for exhibits to gather clues and learn more about each scientific field.


  • 密森国家航空航天博物馆创始人保罗·加伯站在那里,手里拿着打上明显1940年代日本零式战斗机标志的风筝

    Paul Garber, founder of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, stands with a kite marked with the distinctive shape of a Japanese Zero fighter in the early 1940s.


  • 这场密森美国艺术博物馆举行的展览展示了那个时期的绘画

    The exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum shows paintings made during this period.


  • 密森博物馆美国国会图书馆拥有很多意义非凡的民族纪念碑

    It has great national monuments, from the Smithsonian museums to the Library of Congress.


  • 1960年代1970年代,有关航空航天研讨会国家航空博物馆举行——正如当时人们所说——研讨会放在桌子这个餐盒为开幕仪式

    In the late 1960s and early 1970s, seminars on aerospace history held at the National Air museum-as it was then called-opened with the ceremonial placement of this lunchbox on the table.


  • 所到过、每一座城市一座或者好几座博物馆记录着当地就连亚瑟最黑暗的流放也被悉心保存了下来。

    In every state and city I visit, there is always a museum-or many of them-recording local history. Even at Port Arthur great care is taken in preserving one of the darkest periods of the exiles.


  • 据推测大多数由于博物馆保护美国生活文化成就方面卓越地位而同意宇宙飞船安置密森学会的博物馆

    Presumably, most would agree to locate one at the Smithsonian, because of the museum's pre-eminence in preserving artifacts of American life, culture and achievement.


  • 据推测大多数由于博物馆保护美国生活文化成就方面卓越地位而同意宇宙飞船安置密森学会的博物馆

    Presumably, most would agree to locate one at the Smithsonian, because of the museum's pre-eminence in preserving artifacts of American life, culture and achievement.


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