• 那个时候病人可能已经死亡

    By that time, the patient may already be dead.


  • 安达曼和尼科群岛失踪人数达5540其中大部分可能已经死亡

    On the Andaman & Nicobar Islands there are 5, 583 people missing of whom most might have died.


  • 建议说,可能已经死亡麦克阿瑟他深入到撷取共进午餐

    She suggests that he might have killed Macarthur when he went down to fetch him for lunch.


  • 话说,体温降低病人看上去可能已经死亡但是仍然的。

    In other words, a person who is suffering from the effects of severe cold may seem dead, but still be alive.


  • 一位巴西足球明星绑架殴打女友判处4.5徒刑。被殴打的这位前女友可能已经死亡

    Brazilian football star has been jailed for 4.5 years of abducting and assaulting a former lover who is now presumed dead.


  • 罹难者总数仍然是个未知数,不过专家根据城市被摧毁的严重程度推测,数以万计可能已经死亡

    The human toll of is still unknown-but with much of the city reduced to rubble, experts say tens of thousands of people may be dead.


  • 英国人质伊拉克劫持年之久。其中两人家人听说他们可能已经死亡之后非常担忧。

    Families of two of the three remaining British hostages held in Iraq for two years are deeply troubled to hear the men are likely dead.


  • 纽约时报报道称,大部分的大堡礁已经死亡2030年可能消失

    The New York Times reported that large parts are already dead, and the reef system might be gone by 2030.


  • 我们考虑多少灾难遇难的时候,我们可能强烈感受到我们自己某些部分方式上已经死亡

    As we contemplate the great number of people who have died in this tragedy, we may feel very strongly that we ourselves, in some part or manner, also have died.


  • 确认致命病例之外,正在调查可能H5N1感染名患者已经死亡

    In addition to the confirmed fatal case, two patients under investigation for possible H5N1 infection have died.


  • 两只幼儿没有被找到专家他们可能已经因为紧张脱水死亡

    The two babies were not found, and experts say they will probably have died of stress and dehydration.


  • 至少53已经证实死亡然而最终数字可能远远过此数。

    At least 53 people have been confirmed dead though the final Numbers are likely to be far higher.


  • 如果对象存活时间足够长,在变得无法访问之前移动保留区空间中,那么可能经过很时间以后会运行保留区收集,“发现这个对象已经死亡

    If one of these objects survives long enough to be moved into tenure space before becoming unreachable, it could be a long time before a tenure collection runs and "realizes" that the object is dead.


  • 石油公司依然否认废料可能已经造成严重病症甚至致人死亡

    The oil traders continue to deny that the waste could have caused serious or fatal injuries.


  • 超过500已经这次爆发中致病,致病情况可能增加,而且少有死亡之相关

    More than 500 people have gotten sick in the outbreak, which is continuing, and has been linked to at least eight deaths.


  • 死去一代行星如今可能已经变成死亡大气中的一丝污染物

    A lost generation of planets may now be no more than a whiff of pollution in the atmospheres of their dead parent stars.


  • 日本新闻社死亡人数很有可能已经超过1000。

    Japanese news agencies are saying the death toll has exceeded 1, 000.


  • 开始Gupta已经解释一个人的死亡并不是在一个确定的时刻发生,而死亡是一个过程,一个可能需要2分钟3分钟,5分钟或10分钟完成的过程。

    That’s not how it works. It takes two, three, five, 10 minutes to go through a dying process.


  • 从传统上来说,配制适当疫苗可能需要个月时间(届时许多已经死亡),因此所有工作需要极大努力。

    Traditionally it might take six to nine months to formulate the right vaccine - by which time a lot of people might have died - so that all takes a lot of effort.


  • 欧盟承诺向恐慌打击蔬菜农场提供援助德国星期二加强努力查找细菌源头但是警告可能不会找到源头,这次细菌爆发已经25个人死亡

    Germany stepped up efforts Tuesday to trace the source of a bacteria outbreak that has killed 25 amid warnings it might never be found, while the EU pledged aid for vegetable farmers hit by the scare.


  • 没过多久父亲一次采访中提到患有肺气肿医生已经警告如果继续吸食可卡因死亡可能

    Shortly afterwards, her father said in an interview that she was suffering from emphysema and had been warned by doctors that she would die if she continued smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes.


  • 很多在强热带风暴袭击之后可能因为救援物资无法分配他们手里而已经死亡

    A lot of them probably have lost their lives since the cyclone because aid has not been able to be distributed.


  • 冰层开始融化时——就近年已经发生的情况一样,主要归咎于气候变暖——北极熊可能会忍饥挨饿逐渐死亡

    But when the ice begins to melt - as it has in recent years, thanks largely to warming - the bears can starve and die.


  • 研究模型已经显示艾滋病毒可能孕产妇死亡具有显著影响

    Already research models are showing that HIV may have a significant impact on maternal mortality.


  • 日本和国际救援队已经展开大量救援工作一些沿海受灾城镇的报告,最终死亡人数可能还要得多。

    As Japanese and international teams mounted a massive search and relief effort, reports from some battered coastal towns suggested the final toll could be far higher.


  • 通常线程ID得到重用,因此可能出现这样的情况个线程已经死亡却没有释放相应的位,垃圾收集器释放该槽位之前,再次使用了这个线程ID并为其分配一个新的槽位。

    Thread IDs are reused often, so there could be a case where a thread died without releasing the slot, and comes up and allocates a new slot before garbage collector could free it.


  • 只需看一看《第六感》或者经典亡者对话影片《日落大道》,便知围绕已经死亡角色塑造生动故事并非可能

    Building lively stories around dead characters is not impossible -witness the Sixth Sense or the dead-man-talking classic Sunset Boulevard.


  • 雷帕霉素会抑制免疫系统活动,可能因此造成感染死亡风险在这方面已经有过严重的前车之鉴。

    Rapamycin suppresses the immune system and carries strong warnings about the resulting risk of infections and death.


  • 雷帕霉素会抑制免疫系统活动,可能因此造成感染死亡风险在这方面已经有过严重的前车之鉴。

    Rapamycin suppresses the immune system and carries strong warnings about the resulting risk of infections and death.


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